Okay, do the listed resistances on rings and trinkets really work?
I am a human Fighter/Adept and my resistances with no additional boosts read as 15%/15%. I equipped a `Ring of Flame` (Pro Fire: 25%) and they read 40%/15% which as I take means the ring provides no additional protection from fire. The reason I say this is that if your Strike is 40/40 and you equip a `Warriors Cuff ` (Strike Bonus +1, Parry Bonus +1) your Strike now reads as 40/41 showing the increase in your strike.
The `Ring of Flame` and `Warriors Cuff` do not list as having Charges so they should give you their bonuses at all times. I am wondering if my fire protection is reading correctly as 15% is my base and if you add 25% I would think my resistance to fire resistance would read 15%/40% indicating the increase in protection for my character. I have read on several forums that the fire protection from a shield the gives a +25% only protects the shield not your character and only if you are parrying.
I mentioned above the `Ring of Flame` giving me a resistance of 40%/15% while a shield damaged rated at 100 with 10 points of damage will now read 90/100 so shouldn't the `Ring of Flame` addition show my resistances as 15%(base)/40%(base + increase from ring)???..... Look at how your strike bonus reads with the `Warriors Cuff` equipped reads.. it will show you your base on the left and current on the right which is the same way if you wear equipment that gives you a penalty reads (base/base - penalty).
I have dragons to fight and will need all the fire protection I can get, not forgetting fire throwing Goblin Mages while I am fighting goblins and ten 10 wolves at the same time.
The real question is do resistances really work especially considering how they are displayed or is this just another bug???
There is one more thing I would like to know and that is does the `Ring of Protection` (relic) really exist in the game as it shows on Gamebanshee's excellent item site....
http://www.gamebanshee.com/cgi-bin/sear ... type=Belts
Resistances... do they really work?
Resistances... do they really work?
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
My guess is that when you see 40%/15%, 40% is your current resistance and 15% is your natural (base) resistance. I never tested it out, but from "feel" at least, I'd say resistances are working. I know that resistance spells work.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Climbing Mountains is cheating??
[QUOTE=Hounder]Yes, the Ring does exist, and it works. But, you won't get it til near the end of the game, unless you cheat and climb the mountains to get into the area.[/QUOTE]
Since when is climbing mountains cheating, ask anybody who has climbed
Mount Everest if they cheated. I have been climbing ever since I was a
little kid and that was very long ago in another age and time
I have climbed anything I could in many games because I like climbing and
I am curious. Exactly what did those programmers put on the other side
especially considering that this game will never be a finished game. It is
imho that this game is still and will always be in an earlier development
I played the Demo which was better and was all over the map that I could
go without it crashing. I was on the other side of Fargrove only to find
out that they never realized there should be something on the other side.
ps: don't mind me for rolling around the floor laughing at myself.
I was a level 20+ before I quit the demo and I quit because I couldn't get
back on the right side of Fargrove. They didn't have a compass in the
demo which would of helped especially running around at night. I have
enjoyed more games going where we lowly SP players were not meant
to go and so I extended my enjoyment of the game.
Try it some time you might find some interesting and very strange stuff
on the other side.
[QUOTE=Hounder]Yes, the Ring does exist, and it works. But, you won't get it til near the end of the game, unless you cheat and climb the mountains to get into the area.[/QUOTE]
Since when is climbing mountains cheating, ask anybody who has climbed
Mount Everest if they cheated. I have been climbing ever since I was a
little kid and that was very long ago in another age and time
I have climbed anything I could in many games because I like climbing and
I am curious. Exactly what did those programmers put on the other side
especially considering that this game will never be a finished game. It is
imho that this game is still and will always be in an earlier development
I played the Demo which was better and was all over the map that I could
go without it crashing. I was on the other side of Fargrove only to find
out that they never realized there should be something on the other side.
ps: don't mind me for rolling around the floor laughing at myself.
I was a level 20+ before I quit the demo and I quit because I couldn't get
back on the right side of Fargrove. They didn't have a compass in the
demo which would of helped especially running around at night. I have
enjoyed more games going where we lowly SP players were not meant
to go and so I extended my enjoyment of the game.
Try it some time you might find some interesting and very strange stuff
on the other side.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
What were their real intentions?
[QUOTE=Hounder]I call it cheating cause technically you aren't supposed to be in those areas at that point in the game. WHile the exploration is entertaining, we all know that doing things like that is not intended by the creators of the game. Just my opinion though.[/QUOTE]
Hounder, thanks for your reply!
Quickly, I ask your indulgence in reading this as this caught me at the
right/wrong(?) time.
I have to ask you this question though considering I paid $39.95 for the
game. I would like to know whether you think the game maker knowingly
released Dungeon Lords even though the game was not finished? I would
also like to know if you think they will ever fix most of the bugs? They
are most likely working on their next game or two and we who paid for
the game simply don't really count. They don't really have time for us
so they release the lame patches that they have and there is the
possiblilty(?) they might release another lame patch. This game rates as
the worst released game I have played in years.
I have mentioned in a different post that I felt that this could have been
one of biggest hits of the year but they threw that away when they chose
to release this game far from being finished. The company has no integrity
but it has our dollars. I do thank the probably one person who has the
job of patching the game for what they have done. They could have put
more people working on the first patch and have corrected most of the
major bugs with that first patch.
I have worked with computers since 1968 which includes everything
from keypunching data cards, programming,supervising and systems
troubleshooting. There is no way that we would have ever released
a program in that unfinished state under any circumstances.
This is the problem ' all the way from Microsoft down to the smallest
game creator '. They take no pride in the name or product but are simply
interested in the bottom line and that means 'money' and Wall Street.
I know how it works and that is why I often wonder why we consumers
simply don't stop buying bad products. There are some individuals out
there that program utilities who take more pride in their work and that
includes freeware. Bill Gates doesn't give a damn about the lack of quality
at Microsoft as he knows what the bottom line is (Please fill in the blank
with your thought as to what his bottom line is... ________________ ).
This is the one of if not the largest Computer Software & Hardware
companies in the world and what does he do with his billions of dollars.
He sends jobs offshore and overseas instead of training people here in
the United States. He could build the schools and training facilities here
and train people from all over the world. I do mean train them and not read
what it says on Microsofts website and it would be a huge boost for
economies in North America and for the image of Microsoft. I wonder if we
should all leave and back Linux and make sure they do it right.
I apologize for taking off on your comment and I realize that
it is your right to feel as you do. I have had a number of bad experiences
lately with companies products and lack of knowledgeable support for
those products and needed to get it out of my system until the next one.
May you never get a virus on your computer and may you always get
good tech support when you need it and I mean this to every member of
this forum. Now, where can I throw away some more money....hmm
64 bit Windows....
[QUOTE=Hounder]I call it cheating cause technically you aren't supposed to be in those areas at that point in the game. WHile the exploration is entertaining, we all know that doing things like that is not intended by the creators of the game. Just my opinion though.[/QUOTE]
Hounder, thanks for your reply!
Quickly, I ask your indulgence in reading this as this caught me at the
right/wrong(?) time.
I have to ask you this question though considering I paid $39.95 for the
game. I would like to know whether you think the game maker knowingly
released Dungeon Lords even though the game was not finished? I would
also like to know if you think they will ever fix most of the bugs? They
are most likely working on their next game or two and we who paid for
the game simply don't really count. They don't really have time for us
so they release the lame patches that they have and there is the
possiblilty(?) they might release another lame patch. This game rates as
the worst released game I have played in years.
I have mentioned in a different post that I felt that this could have been
one of biggest hits of the year but they threw that away when they chose
to release this game far from being finished. The company has no integrity
but it has our dollars. I do thank the probably one person who has the
job of patching the game for what they have done. They could have put
more people working on the first patch and have corrected most of the
major bugs with that first patch.
I have worked with computers since 1968 which includes everything
from keypunching data cards, programming,supervising and systems
troubleshooting. There is no way that we would have ever released
a program in that unfinished state under any circumstances.
This is the problem ' all the way from Microsoft down to the smallest
game creator '. They take no pride in the name or product but are simply
interested in the bottom line and that means 'money' and Wall Street.
I know how it works and that is why I often wonder why we consumers
simply don't stop buying bad products. There are some individuals out
there that program utilities who take more pride in their work and that
includes freeware. Bill Gates doesn't give a damn about the lack of quality
at Microsoft as he knows what the bottom line is (Please fill in the blank
with your thought as to what his bottom line is... ________________ ).
This is the one of if not the largest Computer Software & Hardware
companies in the world and what does he do with his billions of dollars.
He sends jobs offshore and overseas instead of training people here in
the United States. He could build the schools and training facilities here
and train people from all over the world. I do mean train them and not read
what it says on Microsofts website and it would be a huge boost for
economies in North America and for the image of Microsoft. I wonder if we
should all leave and back Linux and make sure they do it right.
it is your right to feel as you do. I have had a number of bad experiences
lately with companies products and lack of knowledgeable support for
those products and needed to get it out of my system until the next one.
May you never get a virus on your computer and may you always get
good tech support when you need it and I mean this to every member of
this forum. Now, where can I throw away some more money....hmm
64 bit Windows....
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
I understand, what you mean, as many products released seem to have ways of exploiting sections/parts in ways that were not originally intended. I suspect that in this case, for example, they may not have really been able to test all the possible ways for players to get through the mount areas, and assumed that they had made all the areas steep enough to rpevent such a thing.
It seems to me that "programmers" do have a bit of a lazy streak in them. For example, alot of games have the so-called console-cheats. If the programmers really didn't want that to be used, then they would remove that - or at least the commands they didn't want usable- from the game entirely before releasing it. ANd that isn't even looking at the released products actual quality. I believe that If they really want a quality product, they could do it, unfortuneately it appears that the bottom line is more important than anything else when it comes to many game creators.
If anything, Blizzard seems to be one of the better companies. With the Diablo series, they did an excellent job of combining simple play and lots of basic options. But, evne they failed in certain aspects. For example, look around and you will realize that there are far too many cookie cutter characters. This is because certain skills are far more effective than others, thus making them the choice when it comes to to obtain them. The other skills are effectively ignored. While the final 1.10 release tried to address this issue, it still failed as they ended up with yet more cookie cutters, and even enforced a few of the pre-existing ones. Of course, everyone also knows about the "item" runs which pretty much becomes your life once you have completed the game, so that in its own way limits the life of the game.
DUngeon Lords actually has a failr balanced system itself, but it too suffers from many problems. For example, the magic skills are the only ones really worth leveling high, as the weapon/armor skills are completely useless once you have obtained whatever is needed to cancel penalties. This could be solved by giving bonuses for ahving a higher level than is reqired for that particular weapon or armor. Lockpicking is also a major weakness because all you need is a crystal of time and you can open any chest you want with no problem and minimal skill. Of course, the fact that not all of the skills are even available for the characters doesn't help either. Racewise, I think we all know the deal there, as certain races are for the most part unusable without alot of sitting around and leveling stats in order to actually get them to levels that have use.
I think that if a group of people really wanted to, they could create the ultimate game. This game could have certain aspects which not only would make it unique, but but would give it a playability like none-other. Imagine a game where language is a factor in conversations between character or with NPC's, or a game where one could actually see changes in major feature ( like a small town that grows into a city, or perhaps disappears), where economics really exist, and so on. This would be an awesome situation, but I don't think that this will comeabout without some real innovators.
It seems to me that "programmers" do have a bit of a lazy streak in them. For example, alot of games have the so-called console-cheats. If the programmers really didn't want that to be used, then they would remove that - or at least the commands they didn't want usable- from the game entirely before releasing it. ANd that isn't even looking at the released products actual quality. I believe that If they really want a quality product, they could do it, unfortuneately it appears that the bottom line is more important than anything else when it comes to many game creators.
If anything, Blizzard seems to be one of the better companies. With the Diablo series, they did an excellent job of combining simple play and lots of basic options. But, evne they failed in certain aspects. For example, look around and you will realize that there are far too many cookie cutter characters. This is because certain skills are far more effective than others, thus making them the choice when it comes to to obtain them. The other skills are effectively ignored. While the final 1.10 release tried to address this issue, it still failed as they ended up with yet more cookie cutters, and even enforced a few of the pre-existing ones. Of course, everyone also knows about the "item" runs which pretty much becomes your life once you have completed the game, so that in its own way limits the life of the game.
DUngeon Lords actually has a failr balanced system itself, but it too suffers from many problems. For example, the magic skills are the only ones really worth leveling high, as the weapon/armor skills are completely useless once you have obtained whatever is needed to cancel penalties. This could be solved by giving bonuses for ahving a higher level than is reqired for that particular weapon or armor. Lockpicking is also a major weakness because all you need is a crystal of time and you can open any chest you want with no problem and minimal skill. Of course, the fact that not all of the skills are even available for the characters doesn't help either. Racewise, I think we all know the deal there, as certain races are for the most part unusable without alot of sitting around and leveling stats in order to actually get them to levels that have use.
I think that if a group of people really wanted to, they could create the ultimate game. This game could have certain aspects which not only would make it unique, but but would give it a playability like none-other. Imagine a game where language is a factor in conversations between character or with NPC's, or a game where one could actually see changes in major feature ( like a small town that grows into a city, or perhaps disappears), where economics really exist, and so on. This would be an awesome situation, but I don't think that this will comeabout without some real innovators.