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wizard and sorc vs 2 sorc?

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wizard and sorc vs 2 sorc?

Post by myrophine »

I'm making a party and am considering taking 2 sorcerors rather than a wizard and a sorceror...


* the sorceror was more valuable at every stage of the game sleep, orb, fireball, etc

* yes the wizard can cast any spell but between them 2 sorcerors can cast a lot of stuff too

* by the end my wizard was just casting mass haste and hope constantly while chiming in ocassionally with something else.


* Will I have high enough alchemy to do the quests (to get xp/advance the game)?

* Am I overlooking something? What wizard only items will I lose for example?

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Post by silverdragon72 »


I think a pal 2 - sorc X is one of the most powerfull builds at almost every point of the game!

...and there is nothing wrong to take 2 of them...

...besides that they are quite redundant...

...and you get a later access to spells especially early in the game...

...but they have enough firepower to handle this...

personally I prefer one sorc and two additonal wiz (spellswords) to have an as versatile as possible party - but this is just a matter of taste!

...for spellsword builds a wiz is definetly better - but if you want a 2nd artillery take the sorc (not that you would need a 2nd)

you get one good item (dagger of xwim AFAIR) for a wiz - but that's not that important - same for the alchemy quest - as it will be quite hard for any other PC to get 10 (?) SP there!

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Post by myrophine »

AFAIK a sorceror with int 14 (human) could do alchemy, arcana, conc., and spellcraft...

(these aren't cross class skills)

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Post by silverdragon72 »


...if you really give him 14 INT - yes! :D

...but I wouldn't give this build more than 3 INT! ;)

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Post by myrophine »

...if you really give him 14 INT - yes!

...but I wouldn't give this build more than 3 INT!

Yes I can imagine the scintillating conversations on the theory of magic my 2 sorcerors int 3 will have :)


But seriously I don't see what they are going to do with dex, str, and wisdom?
That leaves a lot of room. I only play in normal mode so the sorceror hardly faces any physical danger - just cast MI (and run) ;)

and I've been playing the default parties so I feel godly when I have higher than a 16 in my casting stat ;)

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Post by JJComo »

Sorceror fetish?

Is it just the two sorcerors in the party?
Thieving abilitites are a must, especially later on in the game in my opinion. I've never played a sorceror/thief, sounds fun!
Don't forget the mass amount of goblins and orcs. You'll need spells to slow down their charge. Of course their is always improved invisbility. Use combinations of area effects to effect all three types of saving throws.

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But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
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Post by myrophine »


Oh no I've got:

dwarven Pal2/Monk1/FighterX - 2 Handed Swords

half-orc MonkX - Axe

human Ranger1/Monk1/Demarch of MaskX - Bastard Swords + Short Swords

drow RogueX - Halberd

and maybe 1 or 2 sorcerors....(but I don't know). I still haven't decided.

Other Options: full time archer, backline cleric, bard, druid

The catch is that I still need a diplomat (sorceror, bard, or rogue) and an alchemist (wizard, sorceror, bard). The rogue has the intelligence to spare skills to be a diplomat but is the smelly kid (charisma 5).

I got it! I got it! (silverdragons gonna shoot me for having an intelligent sorceror). I can make a sorceror of intelligence 20 (drow) and have them do conc, alchemy, arcana, spellcraft, bluff, diplomacy...

Then I can add a full time archer FighterXBardY ?

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Post by Ravager »

Clerics can make good diplomats too. I think Diplomacy is one of their class skills.
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Post by myrophine »

A dreadmaster would be good at that I think. I've never played with 2 clerics before, however. I found 1 to be plenty...

still its not a bad idea. I could give him the potion and make him an aasimar. Take GSF - enchantments ;) ,,,,wicked!

Maybe 2 rogue levels 2 fill up the diplomacy stuff?

well, i tinkered with building such a guy but it is hard when you need str, dex, con, int, wis, and char


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