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changing my stats

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changing my stats

Post by Maruchan »

i started a new game and i piked medium armor as a major skill an i didn mean too an i was wondering what i need to type under the console to fix it... thanxs
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by fable »

Try this:

player-> set [skill] [number]
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Alternatively, you could just try to play the game a bit more... you will achieve stats in heavy armor in no time. Do like this:

Get a set of heavy armor
A few potions of healing
Some hammers to fix the armor
Go to somewhere you have 2 small animals atacking you (rats, slaughterfish)
Be atacked till your skill goes up, up, up, straight at the moon! And fix your armor set eventually or get back to town to do that with a smith. ;)
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Hehe, I used to always do that, even up to 100 skillpoints, but that required a ce restore health item so I could safely do something else to kill the time. :D
When I first tried this trick I had ce fireshield on, not a good idea: the creatures hitting me got damaged by the shield, I came back from lunching 10 min later only to see a bunch of dead creatures and hardly any improvement in my heavy armor skill. :rolleyes:
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?
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