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Theme NPC Parties

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Theme NPC Parties

Post by foot »

Here are some of my ideas for NPC parties with a twist. The first one I recently took all the way to the ravager where they're now kinda stuck hehe. I made a post in the PBG forums if you want to read a bit about them.

Party for the Eradication of Magical Items: does not use ANY wearable magical items (ie. you may only equip normal armor, a normal helmet to protect against criticals, and normal weapons, though you can use weapons created by spells) . Potions and other consumables are fine, except for green scrolls. Any NPCs will do. I took a diviner, korgan, viconia, and yoshimo who was later replaced by imoen. Many spells which were nearly useless are now important, ie.: spiritual hammer, enchanted weapon, friends, strength, etc.

Magekiller Party: Wizard Slayer PC, Valygar, Keldorn, Minsc. Keldorn is the backbone with his uber dispel.

Treehugger Party: Druid or Ranger PC, Jaheira, Cernd, Valygar.

All Mage Party: Mage/Sorcerer PC, and any mage NPCs (including jan and aerie).
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Post by Berethor »

those are some good parties, I have another one

Dragon Killer Party-some kind of fighter/mage(PC), Aerie, minsc, jaheira, keldorn, another mage any NPC

(Note:Keldorn Has Dispel Magic as a special ability, but when you loot the Carsomyr + 5 from Firkraag, he dispels Magic on impact!)
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

The swordman party...
Main char as a kensai or other skilled in blades.
Haer`Dalis with his special blades.
Mazzy also has a special sword.
Minsc with his enourmous two-handed sword.
Valigar has got his family sword aswell.
Keldorn with Crasomir.
This would be the ultimate slashing team.
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Post by Berethor »

That would be amazingly strong, but unless one character was part thief, the game would be messed up, also if you needed a mage, but if you're the swordsman type, its perfect.

Assassin Party:
Main Character-Some Kind of thief(preferably assassin) or a stalker
Yoshimo(Imoen once at spellhold)
And perhaps a Mage that you can dual class into a theif, if there is one
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc

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Post by Faust »

I always thought an all priest party could be interesting to try, such as using: PC (cleric or druid), Viconia, Anomen, Jaheira, Cernd, and Aerie. I imagine it would become impracticle in places, but it seems like a doable way to play the game that would require some creative strategies.
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Post by Curdis »

[QUOTE=Berethor]those are some good parties, I have another one

Dragon Killer Party-some kind of fighter/mage(PC), Aerie, minsc, jaheira, keldorn, another mage any NPC

(Note:Keldorn Has Dispel Magic as a special ability, but when you loot the Carsomyr + 5 from Firkraag, he dispels Magic on impact!)[/QUOTE]I may just be a sub-par player but my experience is that Aerie is a Dragon Killed party member unless kept at a significant distance from the fray. I'm not saying her magic missiles haven't made a significant contribution to dragon deaths but I have gotten reload strain injury, due to her poor hitpoint total, on more than one occassion. - Curdis !
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Post by Thrifalas »

Leveldraining Party...
Main PC (thief/fighter/kinda) using Blackrazor
Sarevok with enchanted Gram
1-4 mages having the lvl9 spell Energy Drain


Otherwise, that priest party sure sounds interesting. To make things easier, I'd recommend a gnome thief/cleric or a human dualled the same way. Traps is always nice to be able to remove, and locks unlock.
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Post by Coot »

[QUOTE=Curdis]I may just be a sub-par player but my experience is that Aerie is a Dragon Killed party member unless kept at a significant distance from the fray. I'm not saying her magic missiles haven't made a significant contribution to dragon deaths but I have gotten reload strain injury, due to her poor hitpoint total, on more than one occassion. - Curdis ![/QUOTE]I use Aerie the same way I use all npc's that aren't melee material: keep them away from melee. :rolleyes: :) Aerie has the potential to become one of the most powerful npc's in the game. To use her just for "her magic missiles" would be, at least IMHO, a waste.
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Post by Berethor »

gotta use her other spells and priest spells, or you might as well buy scrolls and dump aerie, because physically, shes weak, but when shes usin all her magic, shes a tough woman(and she gets a little jiggy jiggy later on ;) )
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc

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