When I killed the suckers that burried a boy alive in Graveyard, I saved a girl (or a woman) on the 2 floor of their shelter. Also there was a note about a ranson to be paid. I went to Slums waited for night to come and went to Copper Coronet (as was said in the note). But all my dreams about a ransom flew away. I didn't get neither ranson nor XP. I didn't find anybody.
So what are notes for? Just for telling false info, maybe? Or maybe I have to wait a little more?
Strange notes
Strange notes
Leo, the Fiersome Undead Hunter
You have a choice in the Buried Alive quest. If you let the woman go, you won't get a ransom. You say you "saved" her, and I think that means no ransom. You still get the note though. If you're interested, the ransom is a pair of silver pantaloons. I wonder what they could be for? 
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