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Unarmoed while armored

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Unarmoed while armored

Post by Bloodred »

I have noticed while fully armored to the gills, that regardless of the fact I have all of my armor slots filled, my Unarmored skill will go up as I fight. I have yet to be able to tell if it actually effects my armor class or annything, and I cant tell if it does annything.
Has annyone else noticed this?? Noticed it does annything?? Or have any ideals, or feedback on the subject??
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Post by watsaguy2do »

hmm... it doesnt do that 2 my char...
his unarmourd is still right where i left it after my "monk phase"
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Post by Minerva »

Well, at least it will contribute your agility (or is it speed?) attribution multiplier when level up. ;)

Mind you, Unarmoured applies anywhere you aren't covered up by armour, like hands and maybe even face. If you are wearing shoes instead of boots, it is unarmoured.
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Post by DARK SAGE »

I Have heard from quite a few quite relable sources that the higher your unarmored skill the lower your armour skills. This scares me because my unarmoured rating also goes up even when I am wearing a full suit of armour. But I am yet to confirm this from a pro.
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Post by Ravager »

That shouldn't be the case...unless your armour skills aren't increasing at the same time.

I'm not saying you're wrong, it just doesn't make much sense to me.
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Post by Rookierookie »

[QUOTE=DARK SAGE]I Have heard from quite a few quite relable sources that the higher your unarmored skill the lower your armour skills. This scares me because my unarmoured rating also goes up even when I am wearing a full suit of armour. But I am yet to confirm this from a pro.[/QUOTE]
No. No skill or attributes ever affect each other.

As for the original question, my guess would be that you missed the pauldrons.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

I've had the same "problem".
I was fully (really all parts) armored with ebony closed helm, and shield enchants on my clothing (also all pieces other than gloves/shoes which would replace armor), yet I frequently gained unarmored skill.
I assumed this was normal and that the designers of this game figured that this would be a way to resemble holes in armor from previous fights and such.
I didn't have any problems with it as I became all the more resistant to damage.
Also I've never noticed a decrease in armor skills or armor effectiveness from increased unarmored skill.
This confusion may be caused by the game's explanation of unarmored skill: "Unarmored skill lets one avoid or reduce injury during combat while not wearing any armor by evading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. Those versed in this skill are better defended wearing no armor at all than they are when wearing armor."
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