Ok! Let's Have Fun With Our Screenshots
Ok! Let's Have Fun With Our Screenshots
This is the lead in to my new thread and the idea is to have fun with our Screenshots. Look at
your screenshots and if you have a good one get creative. Write a story from some point of view
that tells what is happening and how it happened. The idea is to use your imagination and come
up with a story even if it is a little outrageous that fits the screenshot. Post your story with
attached screenshot to this thread. You can find free screenshot programs that will allow you to
capture multiple action shots that you will be able to use. I used a program called Galt Screen
Capture that I had purchased several years ago. I can capture 10 screenshots one right after
the other without exiting the game. This program also allows you to cqpture just regions of your
current screen but it costs $29.00 and it is worth it.
I will provide a list of programs that and their websites that will capture your current screen. I
would check them out as some only work with certain versions of Windows and some might not
allow you to capture more than one screenshot at a time. I got the list from:
[url="http://www.pcworld.com"]http://www.pcworld.com[/url] some are free and I think the cheapest is $19.95 and all can be
downloaded as 30 day trial versions from the site.
Let's see what kind of fun we can have with shots from the game along with a story along with
them. Those interested watch the post "Screenshot' programs for additions to the list and
members comments as I or any member find another one.
The posts should be:
1) Screenshot Programs
2) Screenshot Fun
3) BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!
edit: the screenshot program I use "Galt Screen Capture" can capture over 200
screenshots as I discovered by accident by holding my capture key too long!
This is the lead in to my new thread and the idea is to have fun with our Screenshots. Look at
your screenshots and if you have a good one get creative. Write a story from some point of view
that tells what is happening and how it happened. The idea is to use your imagination and come
up with a story even if it is a little outrageous that fits the screenshot. Post your story with
attached screenshot to this thread. You can find free screenshot programs that will allow you to
capture multiple action shots that you will be able to use. I used a program called Galt Screen
Capture that I had purchased several years ago. I can capture 10 screenshots one right after
the other without exiting the game. This program also allows you to cqpture just regions of your
current screen but it costs $29.00 and it is worth it.
I will provide a list of programs that and their websites that will capture your current screen. I
would check them out as some only work with certain versions of Windows and some might not
allow you to capture more than one screenshot at a time. I got the list from:
[url="http://www.pcworld.com"]http://www.pcworld.com[/url] some are free and I think the cheapest is $19.95 and all can be
downloaded as 30 day trial versions from the site.
Let's see what kind of fun we can have with shots from the game along with a story along with
them. Those interested watch the post "Screenshot' programs for additions to the list and
members comments as I or any member find another one.
The posts should be:
1) Screenshot Programs
2) Screenshot Fun
3) BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!
edit: the screenshot program I use "Galt Screen Capture" can capture over 200
screenshots as I discovered by accident by holding my capture key too long!
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Screenshot Programs
Screenshot Programs
Here is a list of Screenshot programs and we can add to it as we find
more. If any member knows of one let me know the name, link and for
what version of Windows it will work.
I know that some games we play allow the multiple use of the 'Print Screen'
key as they number them something like 'Screenshot 01.jpg and just raise
the the number of the screenshot but some just copy them to the clipboard
which works. The problem with the clipboard is that you can only save one
screenshot at a time to it as it will overwrite any previous screenshot. You
then have to exit the game and open your photo program and paste in the
screenshot from the clipboard. Remember to save the screenshot with a
name that has meaning.
The list of screenshot programs:
1) http://www.galttech.com/screenshots/screencapture.html
Galt Screen Capture 32 bit $29
for Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP (95 ?)
2) http://www.gadwin.com/download/
Gadwin PrintScreen v3.0 freeware
for Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP
3) http://www.longfine.com/
Easy Screen Capture 1.2.3 $19.95
for Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP
That is a start at least. Members if you know of one please email
or PM me with the information like it is provided above and if it is
available in any language besides English.
Screenshot Programs
Here is a list of Screenshot programs and we can add to it as we find
more. If any member knows of one let me know the name, link and for
what version of Windows it will work.
I know that some games we play allow the multiple use of the 'Print Screen'
key as they number them something like 'Screenshot 01.jpg and just raise
the the number of the screenshot but some just copy them to the clipboard
which works. The problem with the clipboard is that you can only save one
screenshot at a time to it as it will overwrite any previous screenshot. You
then have to exit the game and open your photo program and paste in the
screenshot from the clipboard. Remember to save the screenshot with a
name that has meaning.
The list of screenshot programs:
1) http://www.galttech.com/screenshots/screencapture.html
Galt Screen Capture 32 bit $29
for Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP (95 ?)
2) http://www.gadwin.com/download/
Gadwin PrintScreen v3.0 freeware
for Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP
3) http://www.longfine.com/
Easy Screen Capture 1.2.3 $19.95
for Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP
That is a start at least. Members if you know of one please email
or PM me with the information like it is provided above and if it is
available in any language besides English.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Screenshot Fun
I goofed up as I got the post I had posted here in the wrong order.
The posts should be in this order:
3) finally the post "BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!"
Sorry for the screw up!
I goofed up as I got the post I had posted here in the wrong order.
The posts should be in this order:
3) finally the post "BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!"
Sorry for the screw up!
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!
Late yesterday a DL reporter was killed while covering a local Hero on
an Island in the Northwest territories. The reporter said to have been
called “Bradley” while accompaning local hero “Kel” was searching for
a rare beast reported to be guarding this Island. He rather foolishly rushed
into a Shrine where the hero was fighting off three of the beasts.
The Magic Reporter’s Guild said that Bradley who had done rash things
before managed to get one picture from the ‘relative safety’ outside the
“Shrine of Celestial Power” of the hero bravely defending himself. The
picture posted with this report will also be posted at all of the branches
and schools of the Guild as a lesson about rash actions.
The local hero said that when he noticed Bradley entering the Shrine on
his left side tried vainly to get to the reporter and get him to go to the
safety of the water. He said that unfortunately one of the beasts called
a Moonbeast had got to Bradley first and here we quote the hero “ The
Moonbeast had chunked and decapitated the rash reporter before I was
able to reach him”.
Realizing the extreme danger he had put himself in trying to save Bradley
the hero attempted something called a backflip which he says is a defensive
manuver. He said the maneuver worked enough to allow him to escape the
one beast that was still attacking him. He was heading to the safety of the
water when he noticed the reporters 'Xatnepmagic Imagizer' and made a
quick grab picking it up. He felt that anything Bradley had managed to
capture should be returned to his Guild.
The Magic Reporter’s Guild asked the hero what had happened to the two
other Moonbeasts that he was fighting and again we quote him “They were
busy munching on the remains of poor Bradley. Reporters do not belong in
such dangerous places as he almost got me killed with himself.”
The hero who named himself “Kel” currently studying with the Celestial Guild
as an Adept/Mage/Paladin having reached the safety of the water stopped
and said a short petition for the little that remained of Bradley.
Reported by Smadalesna, Guild Reporter
Late yesterday a DL reporter was killed while covering a local Hero on
an Island in the Northwest territories. The reporter said to have been
called “Bradley” while accompaning local hero “Kel” was searching for
a rare beast reported to be guarding this Island. He rather foolishly rushed
into a Shrine where the hero was fighting off three of the beasts.
The Magic Reporter’s Guild said that Bradley who had done rash things
before managed to get one picture from the ‘relative safety’ outside the
“Shrine of Celestial Power” of the hero bravely defending himself. The
picture posted with this report will also be posted at all of the branches
and schools of the Guild as a lesson about rash actions.
The local hero said that when he noticed Bradley entering the Shrine on
his left side tried vainly to get to the reporter and get him to go to the
safety of the water. He said that unfortunately one of the beasts called
a Moonbeast had got to Bradley first and here we quote the hero “ The
Moonbeast had chunked and decapitated the rash reporter before I was
able to reach him”.
Realizing the extreme danger he had put himself in trying to save Bradley
the hero attempted something called a backflip which he says is a defensive
manuver. He said the maneuver worked enough to allow him to escape the
one beast that was still attacking him. He was heading to the safety of the
water when he noticed the reporters 'Xatnepmagic Imagizer' and made a
quick grab picking it up. He felt that anything Bradley had managed to
capture should be returned to his Guild.
The Magic Reporter’s Guild asked the hero what had happened to the two
other Moonbeasts that he was fighting and again we quote him “They were
busy munching on the remains of poor Bradley. Reporters do not belong in
such dangerous places as he almost got me killed with himself.”
The hero who named himself “Kel” currently studying with the Celestial Guild
as an Adept/Mage/Paladin having reached the safety of the water stopped
and said a short petition for the little that remained of Bradley.
Reported by Smadalesna, Guild Reporter
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Attachment size limits - Cheap Room Rates
I discovered for the second time the attachment file size constraints. I had
to downsize the attached .jpg from about 400KB to it's size of about 90KB.
I use Adobe Photoshop LE v5.0 and when I save as a .jpg file, it allows you
to adjust the file size [ the 'fs6' in the file name ]. I also uploaded the same
screenshot but as a 'fs5' size file so you can see the difference. The limit on
the file size for attachments is 100KB so I work to get as close to that as I
I have some other .jpegs that I could use except for the fact that I did not
close out my Map and Fast Spell screens which take away from the picture.
There is no pic of my character in the upper left and so I need to find out
what key combination I used to do the capture. I will have to check this
out by doing two screenshots of the same screen using each key combo
once and write down the order in which I pressed them.
The actual capture program is "Galt Screen Capture" and it allows about
ten screenshots so you can catch action shots. I noticed that someone
had posted a good .jpg attachment of his character doing a backflip
somewhere on the forum.
I would think that you could probably do the same size adjustment using
Adobe Photoshop Elements if you have it. The program I used is still
available online and if anybody is interested I will edit this post with the
info needed to get a copy. The price was $14.95 plus $3.95 shipping.
"Interested ?" send me a PM and I will send you their email address for
your inquiry.
I don't process my screenshots with my Galt Capture program but I review
each one and then right click on the displayed image and save it as a .jpg
file. I then process it with Photoshop LE v5.0 and save it as a .jpg file one
more (sometimes two or three) time. {[ I forgot to mention that on the first
attachment I also used the ' Adjust - Auto Level' feature on my programs
Image tab to slightly lighten the image so it would not be quite as dark
as the second attachment. ] edited}.
The file name came to mind immediately during a lull in the monsters and
came from an old hit movie. I hope you enjoy it.
I discovered for the second time the attachment file size constraints. I had
to downsize the attached .jpg from about 400KB to it's size of about 90KB.
I use Adobe Photoshop LE v5.0 and when I save as a .jpg file, it allows you
to adjust the file size [ the 'fs6' in the file name ]. I also uploaded the same
screenshot but as a 'fs5' size file so you can see the difference. The limit on
the file size for attachments is 100KB so I work to get as close to that as I
I have some other .jpegs that I could use except for the fact that I did not
close out my Map and Fast Spell screens which take away from the picture.
There is no pic of my character in the upper left and so I need to find out
what key combination I used to do the capture. I will have to check this
out by doing two screenshots of the same screen using each key combo
once and write down the order in which I pressed them.
The actual capture program is "Galt Screen Capture" and it allows about
ten screenshots so you can catch action shots. I noticed that someone
had posted a good .jpg attachment of his character doing a backflip
somewhere on the forum.
I would think that you could probably do the same size adjustment using
Adobe Photoshop Elements if you have it. The program I used is still
available online and if anybody is interested I will edit this post with the
info needed to get a copy. The price was $14.95 plus $3.95 shipping.
"Interested ?" send me a PM and I will send you their email address for
your inquiry.
I don't process my screenshots with my Galt Capture program but I review
each one and then right click on the displayed image and save it as a .jpg
file. I then process it with Photoshop LE v5.0 and save it as a .jpg file one
more (sometimes two or three) time. {[ I forgot to mention that on the first
attachment I also used the ' Adjust - Auto Level' feature on my programs
Image tab to slightly lighten the image so it would not be quite as dark
as the second attachment. ] edited}.
The file name came to mind immediately during a lull in the monsters and
came from an old hit movie. I hope you enjoy it.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
... need a light ...?!! and Aircombat on the ridge
here two action pics of my character on the westernridge at the dragonvalley!
we have here lots of spawning dragons, so lots of fun.
i play the game on 1280 x 1024 on my system, pentiumIII 2.4 Mhz - ati 9700 pro
512 MB Ram. Kel asked, how many allies i can spawn till the game chrashes, well once i summoned about 14 Angels and 12 Giants. then all got a bit bumpy.
how i did the Divine Angel allies up there you ask, well if you summon them and like in this case an flying opponent appears they will start fighting each other instantly. the dragon goes up and the spirits follow him, that simple. you just have to hit to monster once with an attack (otherwile you don`t get the EXPoints) and then move a little aside, so the monster isn`t focused on you anymore. the Divine spirits (example 4) will bring a dragon down in 20 secs. !
i will try that out for you and post another screenshot if you like.
by the way the screenshots i took with the normal "Print" key (only once a time possible) and edit the size afterwards with ACDSee 7.0. quite simple that, just resize it with higher compression option till you are under 100 KB.
the "need a light ...?!!" pic i had to resize with 100% of original, but jpeg compression at only 10% quality of original. but works as you see.
i tried out also the program you mentioned here in the thread, the Gadwin PrintScreen 3.0. But while playing the game the prog. won`t take screenshots, don`t know why. on normal desktop, no problem. perhaps i need to start the game in windowmode?
tell me if you like it!
here two action pics of my character on the westernridge at the dragonvalley!
we have here lots of spawning dragons, so lots of fun.
i play the game on 1280 x 1024 on my system, pentiumIII 2.4 Mhz - ati 9700 pro
512 MB Ram. Kel asked, how many allies i can spawn till the game chrashes, well once i summoned about 14 Angels and 12 Giants. then all got a bit bumpy.
how i did the Divine Angel allies up there you ask, well if you summon them and like in this case an flying opponent appears they will start fighting each other instantly. the dragon goes up and the spirits follow him, that simple. you just have to hit to monster once with an attack (otherwile you don`t get the EXPoints) and then move a little aside, so the monster isn`t focused on you anymore. the Divine spirits (example 4) will bring a dragon down in 20 secs. !
i will try that out for you and post another screenshot if you like.
by the way the screenshots i took with the normal "Print" key (only once a time possible) and edit the size afterwards with ACDSee 7.0. quite simple that, just resize it with higher compression option till you are under 100 KB.
the "need a light ...?!!" pic i had to resize with 100% of original, but jpeg compression at only 10% quality of original. but works as you see.
i tried out also the program you mentioned here in the thread, the Gadwin PrintScreen 3.0. But while playing the game the prog. won`t take screenshots, don`t know why. on normal desktop, no problem. perhaps i need to start the game in windowmode?
tell me if you like it!
Nice job!
Nice job especially with the one titled "Air Combat". How did you get
the four Divine Spirits up there and did your game crash? I have tried
several times to get four different summoned allies and it usually hangs
my system ( it's 3 months old w/3.8MHz processor and Audigy's better
graphics card ). I mean it hangs it hard so all I can do is to turn my
system completely off and restart it.
I think it would be helpfull to the members if you could edit your post and
let them know what method/program you used to capture the screenshot
and if you did any processing of the image, what program you used.
I just edited my post "Cheap Room Rates" and what I added in the edit is in
brackets. This feature can improve a screenshot so it looks better but it
can also do too much. I would suggest that you always make a copy of
your original before editing and then adjust your image. You could always
try some of the special effects that are available in your program as you
never know what you will get.
Nice post bee!
Nice job especially with the one titled "Air Combat". How did you get
the four Divine Spirits up there and did your game crash? I have tried
several times to get four different summoned allies and it usually hangs
my system ( it's 3 months old w/3.8MHz processor and Audigy's better
graphics card ). I mean it hangs it hard so all I can do is to turn my
system completely off and restart it.
I think it would be helpfull to the members if you could edit your post and
let them know what method/program you used to capture the screenshot
and if you did any processing of the image, what program you used.
I just edited my post "Cheap Room Rates" and what I added in the edit is in
brackets. This feature can improve a screenshot so it looks better but it
can also do too much. I would suggest that you always make a copy of
your original before editing and then adjust your image. You could always
try some of the special effects that are available in your program as you
never know what you will get.
Nice post bee!
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
early mornig fireworks... oohhh ... aahhh!
if you are lucky, you could witness sometimes the early morning fireworks at westernridge, where you can have a nice chat with the blue clothed members of the fireworkers guild, while some others blow themselfs up trying to light that big dragon shaped rocketlauncher ...
strange people that ... but surely handsome! what a waste!
if you are lucky, you could witness sometimes the early morning fireworks at westernridge, where you can have a nice chat with the blue clothed members of the fireworkers guild, while some others blow themselfs up trying to light that big dragon shaped rocketlauncher ...
strange people that ... but surely handsome! what a waste!
- Attachments
- richcreeper.zip
- (839 Bytes) Downloaded 860 times
What a Harem!
Nice little harem you have there in your last set of posts. I never thought
of trying that one. I took the dragons out using "Fire Burst" and adroitly
timing and rolling when necessary.
I think I like your way better!
Nice little harem you have there in your last set of posts. I never thought
of trying that one. I took the dragons out using "Fire Burst" and adroitly
timing and rolling when necessary.
I think I like your way better!
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
not bad....you got the idea
You got the idea. Action shots of your hero or strange situations that
you find your character in like missing his head. I unfortunately did not
have my screen capture program going at the time and I wish I did.
You got the idea. Action shots of your hero or strange situations that
you find your character in like missing his head. I unfortunately did not
have my screen capture program going at the time and I wish I did.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
- Mordekai83
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:43 am
- Contact:
I have not had the pleasure of meeting Shaduroth yet.
Mordekai83, thanks for the response.
Good screenshot of your character and I especially like the title:
"Standing toe-to-toe...to-toe-to-toe-to-toe...Eh, he's got six legs "
The title had me laughing especially when I got to see the .jpg.
Six legs you say, hmm..my character is going to have to be careful
he doesn't trip over one of then. He has this odd habit of tripping into
a forward roll at the strangest time.
Mordekai83, thanks for the response.
Good screenshot of your character and I especially like the title:
"Standing toe-to-toe...to-toe-to-toe-to-toe...Eh, he's got six legs "
The title had me laughing especially when I got to see the .jpg.
Six legs you say, hmm..my character is going to have to be careful
he doesn't trip over one of then. He has this odd habit of tripping into
a forward roll at the strangest time.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
GHAZBU, I bet your mother didn't like you either!
GHAZBU Series 1
I discovered a feature of my screenshot program that I did not know it had.
It can take a sequence of shots and I am not sure what the upper limit is.
I was having fun with Ghazbu in the Tomb of Souls and evidently held down
my key for screenshots and ended up with about 30 screenshots of part of
a battle when I hoped to catch only 2 or 3. This could also be a function
of how fast my keyboard is set to repeat a key when held down but it is
handy for capturing action screenshots.
GHAZBU Series 1
I discovered a feature of my screenshot program that I did not know it had.
It can take a sequence of shots and I am not sure what the upper limit is.
I was having fun with Ghazbu in the Tomb of Souls and evidently held down
my key for screenshots and ended up with about 30 screenshots of part of
a battle when I hoped to catch only 2 or 3. This could also be a function
of how fast my keyboard is set to repeat a key when held down but it is
handy for capturing action screenshots.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
How did you do that?
thoon, thanks for the posts.
Good job, but what has me curious is how did you add the
text to your screenshots. I don't believe that any of my
editing programs has that feature and it is one that I have
been looking for.
What program did you use and is their a technique you use
that you could share with those who are reading this thread?
I am glad that I wasn't caught in that Ice Nova of yours!
thoon, thanks for the posts.
Good job, but what has me curious is how did you add the
text to your screenshots. I don't believe that any of my
editing programs has that feature and it is one that I have
been looking for.
What program did you use and is their a technique you use
that you could share with those who are reading this thread?
I am glad that I wasn't caught in that Ice Nova of yours!
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
Thanks, Kel. I'm not too happy with the quality ... apparently the board
recompresses the files to save space, and the quality goes down.
I used Photoshop CS, which is way too expensive just for play.
For you I would recommend IrfanView
If you haven't played around with graphics programs before, you will find a sometimes frustrating learning curve; I assure you, you will be amply rewarded if you learn the use of every menu item and also install whatever plugins apply to your situation.
recompresses the files to save space, and the quality goes down.
I used Photoshop CS, which is way too expensive just for play.
For you I would recommend IrfanView
If you haven't played around with graphics programs before, you will find a sometimes frustrating learning curve; I assure you, you will be amply rewarded if you learn the use of every menu item and also install whatever plugins apply to your situation.
Where are the bad guys....from End Sequence
Currently have 25,000 plus kills and this is a lull in the fighting.
Friendly fire is definitely a problem with this crew and using the
hard/many setting for encounters.
Here is a pic of my temporary battle crew.
Currently have 25,000 plus kills and this is a lull in the fighting.
Friendly fire is definitely a problem with this crew and using the
hard/many setting for encounters.
Here is a pic of my temporary battle crew.
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."
"Time is a honest judge and a relentless master ..... Use it well or regret it later."