Hi guys,
1. I got a question about the sword on the hill @ Temple of Avo..
When i looked into my current quests, it said i should visit the temple of avo, there is a sword wich has been put into a rock by a the giant Huw.
So i went there and tried pulling it out, but all i got was a little movie where someone said i could do it, but i couldnt..then someone said im a loser and it'd better be pulled out by Thunder....
Is it time for me to defeat Thunder and then try again? Or should i get my phisyque up?
2. It seems i've aged really fast, ive been ingame like 13hours and im already 57. I've read you can donate money to Temple of Avo to descend in age is this true?
What do you think i should do? Im 100% good but i dont have the 48,000 in gold, so should i instead go to The temple of Skorm? If someone already sacrificed people to Skorm..how much people do you need? to descend in age?
Thanks for the help guys