I've had quite a few technical problems with the computer version of the game.
My 1st character was unable to load any Hero Saves. I would make a Hero Save, try to load it and it would close Fable and kick me to desktop everytime.
I was also unable to sleep with Lady Grey as all she would do is giggle whenever I did anything to her (never spoke a single word after we were married. just the giggle noise).
So I made a new character, all was going fine until recently. I made a few Hero saves in the Arena to make money and gain exp, that worked fine, but the last time I did Arena I noticed the load times of the cinimatics took quite a while (almost a minute at the start of each round) which didn't happen the 1st few times I did Arena. After Arena I went to Bowerstone North with intentions to marry Lady Grey. I did the quest, married her and am able to sleep with her (even though I didn't do anything different than I did in my previous game).
But here is the problem, now when I go to save the game, it crashes to desktop mid save.
I figured I would avoid marrying her til after I had "beat" the game so I went to continue with my main quests.
Save the archeologist. I beat it, and after completion it Auto Saves.... the Auto Save causes the game to crash.
Also through out the games at random times, Q and E on the screen next to my bow and melee weapon icon will go across the screen and appear to be in different languages, like chinese, japanese, etc... Happens the majority of the time in Oakvale, but has happened almost every other place aswell (just not as frequently). I never had this problem until my 1st character started having problems with Hero Saves.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, I have restored my computer, I have up to date drivers, Virus/Spyware scans, etc...
I dont know what else to do besides not play the game and hope that they come out with a patch that may or may not fix my problem.
Has anyone else had simular problems, or possible a solution to my problems?
Thanks in advance.
btw my system specs are above minimum requirements, so I dont see that as a problem.
Techical Problems with the comp version
I had something very similar happen to my save files, they also became corrupted and useless after I had saved the game repeatedly over a short period of time (like you were doing in the arena). I have read about this happening to several people, your problem is definately the repeated saves. I also restarted a new game and since I avoided this I havent had any more problems.