Personally, I was a little peeved when you had that comment about me leaving... fortunately for you, I got it as humour, and made no gestures of hostility.
Im no where near jumping the gun, I know you would not possibly leave! Too bad you have grey posts now, those are gonna be a pain to read after a while, especially with my crappy monitor.
Luis? Plan for world domination? How many people have tried this before?
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
[QUOTE=Fiona]@ Lestat. Any excuse to indulge yourself.[/QUOTE]
I take that as a request to help?
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
Aww, bless! I was the same. I was guilty for posting something that got removed by a mod for most of a day.
Since then, I haven't had any removed posts though. I'm good though.
Who thinks that ikky's going to remind us that we said he should stay (and keep on doing that)? [/QUOTE]
I got my post removed too...but do to spamming on a no spam zone...*looks at hill*....the nerve.......
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
Tske tske tske.... Ye olde spammerse! Behave while Ie ame gone. Goode nighte (Did I over use the 'e'? )
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
pscht!... Whips was made for people of stranger habbits, Torturers and DW
Edit: @ Fiona: He has? I though he was quite dead by now
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Fiona]You would say that, wouldn't you ?[/QUOTE]
I could say that, couldn't I? Wait, didn't I?
notice that she has not denied it.
Buy a GameBanshee T-Shirt [url=""]HERE[/url]! Sabre's [url=""]site[/url] for Baldur's Gate series' patches and items. This has been a Drive-by Hilling.
[QUOTE=Ravager]If you took them away, several people might be safer, though they'll probably make origami whips to cover their losses. [/QUOTE]
*Hides the paper* ....err.....what?......*passes one to Lestat*
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[QUOTE=Ravager]Fortunately paper whips just aren't as strong.
maybe but the lazerations (by the paper cuts)will lead you to a different conclusion
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
You can have 24 spiked chains, as long as I get the dancing chain spell
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]