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Advice Question

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Advice Question

Post by Kyle09 »

Three questions...

1.What are some things you would recommend at the begging of the game to do for fun?
2.What type of charcters do you prefer (or think is the most fun to play)?
3.Which Great House do you recommend joining and why.
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Dyre Straits
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Post by Dyre Straits »

I've had to restart this game a few times due to computer crashes and other such problems that destroyed my progress. However, I'm far from an expert on the game even though I may be getting close to completing the main quests this time.

As for things to do:

1. I would advise to stay very close around Seyda Neen at first and make sure to do whatever quests are given from there. It helps to get your experience points up. Once you have exhausted the quests that you can do from Seyda Neen, then go to Balmora to find Caius.

2. I kind of like a combo of mage/warrior, myself.

3. Avoid joining ANY of the great houses. Instead, join the Thieves, Fighters, and Mage guilds. Later on I find that I'm part of the Imperial Guard, too. But, don't join the Houses as, I think, it prevents you from doing some of the quests for other houses.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

About joining houses, there is no problem with joining houses and conflicting with guild quests. The only time I can even remember any conflicts was a certain quest between the thieves and fighters guild. Occasionally things may happen in certain guild, like the theives guild, where you will be asked to do something like steal from a house, but if your levels skills are good enough you won't have a problem with getting caught and getting kicked out of the house.

Houses are seperate from guilds. the only thing joining a house prevents you from doing is joining another house. So the only quests you will miss are the quests from the other two houses which you couldn't do anyway if you didn;t join them.

As to which house to join, most people look at it this way:

Redoran is geared towards fighters
Hlaalu is geared toward thieves
and House Telvanni is geared towards mages

You can join any house as any class, but the skill requirements for advancment and quest types generally favor those classes.

For the other questions

1.Just make your way towards Balmora after exploring a little in the Seyda Neen area, jpoin a couple guilds, do some quests etc. Its pretty open, so you can pretty much do anything you like.

2. Mostly I play a fighter of some type. Unfortuantly, the initial class you choose gets to be a moot point anyway after a bit since you can basically build skils any way you want and most character will look idenetical after a certain level anyway.
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