[QUOTE=Lasher]... If you say so... But I couldn't [url="http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/jacket/0497003430.jpg"]find[/url] anything that resembled my case... [/QUOTE]
poster child!~
[QUOTE=Lasher] Poster Child for the [url="http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/0/04/200px-BalaclavaAndGun.jpg"]criminaly[/url] genius, maybe...[/QUOTE]
Ummm.....thats not a good fit for you....try again......
Hmm... Perhaps a poster child for the Professional Photographer's Guild? Here's a picture of an [url="http://www.dpughphoto.com/images/website%20juniper%20hairstreak%20below.jpg"]"Olive" Juniper Hairstreak[/url]... I've recieved much praise for my skills with a camera...
i'm breakin throughi'm bending spoonsi'm keepin flowers in full bloom i'm lookin for answers from the great beyond
[QUOTE=Lasher]Hmm... Perhaps a poster child for the Professional Photographer's Guild? Here's a picture of an [url="http://www.dpughphoto.com/images/website%20juniper%20hairstreak%20below.jpg"]"Olive" Juniper Hairstreak[/url]... I've recieved much praise for my skills with a camera... [/QUOTE]
Ahhhh! very nice~
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
[QUOTE=Lasher]@ Slade- [url="http://teacher.deathpenaltyinfo.msu.edu/c/about/images/1-hanging.jpg"]It[/url] got away... [/QUOTE]
LOL...I was expecting short, shribbled and to the left....but that worked out better..
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant