Hi everyone, I'm new to gamebanshee and also new to this game ToEE. I'm running the bigbox version with patch 2 and co8 patch 4.0.0. I have a few questions about things I have been unable to figure out on my own.
1. Item descriptions?? Are there any?? For instance, I found a "Cloak of Elvenkind" and when I hover the mouse over it the game says to 'shift click' it for a complete description, but nothing happens. The same is true for many other items I have found (rings and amulets, Lareths Armor, etc) and the only way I have been able to figure out what they do is to equip them and look thru my statistics to see what has changed. Am I missing something?
2. Armor. Do the various types of armor offer different levels of protection against specific damage types?? For instance; does Platemail with +6 armor offer better blunt protection then Elven Chainmail with +6 armor? Is Barbarian Leather any different than Studded Leather? I just ask because it seems like all the armors I find are either +3 or +6 with the only difference being graphics. I know older versions of DnD have different levels of physical resistance on each type of armor against each type of weapon damage. Is this feature gone in ToEE/3.5 or just hidden?
3. When I first started the game I went the Hommlet talking to all the NPC's and very few of them offered me any quests (2 or 3 is all I think.) Will going back to them later with higher Bluff, Gather Info, Sence Motive, Diplomacy, etc skills make any difference? Or is it only the first time you talk to them?
4. Bard Lore Ability? Gone?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Hi all, new to game/forum... few rules questions...
- Lord Plothos
- Posts: 525
- Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:00 pm
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1. The shift-click thing works fine for me, but I don't use co8's mod. It's very likely the mod has created a hiccup. The guys at co8.org will almost certainly be able to give you a file you can insert somewhere to fix the problem, though. Bop over there and ask them.
2. Armor in 3.5 D&D does not change depending on damage type. Pierce vs. slash vs bludgeon only matters for bypassing certain types of damage reduction now (e.g. that of skeletons or zombies). Different armor only vary in terms of armor bonus to AC, the cap on max dex bonus to AC they impose, what category they are (heavy, medium, or light), how much they weight, and whether they're allowed for various reasons (druids can't wear metal, barbarians lose bonuses when wearing heavy armor, etc.). For more info on armor and weapons see this great 3.5 site: http://www.d20srd.org
3. Yes, there are many quests that really will only happen once the PC who's doing the talking meets certain requirements. Usually this is one of the dialog skills, and sometimes it's an ability score or a gender. (For the record, unmodded, I've found that 3 levels of rogue with the five dialog skills maxed out and a good cha is enough to do all the quests in the game.)
4. 3.5 has bardic knowledge stuff, but it's largely removed from ToEE. Bards are here mostly for their skills and songs.
2. Armor in 3.5 D&D does not change depending on damage type. Pierce vs. slash vs bludgeon only matters for bypassing certain types of damage reduction now (e.g. that of skeletons or zombies). Different armor only vary in terms of armor bonus to AC, the cap on max dex bonus to AC they impose, what category they are (heavy, medium, or light), how much they weight, and whether they're allowed for various reasons (druids can't wear metal, barbarians lose bonuses when wearing heavy armor, etc.). For more info on armor and weapons see this great 3.5 site: http://www.d20srd.org
3. Yes, there are many quests that really will only happen once the PC who's doing the talking meets certain requirements. Usually this is one of the dialog skills, and sometimes it's an ability score or a gender. (For the record, unmodded, I've found that 3 levels of rogue with the five dialog skills maxed out and a good cha is enough to do all the quests in the game.)
4. 3.5 has bardic knowledge stuff, but it's largely removed from ToEE. Bards are here mostly for their skills and songs.
Proud user and advocate of [url="http://rptools.net/doku.php?id=maptool:intro"]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)