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A couple of recently discovered "Tips"

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A couple of recently discovered "Tips"

Post by maalri »

#1 You can sometimes get past the "magically locked doors" in the Temple by clicking your characters past the door. This seems to work best when the area is in total darkness, and you know where you want to put the group- or even if you can arrange the "unreachable" area on the map so you can see it, but not the door- then click to send the group there. -That being said- I agree with other posters- there is Absolutely Nothing of importance to the game in these areas, that I have discovered.

#2 Apparently Sorcerers now have unlimited spells! I am not sure if it is a Mod error (I am running Atari 1&2 and Co8 4.0), or in the original game (and if so, WHY hasn't anyone found it yet?), but... when your Sorcerer says 0- 1st level spells, try an Identify or a Magic Missile anyway-- it works! I haven't found a limit to it yet, and it seems to work on 2nd level spells too (I tried Scorching Ray).

I didn't save my game, and, being a D&D purist at heart, don't use this cheat- except when identifying items in safe areas (as a D&D purist, my character only identifies in safe areas.) I figure what harm if I Identify it all at once then rest? besides I never agreed with the 3rd Edition rules on Identifying only one item or function per spell.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Yup, I've used Dimension Door to get in there before. Yawn. A couple of big empty rooms. Same with the locked door in the upper corner of the temple lobby by the throne. Nadda.

Never heard of this bug. I wouldn't think it's a result of co8 or liv, since I don't think they've done anything that would have an effect like this... I don't think they could engineer it if they tried. Still, you're right, it seems like something that would have been reported before now. Weird. Can you reproduce it, or was it just a one-time thing?
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Post by maalri »

Massively reproduceable, at least when it comes to the Identify 1st level spells. I exploit that level quite a bit. But, I have seen it work on Magic Missile, more than once when 0 1st level spells showed, and once on Scorching Ray, a 2nd level spell.

I try not to use it but I am sure it is an ongoing thing. (Well I DO use it on Identify because of the aforementioned disagreement with 3.5 rules- as a DM of a paper game my players have a 100% chance to Identify one item or function, and a 10% chance per level of Identifying up to one more item or function per level- sort of by D&D original, AD&D, and AD&D 2nd edition rules.)
So, with my trusty percentile dice at my side, I ocasionally use this cheat on first level spells. :)
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Cool deal. I second the liberal use of both house rules and percentile dice. D&D doesn't have enough d%s. One of the many things I love about Cthulhu. :mischief:
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Post by maalri »

Yes house rules are a must, but indeed can be overdone--Game balance is the issue to keep in mind :)

EDIT---I know newbie excitement can be boring... most of the time it is wrong, like this time-- My great discovery is that Sorcerers can use the slots HIGHER than the level of spell they are casting for lower level spells. As long as I had 4th level spells left I could cast 3rd an lower it seems, and they just took the slot from the level above---must have been a new 3.5 rule that I didn't read...

So sorcerers do not have unlimited spells in this game, they can just use higher level spell slots for lower level spells... Oh well that could be useful too.

I remember some talk about this possibility back in 2.5 rules, but never really saw it to fruition. I guess if any class should be able to do it, Sorcerer makes sense- or MAYBE Psionicist. Unless this is particular only to ToEE...
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Ah yes, that probably should have occurred to me, since you can't select from 3rd level spells when you pick the 4th level thing from the radial menu, but I always play wizards, so that snuck by me. Yes, you can use a higher slot to cast a lower-level spell if you like. Wizards and clerics can do it too. You just drag a lower level spell into the slot when picking what you prepare. Sorcs would have to do it some way, and I guess that way is as good as any, since there's no reason to use a 4th level slot for a 3rd level spell until all the 3rd level spells per day have been used up. Cool deal. Glad you figured that one out. Had me stumped. :laugh:
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