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Gem Problems

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Gem Problems

Post by alwaysinging »

I have recently defeated Balor and instead of his body staying behind for me to loot, he dissapears as soon as I defeat him. I have tried to loot his body before he disappears and there was no gem there. I have defeated all the other planes and the high preist. All i have left is the final boss after this. I want my fire Gem so I can move on. Any thoughts?

Also, if you summon a demon and then rest 7 days then you can summon the demon again without the first one disappearing. I had 5 of the earth demons on the screen at once. Is this supposed to work this way? And is there any way to get rid of a demon after you summon it without simply killing it?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

I've heard of many troubles with summoning those guys. I believe there are several problems with them for which there are no solutions. One of the reasons I never use them. ;)

As for getting the gem, you could try just using the console.

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Post by Zeruel »

When you kill the Balor he doesn't leave corpse, instead the gem drops on the ground where he was slain. It might be hard to notice it, I had this problem myself.
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Post by maalri »

I had this problem too-- and I did hit the TAB key to try to highlight the Gem, but to no avail-- I don't think he dropped it.

Now, in my case anyway, he (the Balor) had summoned another Balor that outlived him and then disappeared a few rounds later (I assume because the summoning wore off), could that have had anything to do with the gem not being there?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

That sounds eminently plausible to me. The appearance of the gem is tied to the death of the Balor and the end of the fight, so if those two don't coincide there may well be problems.
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Post by maalri »

Well I ran the battle again and actually killed the second Balor this time, right after the first, and the Gem was left behind, so maybe the first time I ran the battle, the summoned Balor took it when he left....

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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

It's getting so you just can't trust flaming demons any more. :(
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