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Errrr.... I've got a problem with a main quest...

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Errrr.... I've got a problem with a main quest...

Post by Mr.Royer »

I'm stuck in the quest named ''Missing Milo''...


Simply, because when I go trough the Ministry of truth to the Prison keep, and then I enter Milo's cell... It's empty... And i don't understand why...

I've tried several times... But it's always empty...
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Post by Athena »

Hi, welcome to gamebanshee. I encourage you to check out the Speak your mind thread in your free time to get to know some other gb members. :) Happy to meet another player of MW.

Might I ask, do you play on Xbox?

Concerning your post about rescuing Milo, you must ask yourself these questions;

Did you look for Milo in the library and her quarters?
Did you find the note?
Did you have Alvela let you into the Ministry of truth?

Those may seem like odd questions, but trivial things like those could mess up quests. I'm not sure why she isn't in her cell (no, the game doesn't have AI, she didn't escape on her own...) Good Luck!
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Post by Mr.Royer »

I play Morrowind on computer...


I don't understand why she is not here... I found the note in her quarters, I spoke to Alvela and she gave me the key... But Milo isn't there...

Am I supposed to speak to someone in the library? Is there anything that I've not done well? I have simply done what was written in the gamebanshee walktrough...

Do someone can help me??
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Post by dragon wench »

There are at least two cells, from what I recall...
I hate to ask something so obvious, since you have probably done this already, but are you sure you checked in all of the cells?

If you have done everything that is required, I can only assume you are experiencing some kind of missing NPC bug. Seeing as you play on computer though, you might be able to edit Milo in using the console.
I have never used the console commands for making missing NPCs appear so somebody else will need to tell you how it is done.
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Post by Mr.Royer »

Damn... I really need Milo if I want to continue the quests...

Is there anybody who knows how work console? :(
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Post by Rookierookie »

There are as many as four cells if I recall correctly.
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Post by Mr.Royer »

Four Cells? Hem.... I only see three cells... Is there another hidden somewhere?

And for the NPC bug, if I reinstall morrowind, will it be ok?
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Post by Loredweller »

It may be right already, just find the right cell (it's locked, IIRC, on the right side).
Even if she isn't here on this occasion, she may be allright on next game. Sometimes it happens a NPC walks through a wall or falls through the floor. I have experienced it fairly often with Orc Necromancer in Balmora Mages Guild, for example (every 3rd or 5th game, or so).
The first help could be command RA on console - it means "reset actors" and is meant to return all personages to their default location (it does not move corpses, though). The other console command you could use if you were desperate would be PlaceAtPC:
player->placeatpc "<insert name here>" 1 1 1
Exact syntaxis and meaning of parameters you could find in Construction Set Help, but this should work fairly well, you'd be going just to make a step aside since the summoned NPC would be just almost on the same spot you were yourself - so making conversation a bit difficult.

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Post by Mr.Royer »

I thank you all guys...

The player->placeatpc "Mehra Milo" 1 1 1 worked greatly... Thanks!! :D
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