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Strangest Character Ever Made

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Strangest Character Ever Made

Post by RebelousDarkElf »

Recentally I made a boxer Dark Elf who was good at hand-to-hand and unarmored and anything else non-combat or magic related. I couldn't kill anything, but that was when I decided to start this thread. Anyway, what character is your strangest???
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Post by ch85us2001 »

[QUOTE=RebelousDarkElf]Recentally I made a boxer Dark Elf who was good at hand-to-hand and unarmored and anything else non-combat or magic related. I couldn't kill anything, but that was when I decided to start this thread. Anyway, what character is your strangest???[/QUOTE]
My level 37 redgaurd.

He enjoys running around in nothing but a gondoliers hat while weilding his severed nords leg. :D :D :D :D
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Gangrel Hound
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Post by Gangrel Hound »


I guess this would be a good place to talk about my Archer Monk. He was Argonian with emphasis on Hand to Hand, Archery, Sneak, Illusion, and Athletics. To make him work properly, I had to abandon Hand to Hand for Paralyzation and Archery from distance. Then he met a Golden Saint.

I abandoned the idea as good on paper, bad in application(due to game mechanics). I applied Heavy Armor and Longsword to complete the game with him.

Edited for clarification purposes:

I met the Golden Saint after I started using paralyzation. The discussion is based on the linear development of the character, not what I should have done with him. I didn't pursue the character further because I didn't like how long it was taking to beat someone to death(nor did he). I roleplay my characters, and he decided that his enemies needed to stand still, etc.
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=Gangrel Hound]I guess this would be a good place to talk about my Archer Monk. He was Argonian with emphasis on Hand to Hand, Archery, Sneak, Illusion, and Athletics. To make him work properly, I had to abandon Hand to Hand for Paralyzation and Archery from distance. Then he met a Golden Saint.

I abandoned the idea as good on paper, bad in application(due to game mechanics). I applied Heavy Armor and Longsword to complete the game with him.[/QUOTE]
I never could understand why it's that important to put favored skills in maj./min. list. Altogether if he was good in the skills mentioned, no Golden Saint could harm him.
You did know one could fight in Stealth mode, didn't you? Try on occsion Unarmed while sneaking - assuming you could sneak well enough :mischief: To be sure add some Sanctuary and (more important) Chameleon in it (your PC was meant to be good also in Illusion, wasn't he?)

BTW, i lost any desire to use Heavy or Medium Armor very long since, remebering about them only for some Endurance gain.

Not that weird, but my lately usual custom Ranger class has:
Major: Spear, Marksman, Mysticism, Sneak, Athletics;
Minor: Light Armor, Unarmored, Illlusion, Security, Acrobatics;
Favored: Endurance and Agility.
They are doing surprisingly well (of course, without neglecting the msic skills, too)

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Post by 2D2 »

i made a high elf that tried to use swords and heavy armour i couldent kill anything and eventually i got killed by a mudcrab..... :mad:
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Nerevar Reborn
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Post by Nerevar Reborn »

:mischief: killed by a mudcrab?! a mudcrab?!?!!? an ordinary mudcrab omg!!!!!

Well anyway back to reality....

My strongest character lvl 58 dark elf with 100 of all got boring making super good potions.but it was fun because i made some super destruction fire shock frost and blind 100 to 100 for 100 seconds(area 100).ahhahahah man u can go and wipe out whole villages with that.I know that because i have done it ;) ;)
So i hear that the dark brotherhood assinated an elf.
I hear you smell.
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