Now, I realized that I have no idea how to make a powerful melee character
So I took a fighter/thief, thinking that more proficiency points in the certain weapon type I'd like to use (dual-wielding scimitars or short swords) will do the trick. I just don't know whether multi-classing (taking a few Fighter lvls and then advance in Thief only) would be better, or dual-class is the way to go?
Another thing, how do traps work? I have Set Snare abilities but I never ever managed to set a single trap, I always fail.
So, I'm completely lost with this class atm. It seems to me that Mages are much more viable in this game (maybe because that's what I'm used to?), they have an endless range of tricks AND can do a decent amount of dmg, while this poor little Thief is just swinging her blades cutting thin air, missing everything, doing some dmg and loosing HP pretty fast due to leather armor :speech:
I'm pretty sure it's just my lack of experience with melee classes, so any help would be appreaciated