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The bottom of the sea--Daedroth

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The bottom of the sea--Daedroth

Post by REal953 »

Has anyone just tryed to search the bottom of the sea, just in the middle of no where. I was swimming west of the island and I got attacked by a Daedroth, he killed me before I could figure out what was happening. (I was not leveled up at the time.) I went back after I leveled up and was ready to fight him and see why he was there. I could never find him, do you think this was some type glitch?
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I'm not sure weather it is a glitch or not, but I do like searching in the middle of the sea. Once I found a crate with a bunch of good stuff in it, but that is for a different thread.
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Post by fable »

Sounds like it, unless there was a piece of land nearby, or a cave with an underwater entrance. There are some very strange and interesting things down in the seas, and if you can work up a spell or enchant for underwater breathing, it's well worth exploring.
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