So whats the best cure for a hangover ? In the game of course
I recently took my character on a drinking binge, because I was tired of being a 'teatottler'. In case you have had your character drunk yet, do it! Its great fun!
But after doing the technicolor yawn on some poor sot's sleep mat, peoples opinion changed. They kept commenting the characters face looking "um...interesting." This last for awhile. So has anybody found a quick cure? Cause it's not like I tell the guy to take a shower and down some asprin.
Insanity takes its toll, ... Please have exact change.
does anyone know the drinking levels after teetotaller?
do you have to drink it fast or just drink a lot?
does it have to be in one sitting?
Left-handers may be one of the last unorganized minorities in our society, with no collective power and no real sense of common identity. GT: LEFThandedHERO
I kill two dwarves in the morning, I kill two dwarves at night. I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, and then I feel alright. I kill two dwarves in time of peace and two in time of war. I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves, and then I kill two more. I may be bad, but I feel good.
it took 56 drinks in one sitting for me to get up to moderate drinker and ive still got 50 more drinks if you drink them quick enough and long enough the screen goes so that you cant tell what anything is:laugh: