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limit reached very early

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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limit reached very early

Post by flush »

Arrg, I have reached the 8000000 of experience points at the begining of the throne of Baal. ¿There is a experience patch for trhone of Baal?
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Post by VonDondu »

Welcome to GameBanshee.

Yes, there is an experience cap remover for Throne of Bhaal. I recommend the 'Safe' XP Cap Remover for Throne of Bhaal by Kevin Dorner. You can download it at:

Just unzip the files and put them in your /OVERRIDE directory.
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Post by flush »

only 40th level?

Im already 40th level and as I can read in the readme of this patch, it only alow reach that. My monk want to grow up!!!

Thanks for quick answer.
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Post by masteralef »

[QUOTE=flush]Im already 40th level and as I can read in the readme of this patch, it only alow reach that. My monk want to grow up!!!

Thanks for quick answer.[/QUOTE]

IIRC, Ease of Use has Level 50 rules.

I assume you're soloing, otherwise, I'm not familiar with a way to hit that kind of level.
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Post by flush »

Yes I'am Soloing

Yes, i 'm soloing. After finishing BG II twice, I want to try something different. It's really more easy finishing BG II with only one charater, at least with a monk.
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Post by Celacena »

Monk-y business

when I played BG acouple of years back, one time I tried it with a monk and it worked quite well. If I recall correctly, I had imported one at around L12 after BG and he rocked. made Jet Li look a wuss. with no real need for weapons and without companians, you concentrate on finding unusual solutions and get lots of points.

I think I completed BG almost solo that time - accepting people along during quests. it was definitely worth having a crack at.

I did an import into ToB but decided to up the companionship level.
without a party, the game loses some of its interest, as you are limiting your game-play to a 1P RPG. with a party, you can create an ambush and have a wider spread of possibilities all the time - sometimes for ill, but more often for good gaming.
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