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cameleon/ invisable

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cameleon/ invisable

Post by badboyd22 »

what is the differents between them?
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Post by Raven_Song »

Invisibility: Completely conceals the target from others. If the target, attacks, speaks or activates items the effect is dispelled.

Chameleon: Lets the target blend into the surroundings so no one can see them. The target can attack and use objects without disrupting the effect. The effect ranges from 1% to 100%, the effects magnitude is the degree of concealment.
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Post by Loredweller »

Invisibility is always 100%, chameleon could be anything between zero and 100.
As soon as you make an action (cast a spell, hit, open a container or door) invisibility is gone, chameleon does not.
Even a bit of Chameleon helps to sneak, BTW (as more as better, of course).

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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

Thus, invisibility is the one to use if you simply want to be unseen, or if you want the advantage of surprise when dealing with enemies.

Chameleon is the one to use if you still want to be able to attack/cast/open a lock lock etc. while remaining unseen. IMO, it is the better of the two.

Bear in mind though, that chameleon spells use more magicka, while trying to enchant an item with chameleon uses a lot more points.
I suspect this was done to help provide the game with some semblance of balance.

However.. spoiler below, highlight to read:

There is an in-game item called "The Amulet of Shadows that gives (I believe) 80% chameleon for 60 seconds... ;)
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