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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by gramps001 »


I have a dual boot computer, Windows 2k with Linux Fedora core 3 on it. I already have Morrowind Elderscrolls III installed on the Windows portion. Does anyone know how to install it on the Linux half of my computer? I'm slowly trying to move all my games over there.

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Post by Loredweller »

There are some Linux programs able to run Win32 applications. Then there's VMware you could run fullscale Windows under Linux (with some restrictions on graphics last time i used it). There usually are problems, though, most often for graphics part, since Windows and Linux treats devices in different way. I know that Wizadry 8 had been run under Linux (with some minor flaws). Altogether i doubt you'd be happy with Morrowind on Linux - the program is just too environment heavy.
Google gives a lot of resoponses on query "Morrowind Linux", this one from Linux gaming, for example.
Soul Harvester wrote:The cedega project as well as a free project called wine d3d9 strive to make playing windows games on linux a possibility.
With the latest version of Cedega (formerly winex), it is fairly simple and quite possible to play the majority of Windows games in Linux.
I routinely play games like Starcraft, Guild Wars, Morrowind and others in Linux with little issue.
Then again, I am a pure-linux guy.
(Posted in thread Does linux have compatibility problems with games? on Tehspot forum 07-05-2005, 11:25 AM)

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Post by Rookierookie »

I suggest you don't bother and simply reboot when you want to play Morrowind. The OS I'm typing from has lost its CD-ROM driver, and I change the hard disk whenever I want to play games. VMWare emulates an extremely old graphics card, and I don't believe it supports 3D acceleration very well.
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Post by Loredweller »

If you're still interested, see this thread on Morrowind General Forum at The Elder Scrolls Forums.

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