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Need some spells

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Post by Kenrenk »

If you have a spell you want more of sell one of them to every merchant you come across and you will be able to buy as many more as you can afford in different locations on the map. I have sold one Nether Katal of the few Nether spells I use to eveyone so I can replenish whenever I want. I just have to run to the nearest merchant unless there is a Moongate nearby.

I hope this helps!
Dam that's a major hint, and coming at right time when I am trying a Thief/Ninja/Nether magician, thanks for it.

For the game improvemment that should be a hint included in one dialog of one merchant. The Shaman merchant at Skuldoom would be perfect for that.
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Post by Kenrenk »

[QUOTE=Kel] putting points in the magic skills you are going to use they will be more effective and anything you summon will be stronger. Once you get your Nether Magic level over 10 cast Summon Giant and let your enemies attack him while you pick them off.
Arg cool I can't wait to use that with my Rogue/Ninja/Nether magician character with backstab and sneak skills. :D

Additionally this skill level was probably the reason why I didn't make it work once and make it worked later (with another character).
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Post by Kel » need room....

When you use one the summon katals in Nether magic you have to make sure that there is room for you to summon. This not only applies to trolls(giant) but also apllies to deathlords, fiend, guardian and in celestial magic the same applies to Divine Intervention.

You may have to turn or move away from the allies you summoned in order to summon more. I don't know what the upper limit or if there is one for how many allies you can summon is. I once had 8 angels(divine intervention) and 8 fiends summoned along with my troll. It is important to remember that you remember that need room and if you are in a building or dungeon you can't summon allies that fly. Be careful sommoning trolls to as you make get stuck. Try summoning wolves instead as they occupy the enemy and allow you to pick them off. Hell, even rats work but bats need to fly around too much and so don't work as well.

I hope this helps!!


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Post by Kenrenk »

I summoned celestial stuff in buldings and it worked, so this rule with summoning, buildings and flying stuff isn't always true.

Still about summoning, I was in water but low enough to allow me walking. There I tried summon few stuff but it didn't work. Later similar stuff summoned on the ground followed me in this water without any problem. And no enemies was arround me when I tried summon so it was hardly the place problem.

About nether stuff to summon, I found ghost particularely cool against those pesky "trees". Also rats could be very cool but it's hard to try any hit when they are around as you'll just kill them. Also Trolls are very cool against bats.:laugh:
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Post by mystikspiralfan »

If you want to focus on rune spells, become a 2nd tier adept along with the mage class; they get bonuses.
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Post by Andromeadae »

Where can these spells be found, I have yet to find any "nova" spells, who sells them? Did I miss them? I am currently starting the "tiger" quest, and would love to get my hands on this spell before if possible. I know the witch in devil's marsh doesnt sell it. Cant get back into fargrove yet, so if its there, I am screwed for now.

I also have a question about the celestial spells, I have healing, but it doesnt seem to do anything but create a blue circle around me, but my health doesnt seem to go up. Does it not work? Are there others that dont work?
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Post by The Master »

Nova spells

I'm afraid you're going to be out of luck. Fire and blast novas are sold by Aleister in Fargrove. Ice nova is sold by Grymlok. I'm pretty sure you need to be a member of the guild of mages to have access to them.

Don't know what the problem is with your healing crystals. They've always worked for me. What's your skill level in celestial magic?

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Post by Andromeadae »

Ok since I am out of luck with the nova spells, anyone tell me a good way to get through the last part of trial of elders? I am speaking of the fire spouts trial. I get overrun fairly quickly. I am level 8, I am a battlemage with like 10 in arcane, and I think 7 or 8 in celestial. I admit I am not using my arcane spells much as they dont seem to do enough damage quickly enough to make a difference. So I am mostly using my mage staff. Is there a good place to try and fight them? I am drinking potions like water, and I have 5 rezzes available, but cant tell if I am even close to the end. I have tried staying on a platform so they wont spawn there, but I usually get knocked off by a spellcaster. And that wizards fireballs are just a huge pain. I see no way to kill him before entering the room, he hits me even then. I read that you cant save an reload there or it breaks the quest, is this still true? Any suggestions are appreciated :) Oh and dispel undead (celestial) doesnt seem to work. Perhaps the spirits arent considered undead? or maybe the spell is just not working at all?
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Post by The Master »

Did you pick up any crystals wards of fire from the temple in Arindale? That will make things a lot easier. If not, try running around instead of staying in one place and fighting. That way the wizard's fireballs will do a lot of the work for you. Step on the platforms if another spirit is about to appear, then keep running. And drink potions like water.

Dispel undead works, so the spirits must not be undead.
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Post by Radio Star »

If you have a previous save, the section just before the last trial (the section with the bridge over water) is great to XP in. The knights are worth 3k a pop and appear pretty quickly. Also, if you can knock the elder who appears into the water, he gets all confused and stops attacking. Just whack at him for about 10-20 minutes and you'll be a whopping 700,000+ xp richer. Another level or two and you should find the firespout trial a breeze.
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Post by Andromeadae »

Thanks all, I got through it, but you will never guess how. Mostly I would stand at the back of one of the side portals, and let them crowd me, and the fireball guy would hit them instead of me, meanwhile I whacked away at them. Dont get me wrong I did get hit with fireballs some, but I went in with 70+ heal pots so I was able to get thru it that way. Thanks again for the advice :) I have one other question, how do you actually use Rune spells? Mind you I think I am only like level 2 or 3 but I would like to try it out. I have two, brunegild and dementos, but nothing seems to happen if I click on them, so I figure I am not doing something right.
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Post by The Master »

rune magic

Rune stones by themselves don't do anything. You have to buy rune spells and the right combination of stones for each spell. There are a couple of rune spells for sale at the temple in Fargrove and maybe Arindale (I don't remember), but they may not sell the right stones for the spells to work. Grymlok in the northlands has the most rune stuff. Only a few rune spells worked in 1.3, and I haven't gotten far enough in 1.4 to know if more are available. My personal opinion: rune magic isn't worth it. There aren't (weren't?) many spells available, and having to buy the spell AND all the stones (some use 7 or 8) makes it very expensive. I think you're better off spending the gold and adv points on arcane and celestial magic.

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Post by Andromeadae »

ok thx :)
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Post by tomurph »

have to admit

Just got through the fire spouts and did what was just mentioned, took out the boss of the bridges. Took awhile but like they said the points bumped me from 9 to 10. Am Celestial, and still working on sorceror. The admission was that had to give up a couple scrolls of restoration, and then lost all exp points. Tough part of trial. Also lost 1 point of dext. But the elven sword of flame definitely helped. As did nova. Heading out to Ulm.
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