A Luck roll? How does that work for this? Is a luck roll usually needed for a critcical hit?
[QUOTE=Fljotsdale]I wouldn't mess with the guts of anything electrical if it was plugged in! I have always been afraid of elecricity since I saw my brother get electrocuted. He was ok, just burned on his hand and badly shaken, but I was only a kid at the time, and I saw it.[/QUOTE]
Ahh, I understand. I wouldn't be too happy about it myself in that case.
Then I'd recommend buying one of the anti-static bands that go over your hand. Of course, that is plugged in as it draws any static off you and earths you.
I believe on most motherboards there is a little LED that is lit if the motherboard is getting power, that is one way of being able to tell whether something else should be turned off.
[QUOTE=Fljotsdale]Hows your game? Or have you stopped playing now?
Well, I don't have any real chance to play any games on Thursdays as it is my rare single full day at University (usually I have a 2-hour lecture followed by a 1-hour tutorial - adding on a 1hr 30 commute each way). Tomorrow, I'll have the chance to play the game for a bit as I don't need to go in to London.
Next week, however, remains a total mystery to me. The University have organised some kind of week where they try to build skills that apparently will help us in the business world. It wasn't too helpful last year and with the University's lack of organisation (for example on Monday they expect everyone from the Computing and Mathematics School to register at 9am, although this could be 200+ students
When I do get back to Lionheart I'll need to start selling and buying equipment I think. That was what I had planned to do. Then perhaps, I'll pay a visit to the Caverns of Nostradamus and see how I cope there.