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The Unoficial Elder Scrolls Page

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Hardcore Heathe
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The Unoficial Elder Scrolls Page

Post by Hardcore Heathe »

Hey, I beat morrowind 3 times or so, then I dropped it for awhile and started playing WoW...well, last patch day I picked up the game again and started playing. I have a lot of stuff from memory, but I got a lot of my info from (the site doesnt exist anymore) and when i did a google search for "uesp chapter 3 morrowind" the info under the first link said the page was being moved to the new uesp-wiki or something. I looked in google's cached files and actually got the main page, but the links didn't work and quite a few were missing...does anyone know what happened to it? The site was great; complete quest walkthroughs, master trainer list, good mods that didnt mess up your computer, artifact lists, and a bunch of other stuff. I miss the site alot, any information would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Siberys »

Dunno what happened to the site, but I do have another unnofficial elder scrolls walkthrough site that you can have. It has the walkthrough's, the trainers, artifacts and a completely organized "quest" walkthrough that seperates them from main and side quests.

It even has bloodmoon and Tribunal walkthroughs.

Here's the site-
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Post by Hardcore Heathe »

That website looks just a wee bit familiar...can't put my finger on it...
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Post by fable »

Please watch the profanity. Our site owner has a rule about that, because our host is in the US. Some other sites have been taken off from profanity complaints. :rolleyes: So we have to enforce this.

Don't know what became of UESP MW, but if you need something specific, just ask. Many of us keep tons of personal MW links, and several of us are heavily into mods. :)
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Post by Hardcore Heathe »

I didn't use profanity; i used actual * marks. Thanks for the warning though.
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Post by Siberys »

I think he's implying the fact that you used the *'s to begin with in the first place, making it seem as if your cursing with a "bleep."

I could be wrong...
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Post by fable »

Yep, and substitution of other characters is also covered in that same rule. Simply put: Buck won't allow it. This board has been around for 6 years, and we don't want to go under like others that have offended the net nannies.

Any further correspondence on the matter can go directly to the site owner.
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Post by Loredweller »

In fact UESP isn't dead. I was able to reach it a day or two ago. It's transformed to wiki by now. Howveve, though strange it may be, they still have the problem with DNS - most usually it's DNS record what couldn't be found. Most strange because David Humphrey seems to be from Canada ...

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Post by Hardcore Heathe »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]In fact UESP isn't dead. I was able to reach it a day or two ago. It's transformed to wiki by now. Howveve, though strange it may be, they still have the problem with DNS - most usually it's DNS record what couldn't be found. Most strange because David Humphrey seems to be from Canada ...[/QUOTE]

Could you give me a link or instructions as to how to get to UESP? Gamebanshee has almost everything I want but it lacks (or I havn't found) a list of artifacts (unique and incredibly powerful weapons/armor) or a list of cheats which were at UESP. I only used the thing to get the best soul gems when I was trying to get good enchants, but it was still a nice was the Master Trainer list, which I can't find anywhere including my strategy guide (yes the book.)

I changed my original post so that it no longer includes * marks and apologize for my lack of knowledge that led to me using them.
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Post by fable »

There are a number of other console pages, such as this one, but I agree: UESP was the best around. I can't get to it, either. I remember reading a couple of months back that they were having problems, but thought they'd solved 'em.

If you need help with a specific console entry, don't hesitate to ask, here. Those of us who make or use mods are somewhat familiar with the console, and fixing problems in the game.
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Post by Hardcore Heathe »

I guess I'll start using gamebanshee then. Also, I think I'm going to remake my log-in name because i just realized i missed an N in Heathen lol. If anyone DOES figure out what happened to uesp/where it is gimme a call; till then I'll be here.
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Bel Al
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Post by Bel Al »

It seems to me I read somewhere ( I can't remember where) that they'ce been looking for a new host or the one they have is severely to the number of hits.
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=Bel Al]It seems to me I read somewhere ( I can't remember where) that they'ce been looking for a new host or the one they have is severely to the number of hits.[/QUOTE]
They had already moved, AFAIK. Something has gone wrong with DNS, and i hadn't been able to got idea what. They have registred the domain with, and it's valid up to 2011. Nonetheless it's more unavailable than accessable, and the main reason (at least for me) is "no DNS records".

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