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i have done something wrong

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i have done something wrong

Post by softie2 »

i am on like the third or fourth quest and its were you have the corpus disease and i have to go to tel fyr and i have killed some one in there and then i went up to the person with daedric armor and he attacked me and now i cant do anything can any one help me ? :mad: :confused:
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Post by Loredweller »

The easiest way is to have a save - before at least killing.
Then, if you were able to, you could try spell Calm Humanoid and probably also Charm, though, from what i gathered from your post, you'd rather wouldn't have enough skill - and i do not know if there's an enchanter who would serve diseased, moreover wiht Corpus.

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Post by softie2 »

i am level 23 lol im level 23 and on the 3rd or 4th quest because i dident do the quests but i have started to do them
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Post by Loredweller »

The number of level in Morrowind hardly gives any insight in how good your PC is in Illusions (both Calm and Charm belongs to this school) or in Enchant skill, neither it says anything about your PC's Intelligence, Personality and Luck.
However, quite a few in your situation had some luck the way i suggested. Though to Calm each time you're approaching him is annoying (the Charming might be replaced with bribing as soon as he's calmed), there's one more NPC you couldn't approach other way (the Master Enchanter), so it's completely legal and right.

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Post by softie2 »

so what shall i do? he is level 65
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=softie2]so what shall i do?[/QUOTE]
Oh, my! :rolleyes:
If you have a save with little to lose (save the killed creature or whatever), you could use it.
Otherwise try to apply strong enough spell Calm Humanoid on him (you may have to go to Spellmaker to make some strong enough - or to create some enchanted item with this spell on). The duration of the spell shouldn't be that long, it's rather important only that you could start the conversation while he's under the spell and that you could repeat it any time you needed to - and better on Target than on Touch (at least to aproach or get away, he's one of the toughtest NPC in the game anyway).
Difficulty is in the fact that NPC becomes rather short if they notice you're diseased.
(What did you say about level you were?)

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