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Any modders willing to go halvsies???

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Any modders willing to go halvsies???

Post by ch85us2001 »

Well, My first Mod is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except, its kinda . . . .blank. :o :(

I fixed it all up, added some new creatures and some books, but it just doesnt add much.

I meant for it to be a quest Mod, but I cant figure out the journal entries, dialogue, and scripting that well. :o

So, my question is, would any modders like to help me finish it??? :)

@ The mods; (delete this if it isnt a good idea.) :o
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Post by fable »

I see no reason to delete this, but you may want to give a better idea of 1) what your mod is about, storywise, 2) what game elements it contains, and 3) what you were trying to accomplish. :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

fable wrote:I see no reason to delete this, but you may want to give a better idea of 1) what your mod is about, storywise,
Well, basically, it consists of a giant, high level shark creature terrorizing Northwest Vvardenfell. :)
2) what game elements it contains
Not sure what exactly you mean by this, but I have added a few books (describing the lore of the sharky-thing), and a very high level creature with loot.
3) what you were trying to accomplish. :)
I am trying to build a good, flowing with the storyline, Quest mod for myself and others to enjoy.

So basically, I have I hard time with the scripting and journal entries. I would like to have someone write some journal entries, script some events, add dialogue to a few NPC's, and fix everythiing I probably did wrong. :o In return they would get half the credit of creating the mod. :)
[]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url=""]My Mod Fansite[/url]
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