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Problems with the main quest...

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Problems with the main quest...

Post by kedde »


I'm a lvl 64 Breton and have played with this beloved character for a good while, and he's a pretty damn excellent lvl 64 too, transforming into a werewolf now and again at my own command...

I completed the add-ons and went back to playing the main Morrowind quest, picking up were I left off - The Nerevarine trials - #5: Get the different tribes to name you the nerevarine.

HOOOWEVER, at the last stop, the Erabenisium camp, I have to hand over some "tokens" (enchanted items) to the Ash-Khan. Problem is - I don't have the Sanit-Kil's haert of fire anymore since I raided the camp when I was still thrashing around, and alas, the Sanit-Kil of Heart's fire has gone missing in the game and cannot be retrieved at any of my formerly-visited trading-posts (aka mudcrab & creeper).

Which ultimately means that I have left the damn item lying around somewhere in the XX sq miles of the game...

NOW, how the ¤%&! do yI get back this item - I have no intent on starting over... I've tried mucking around with the TES constr. set but can't seem to work it (so sue me). Is there anyone who can explain in a simple manner the dummy-steps I have to take to place this item into the game again?

I figure this is my only resort, oh and also, can I move creeper to Vivec for example?

Any help is appreciated, HELL- any compassion, emotional support, similar sob stories, will be gladly received by you guys - my fellow Morrowind pp...

So, help me plz...!
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

It's not hard to find the identity of an item in the construction set ;)

1. Bring up the construction set

2. Go to File, and then hit "Data Files"

3. There will be a list with a little square beside each name. Double click on the square that says "Morrowind" (Do not set it as your Active File though). Hit the button that says "OK"

4. In the Object Window, check the various tabs, you want the one labelled: "Clothing"

Now scroll down until you find the said item code:

In this case it is:

5. Now, start up your game. While in-game bring up the console. You do this by simultaneously pressing Shift and the Tilde Key (this one: ~, It's immediately to your left of the number one key)

This will bring up a black box

Type into your console (Black box) Exactly as follows:

'Player -> AddItem "heart_of_fire" 1'

Now press Enter

If the line you typed in turns purple, you have done it correctly, and the item will appear in your inventory.
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Post by kedde »

Yes - It Worked!!

PHEEWW. Can't thank you enough! You saved my game man!

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