first of all i must state that i just started the game and finished maybe around 5 or 7 quests outside the guild (just got to oaksvale). since i left the guild i can't go to the bowerstone north - i've visited the bowerstone south, yet whenever i get to the stairs leading to bowerstone north a gaurd comes and says i can't go in... i'm really very close to killing him ;-) and as i'm playing a pure evil char (or at least planning to be) iwonder if i can do that and if that will able me to go there. or maybe i need something either more reputation/attractiveness/scariness or a quest to do...
thanx in advance for any help/idea of what to do to get to the northern part of the city...
You'll know that you will be able to get in because someone will tell you something about geting into north bowerstone. No hints about when, who and what. Aren't I clever.
Q.What is black and white and green and black and white?