So I will tell you where I'm at; what I've discovered about the game vs my physical limitations; ask for your advice.
I really need help/advice
I'd like to keep playing TLC. since gaming and reading is all I can do ... I'm in a weheelchair/house bound ... so, this is important to me
1) I think I did too many quests too quickly = ever since the Bandit/Seer quest, my main attack has been melee ... thus, my Will powers xp is going up very slowly ... Fireball, which was decent thru the Trader escort, now is useless ... I added Divine Fury because those floating fairies were killing me, but it's useles at level 1 ... I just finished the White Balverine quest; next up Arena
Ok, here's my dilemma.........>
1) I can't beat the fairies or trolls ... I did beat the troll in the Traders Quest, but I cheated by hiding behind the tree stump where his boulders missed and slowly fireballed him ... in the arena, there is no hiding ... I did beat the Whie Balverine and other tough path battles by cheating = I'd use Slow Time/PhysicalShield/Multi Strike till my mana ran out, then I'd run quickly to the nearest gateway to escape; wait till my mana filled up and prime up the 3 spells and walk back through the gateway ... rinse and repeat ... still, I used up all my produce to stay healthy ... as you can see, I won't beat this game playing it straight :-(
Current Quest: Arena
Current Stats:
* STR -4
* Health - 3
* TOUGH - 4
* Fireball - 1
* Lightning -1
* Duivine Fury -1
* Slow -1
* Phy Shield - 1
* Muti Strke -1
*** I do not like this setup ***
I see no way of upping my Will, as all battles since Bandit/Seer quest have been melee
2) Do I start over ?
Is there any saving this build ... I won't survive the arena = no Lady Grace Invitation + doubt I beat Thunder(... from walkthrough) etc...
3) If I start over, do I just create a new profile ?
I see no way no deleting saves = I don't want to have 5+ profiles chewing up gb space on my hard drive
4) If I start over, I'd stop "questing" after the Trader Escort ... go to Oakvale
and just trek back and forth between Hero Guild and Oakvale to use my Will powers to level them up before stating the Bandit quest = does that make gameplay sense; does that work ?
I know this sounds convoluted; I'm sorry.
Have alot spinning thru my head
Only 4hrs sleep each of the last 3 nights = game is killing me; it's so frenetic.
I'd like to play it to the end; if possible ?
Can anyone help me ?
I need to slow the game down, so "Slow Time" is crucial.
I take alot of damage, so "Phyical Shield" is crucial".
The less I have to hit/keyboard; the better ... in my case, "less is more"
Ok, what other powers would you reccomend ??!! ... has anyone played TLC thru using the "simplicity" route ?
What order should I buy my Will powers.
How long do you guys level up your Will before moving on to those quests that seem to depend on melee.
Knowing what you know about me, can I finish this game(... or at least make it to the final battle);or should I just remove it from my hard drive ?
Is there any build that can get "me" close to the end.
I know I'm asking alot, but gaming is about the only thing I can do
If you have any questions; please ask.
Need clarification; please ask.
I'll take any/all the advice I can ... I really want to play TLC; just not sure if my lack of manual dexterity is a game-breaker ?
Since there are no cheats, I'm going to need a near perfect build and/or strategy.
I couldn't find any early "leveling up/creature spam" spots ... well, none that wouldn't have me drinking potions like Ted Kennedy at a wedding reception
So guys, there it is in a big nutshell,
Whatever you can do to help is much appreciated = as is all you've done for me already
** I'll take a break, watch some tv; keep my other build till I hear from you guys **