When i look at my major skills a few of them are green, what does that mean. I ask because I bought a spell that requires 50 Illusion. My Illusion is up to 53 and when I cast the spell it says "skill level too low"
My illusion skill is one of the green ones
Skills/atributes in green
It means your skill is boosted due to some piece of equipemnt, like a Ring, or enchanted armor. You need your skill to *really* be 50 to cast it, not 50 with the help of something.
And He whispered to me in the darkness as we lay together, Tell Me where to touch you so that I can drive you insane; tell Me where to touch you to give you ultimate pleasure, tell Me where to touch you so that we will truly own each other. And I kissed Him softly and whispered back, Touch my mind.