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Ultimate Cheese Character

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

[QUOTE=Amran_X_Kaiser]On another note - has anyone tried making custom characters with the benefit of tools such as Shadowkeeper ?

I read somewhere long ago there a barbarian/cleric/mage roaming somehwere.

There is nothing cheesier.

If so please post.

Would be interesting to here about classes that are customised in such a way.[/QUOTE]

sorceror kensai (with cleric and druid spells):speech:

it got so rediculous i've lost interest.

sorc kensai immune to timestop, perminent greater acuity, immune to imprisonment, all the paladin immunities, x9 backstab, deathbringer assault, hive mother beholder anti magic ray, instant spell refresh for the entire party, the best of the cleric and druid spell pool, use any item, the ability to cast spells during tensor's transformation and while wearing platemail, and partridge in a pear tree...

it was mostly an experiment to see how many unbalancing things i could was just too much, and boring after a while...:angel:
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Post by Da_venom »


I don't have any mods on my game (if that makes a difference).
But usually my character rolls are in the mid-high 70's. Since there are 6 character abilities getting just a 10 in each would give a minimum of 60. Maxing each ability at 18 would be a 108. But 65 (whoa, scratch head) that's a tough character to play! :eek: [/QUOTE]

if i reroll a half orc
and get 65 IIRC

my stats would be
con-18 or 19 can't remember sry :P
wis 7

out of my mind
this hard to play?
finished the game twice with this char being kensai ^^
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Post by JonIrenicus »

Well I did not read all the posts =p

If you are good with spells, playing a sorceror is pretty damn cheesy by itself.

Any form of fighter/assassin is pretty bad ass. Probably the easiest time I have had with bgii.

any forms of fighter/mage is pretty good too.

and of course a paladin with uber mr is godly.
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Post by Emnelion »

hey everyone. don't know if it's a cheesy character but i sertenly is powerful, maybe the most powerful i've ever had: a human kenai lv9 / mage. don't wear any armor as a mage you know, and because you're a mage your abvious choise for armor is the robe of vecna (base ac5, 10 mr, -4 casting speed) and along with the amulet of power it gives a total of -5 casting speed!!! almost every spell i cast goes on no time (casting time 1). and you get great thac0, and when dualing belm+2 and the sunblade (i'm in the underdark right now) i get 4 attacks / round!! you know stoneskin, blur, mirror image, contigency, spell secuencer, spell trigger, greater mallison, glitterdust, slow, timestop and (maybe most cheesy) the black blade of disaster makes him just a killing maskine.

i've just ran into fights and slaughered, fights i used to think of as hard.
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Post by Pellinore »

I have noticed that some people excel at certain characters and others with other characters. I seem to do better with fighters. I have a half-orc berserker and he is just levelling the battlefield all by himself. He completely wasted the illithids in the underdark (but didn't do so hot against the beholders and their ray attacks). I had him equipped with Blade of Roses, Drow Full Plate, rings of human influence/regeneration, and boots of speed. Maybe certain classes just need to be in the right hands. I do well with fighters and paladins as well as with fighter/thief but I suck with thieves, bards and other spellcasters. Funny thing is, I am best with mages and clerics in PnP D&D.
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Post by snoopyofour »

Somebody said that you couldn't abuse druid abilities. There's only one character that I've ever felt competent enough to take on the entire game solo and that was my high level shapeshifter. Gave him that scimitar that gives you an extra attack and put it in his sheild hand, he got five attacks per round. with the items i put on him he had an armor class of -15 (maybe lower, I forget). Most enemies in the game can't hit him with anything less than a critical. also, there seems to be a glitch in my game that allows him to wear shadow dragon scale and white dragon scale, does anybody else have that problem (not really a problem I guess). But anyway, an obscene amount of summoning spells (the one that pulls two arctic bears is nuts, their paws are at least +3). With a ring of fire resistance and some other resistant items you can make him immune to fire (a real treat considering how often I have to deal with that fire shield spell). Giving him that necklace that you get from aran makes just about any vampire fight a joke (for the bodhi battle i shifted, put him on autoattack, talked to bodhi, and then left and made myself a cup of coffee. When I came back everthing was dead and he was well above half health). With his creeping doom spell, any fight with non-drow mages is a joke. There are only two disadvantages to this class: your claws are only +2 and it takes a lifetime to reach level 14. Other than that I am completely satisfied with him. Not to mention he looks sweet, but thats purely because I tweaked his appearance.
If you want to add another completely cheesy character and make a near unstoppable duo just through in a sorceror and give him time-stop, improved alacrity, and that mirror spell that gives you all your spells. You should also outfit him with Vecna's robe and eye (you'll have to edit them in if you didn't get the gold edition) My favorite trick is to send my werewolf into a throng (yeah that's right I said it "throng") of enemies and then absolutely decimate the entire area with about 9 fireballs and whatever else is left afterwards, all while only really casting one spell. At a certain level with certain spells, the sorceror class becomes just obscene. But they're only fun to play if you have somebody to keep them safe, mainly because I hate doing contingency.
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