Just completed SoA, so though I'd share some wisdom.
Just completed SoA, so though I'd share some wisdom.
Hah, yeah right. Like I'm really wise enough to reccomend strategies and all that rubbish.
I'm a H&S guy at heart, so this is probably reflected below...
Anyway...here's some tips/tricks/generic thoughts/ideas I discovered on my travels through Amn. Enjoy/discuss/whatever.
[CHEESE] Mordenkainen's Lock-in:
Summon two or three Mordenkainen's Swords, line 'em up next to a door that you know has some powerful baddies on the other side (I'm thinking magic users - people like Mind Flayers, Beholders etc). Have someone open the door for the swords, shove them through, and shut the door again.
Now sit back and wait. The swords will go off and attack by themselves, and being immune to most things except Maze, Imprisonment, and death-type spells, they'll hack their way through almost anything (or at least bring the bad guys down to an easily-killable level). You won't be able to see or control the action, but keep an eye on the message box and listen to the battle for a laugh. It's amsuing to hear someone having their ass kicked, but not see it...
A similar idea is to engage a powerful (but not very mobile) enemy (I did this on Irenicus in the Tree Of Life), run out of his sight, summon a few swords and send them back to do battle. Again, you won't be able to see the action, but they'll kick a lot of ass and make your life a lot easier before they expire.
Do ALL the quests in an area before moving on. By this, I mean for example doing all of the subquests in Athkatla before heading off to Spellhold. Why? Experience, equipment, gold...the list goes on. Granted, it's a lot of hard work, but once you've done all those Athkatla subquests (and the other bits and pieces like the Pebblecrusher gang and the Twisted Rune (if you're hard enough!) etc etc), you'll be well geared up for everything else and pretty much 'ahead of the game'. Especially worth doing above all else are the Firkragg quest and the Guarded Compound in the Temple District (this isn't a quest, but just barge in there and kill everyone). The spoils are well worth it. And I do mean WELL worth it.
Useful Stuff:
I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it too much, but there are a few bits of gear that I found myself using over and over again. Here they are.
1. Lilarcor (I've actually grown to like it, perversely enough)
2. Shield Of Harmony
3. Carsomyr (duh)
4. Scroll Cases/Gem Bags/Bag Of Holding
5. Fire Arrows
6. Mace Of Disruption
7. Celestial Fury (my fave weapon in the whole game)
8. Potions of Extra Healing (way faster than spells during combat)
9. Staff Mace (if you have Jaheira)
10. Bracers Of Defense AC3 (Mage protection)
11. Cloak Of The Sewers (reaches the parts other cloaks can't)
12. Cloak Of ... [forgotten what it's called] - the one that turns spells.
13. Boots Of Speed
14. Glasses Of Identification (save some spell slots here...)
15. Sunstone Bullets (anti-Golem ranged warfare, don't waste them)
Bear in mind that I play a pretty Hack/Slash party with only on mage and one cleric...I do a lot of brute-forceing my way through the game.
Useless Stuff:
1. Wands. I never used one, despite carrying a selection of them around 'just in case'.
2. Arrows +2/Biting/Acid/etc etc. Once you have Tuigan's bow, what's the point (other than Fire for trolls)?
3. Any silver/gold jewellery. You get 1GP for a silver necklace. Leave it on the floor, not worth wasting an inventory slot on. Same goes for anything cheap really (unless you're really early on in the game, in which case loot, sell, buy new gear, repeat)
4. Level 1/2/3 scrolls. Learn them, ditch any more you come across.
5. The Book Of Kaza. Flog it once you've got it, it does nothing.
6. Most other Books, come to think of it. 'History Of...' books inparticular (with a few exceptions)
7. Potions of Mind Focusing, Genius etc. This is only useful if you don't wanna start summoning stuff to deal with Mind Flayers. Beyond that they have no use to me (maybe I'm wrong)
8. A lot of other potions. If it doesn't heal, I probably won't use it until the end of the game.
9. 'Quest Stuff' as I call it. Once you've done the quest that required you to keep a bit of gear that has no use outside that quest, dump it. I can't think of anything that I ever needed afterwards. It's all about Inventory Management. Dump it all on the floor in your Stronghold if you think you might need it later on. Same goes for parts of weapons etc - dump them somewhere safe until you have the other parts.
10. Boo. Don't get me started.
11. Black Spider Figurine. By the time I needed it, all my enemies were hard enough to slay Kitthix without batting an eyelid.
12. Rogue Stones. You will only ever need two. Once you have those, flog the rest (they're worth a bit)
13. Wakisashis/Ninja-Tos. Why? When Scimitars are better for the same proficiency? There are very few powerful ones anyway.
14. Bastard Swords. Nope, pretty useless and not very powerful in real terms.
Useful Spells:
My 'most used' stuff.
1. Breach. Indispensable.
2. Mordenkainen's Sword
3. Dispel Magic/Remove Magic
4. Haste
5. Heal
6. Barkskin
7. Defensive Harmony/Bless (although they don't last very long)
8. Greater Restoration Scrolls (always carry 3 or 4 of these if you're going anywhere near the Undead)
9. Resist Fear (Dragon-beating)
10. Cloudkill (for cheese purposes)
11. Disintegrate (for when someone charms/dominates your Mordenkain's Sword...)
12. All of the 'Cure X Wounds' spells. (For those 'can't rest' moments)
Yoshimo: Good thief, useless for anything else. Even if you arm him up the eyeballs.
Nalia: forget the thieving abilities, she's a mage with a shortbow, use her as such and you're laughing. It's even possible (on a very good day when your tanks are taking the damage) to use her in Melee...she's just more useful elsewhere.
Jaheira: useful as a healer/buffer/melee/long range type of gal. Not amazing, but pulls her weight. Useful.
Minsc: Solid frontline Tank. Give him two decent maces or Lilarcor - can't really find any faults with him for this role.
Keldorn: THE tank. Give him Carsomyr and he's unstoppable.
Valygar: Frontline guy, but think about what you equip him with and how you use him, otherwise he'll go the way of Yoshimo.
Korgan: Excellent tank, great for evil parties. Doesn't get on very well with anyone though.
Imoen: Pretty similar to Nalia in my experience...except I find Nalia better, because you have the chance to build up her experience and spell repertoire to a higher level than Imoen is at when you reacquire her.
Mazzy: Not used as yet.
Cernd: Not used as yet.
Haer Dalis: Not used as yet.
Anomen: The most annoying personality in the game. Reasonable frontline fighter, seem to remember him pulling his weight, but getting on my nerves.
Edwin: Not used as yet.
Aerie: Not used as yet.
Jan: The best thief. Unfortunately not very useful outside of that. Don't let him anywhere near any Melee action.
Viconia: Not used as yet.
Now here's a can of worms.
I would suggest having at least one guy good with Two Handed Swords, one good with something powerful and blunt (e.g. Maces), one good with Katanas (ignore the game's warning about them being rare, you NEED to have someone with Celestial Fury), and one good with Longswords. Warhammers and axes are always good as well. Make sure you have someone good with a Sling and a Bow (preferably short) as well. With that little lot you should be able to use all the best stuff in the game, and still be able to DO everything.
The useless ones are Bastard Sword (very few good ones, underpowered), Club (same again), Wakizahi/Ninja-to (Scimitars are a better option), Darts (just forget it), Daggers (unless you backstab a lot), and Crossbows (carried one but never used it, although there's a decent selection).
Bear in mind that you CAN get through the game without ranged combat of any type, but you might end up re-loading a lot more due to your weaker characters getting battered in CC.
Just so you know, for a large portion of the game my party looked a bit like this:
PC: Celestial Fury/Daystar/Blade Of Roses or Dragonslayer (Katana/Longsword)
Minsc: Dual wielding two Maces or Lilarcor (Mace/Two Handed Sword)
Keldorn: Carsomyr (Two Handed Sword)
Valygar: His own Katana, sometimes dual wielding with Malakar +2 (Katana)
Jaheira: Staff Mace/a good Sling (actually Quarterstaff/Sling)
Nalia: Tuigan's Bow/Arbane's Sword/Adjatha The Drinker (Short Bow/Short Sword/Long Sword)
I tended to swap and chuck which weapons I used against which enemies. For example I usually carry Mauler's Arm (Golem battles), Flame Tongue (Undead), Skullcrusher (when I'm in a bad mood), Rod Of Smiting (amazing against Golems), and Warblade +4 (for Minsc when I get bored of the Maces).
That little lot go me through SoA easily enough. There were very few 'hard' bits - the only ones that spring to mind being a battle with a shedload of Iron/Clay/Stone Golems in the Fiirkragg quest (which was weird - no walkthrough seems to mention this battle by the 'Fire Elemental Well'), the Mind Flayer Dungeon (until I started playing with magical swords), and the various Dragons. Oh and the Guarded Compound, Twisted Rune, and Kangaxx, but those last three are all well known for being difficult.
I've probably just talked a load of utter bollocks, but someone might find that useful. That's how I forced my way through.
I'm a H&S guy at heart, so this is probably reflected below...
Anyway...here's some tips/tricks/generic thoughts/ideas I discovered on my travels through Amn. Enjoy/discuss/whatever.
[CHEESE] Mordenkainen's Lock-in:
Summon two or three Mordenkainen's Swords, line 'em up next to a door that you know has some powerful baddies on the other side (I'm thinking magic users - people like Mind Flayers, Beholders etc). Have someone open the door for the swords, shove them through, and shut the door again.
Now sit back and wait. The swords will go off and attack by themselves, and being immune to most things except Maze, Imprisonment, and death-type spells, they'll hack their way through almost anything (or at least bring the bad guys down to an easily-killable level). You won't be able to see or control the action, but keep an eye on the message box and listen to the battle for a laugh. It's amsuing to hear someone having their ass kicked, but not see it...
A similar idea is to engage a powerful (but not very mobile) enemy (I did this on Irenicus in the Tree Of Life), run out of his sight, summon a few swords and send them back to do battle. Again, you won't be able to see the action, but they'll kick a lot of ass and make your life a lot easier before they expire.
Do ALL the quests in an area before moving on. By this, I mean for example doing all of the subquests in Athkatla before heading off to Spellhold. Why? Experience, equipment, gold...the list goes on. Granted, it's a lot of hard work, but once you've done all those Athkatla subquests (and the other bits and pieces like the Pebblecrusher gang and the Twisted Rune (if you're hard enough!) etc etc), you'll be well geared up for everything else and pretty much 'ahead of the game'. Especially worth doing above all else are the Firkragg quest and the Guarded Compound in the Temple District (this isn't a quest, but just barge in there and kill everyone). The spoils are well worth it. And I do mean WELL worth it.
Useful Stuff:
I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it too much, but there are a few bits of gear that I found myself using over and over again. Here they are.
1. Lilarcor (I've actually grown to like it, perversely enough)
2. Shield Of Harmony
3. Carsomyr (duh)
4. Scroll Cases/Gem Bags/Bag Of Holding
5. Fire Arrows
6. Mace Of Disruption
7. Celestial Fury (my fave weapon in the whole game)
8. Potions of Extra Healing (way faster than spells during combat)
9. Staff Mace (if you have Jaheira)
10. Bracers Of Defense AC3 (Mage protection)
11. Cloak Of The Sewers (reaches the parts other cloaks can't)
12. Cloak Of ... [forgotten what it's called] - the one that turns spells.
13. Boots Of Speed
14. Glasses Of Identification (save some spell slots here...)
15. Sunstone Bullets (anti-Golem ranged warfare, don't waste them)
Bear in mind that I play a pretty Hack/Slash party with only on mage and one cleric...I do a lot of brute-forceing my way through the game.
Useless Stuff:
1. Wands. I never used one, despite carrying a selection of them around 'just in case'.
2. Arrows +2/Biting/Acid/etc etc. Once you have Tuigan's bow, what's the point (other than Fire for trolls)?
3. Any silver/gold jewellery. You get 1GP for a silver necklace. Leave it on the floor, not worth wasting an inventory slot on. Same goes for anything cheap really (unless you're really early on in the game, in which case loot, sell, buy new gear, repeat)
4. Level 1/2/3 scrolls. Learn them, ditch any more you come across.
5. The Book Of Kaza. Flog it once you've got it, it does nothing.
6. Most other Books, come to think of it. 'History Of...' books inparticular (with a few exceptions)
7. Potions of Mind Focusing, Genius etc. This is only useful if you don't wanna start summoning stuff to deal with Mind Flayers. Beyond that they have no use to me (maybe I'm wrong)
8. A lot of other potions. If it doesn't heal, I probably won't use it until the end of the game.
9. 'Quest Stuff' as I call it. Once you've done the quest that required you to keep a bit of gear that has no use outside that quest, dump it. I can't think of anything that I ever needed afterwards. It's all about Inventory Management. Dump it all on the floor in your Stronghold if you think you might need it later on. Same goes for parts of weapons etc - dump them somewhere safe until you have the other parts.
10. Boo. Don't get me started.
11. Black Spider Figurine. By the time I needed it, all my enemies were hard enough to slay Kitthix without batting an eyelid.
12. Rogue Stones. You will only ever need two. Once you have those, flog the rest (they're worth a bit)
13. Wakisashis/Ninja-Tos. Why? When Scimitars are better for the same proficiency? There are very few powerful ones anyway.
14. Bastard Swords. Nope, pretty useless and not very powerful in real terms.
Useful Spells:
My 'most used' stuff.
1. Breach. Indispensable.
2. Mordenkainen's Sword
3. Dispel Magic/Remove Magic
4. Haste
5. Heal
6. Barkskin
7. Defensive Harmony/Bless (although they don't last very long)
8. Greater Restoration Scrolls (always carry 3 or 4 of these if you're going anywhere near the Undead)
9. Resist Fear (Dragon-beating)
10. Cloudkill (for cheese purposes)
11. Disintegrate (for when someone charms/dominates your Mordenkain's Sword...)
12. All of the 'Cure X Wounds' spells. (For those 'can't rest' moments)
Yoshimo: Good thief, useless for anything else. Even if you arm him up the eyeballs.
Nalia: forget the thieving abilities, she's a mage with a shortbow, use her as such and you're laughing. It's even possible (on a very good day when your tanks are taking the damage) to use her in Melee...she's just more useful elsewhere.
Jaheira: useful as a healer/buffer/melee/long range type of gal. Not amazing, but pulls her weight. Useful.
Minsc: Solid frontline Tank. Give him two decent maces or Lilarcor - can't really find any faults with him for this role.
Keldorn: THE tank. Give him Carsomyr and he's unstoppable.
Valygar: Frontline guy, but think about what you equip him with and how you use him, otherwise he'll go the way of Yoshimo.
Korgan: Excellent tank, great for evil parties. Doesn't get on very well with anyone though.
Imoen: Pretty similar to Nalia in my experience...except I find Nalia better, because you have the chance to build up her experience and spell repertoire to a higher level than Imoen is at when you reacquire her.
Mazzy: Not used as yet.
Cernd: Not used as yet.
Haer Dalis: Not used as yet.
Anomen: The most annoying personality in the game. Reasonable frontline fighter, seem to remember him pulling his weight, but getting on my nerves.
Edwin: Not used as yet.
Aerie: Not used as yet.
Jan: The best thief. Unfortunately not very useful outside of that. Don't let him anywhere near any Melee action.
Viconia: Not used as yet.
Now here's a can of worms.
I would suggest having at least one guy good with Two Handed Swords, one good with something powerful and blunt (e.g. Maces), one good with Katanas (ignore the game's warning about them being rare, you NEED to have someone with Celestial Fury), and one good with Longswords. Warhammers and axes are always good as well. Make sure you have someone good with a Sling and a Bow (preferably short) as well. With that little lot you should be able to use all the best stuff in the game, and still be able to DO everything.
The useless ones are Bastard Sword (very few good ones, underpowered), Club (same again), Wakizahi/Ninja-to (Scimitars are a better option), Darts (just forget it), Daggers (unless you backstab a lot), and Crossbows (carried one but never used it, although there's a decent selection).
Bear in mind that you CAN get through the game without ranged combat of any type, but you might end up re-loading a lot more due to your weaker characters getting battered in CC.
Just so you know, for a large portion of the game my party looked a bit like this:
PC: Celestial Fury/Daystar/Blade Of Roses or Dragonslayer (Katana/Longsword)
Minsc: Dual wielding two Maces or Lilarcor (Mace/Two Handed Sword)
Keldorn: Carsomyr (Two Handed Sword)
Valygar: His own Katana, sometimes dual wielding with Malakar +2 (Katana)
Jaheira: Staff Mace/a good Sling (actually Quarterstaff/Sling)
Nalia: Tuigan's Bow/Arbane's Sword/Adjatha The Drinker (Short Bow/Short Sword/Long Sword)
I tended to swap and chuck which weapons I used against which enemies. For example I usually carry Mauler's Arm (Golem battles), Flame Tongue (Undead), Skullcrusher (when I'm in a bad mood), Rod Of Smiting (amazing against Golems), and Warblade +4 (for Minsc when I get bored of the Maces).
That little lot go me through SoA easily enough. There were very few 'hard' bits - the only ones that spring to mind being a battle with a shedload of Iron/Clay/Stone Golems in the Fiirkragg quest (which was weird - no walkthrough seems to mention this battle by the 'Fire Elemental Well'), the Mind Flayer Dungeon (until I started playing with magical swords), and the various Dragons. Oh and the Guarded Compound, Twisted Rune, and Kangaxx, but those last three are all well known for being difficult.
I've probably just talked a load of utter bollocks, but someone might find that useful. That's how I forced my way through.
- Sir Redweed
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I had never thought of using Mordenkainen's Swords in that fashion.
That is thinking out of the box.
It sounds like you had a well-played game that was enjoyable. I just got back from the Underworld and am now finishing up the Athkatla quests from Chapter 2. Thanks for the tips and suggestions!
That is thinking out of the box.
It sounds like you had a well-played game that was enjoyable. I just got back from the Underworld and am now finishing up the Athkatla quests from Chapter 2. Thanks for the tips and suggestions!
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a person does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses their intelligence.
- Crenshinibon
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Well, as I had ToB installed, I had had the cap emoved.
ANYWAY, I used Chain Contigency on Aire with Abidazim's Horrid Wilting, Storm of Vengance and Ressurection on self.
Noting like a Kamikaze elven maid.
ANYWAY, I used Chain Contigency on Aire with Abidazim's Horrid Wilting, Storm of Vengance and Ressurection on self.
Noting like a Kamikaze elven maid.
“The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially.”
[QUOTE=DaemonJ]I had never thought of using Mordenkainen's Swords in that fashion.
That is thinking out of the box.
...or shutting the bad guys into the box
I read somewhere that said swords were pretty damned good against most things, and being immune to psionics I sorta thought 'what's the point putting my characters in harm's way when I can let the swords do all the work without risking losing anyone?' Admittedly that was back when I thought the INT drain was permanent, so I was immensely annoyed every time a 'flayer got hold of one of my guys.
'Course later I was to learn that it ain't permanent...but at least I gained a decent tactic out of the experience
That is thinking out of the box.
...or shutting the bad guys into the box
I read somewhere that said swords were pretty damned good against most things, and being immune to psionics I sorta thought 'what's the point putting my characters in harm's way when I can let the swords do all the work without risking losing anyone?' Admittedly that was back when I thought the INT drain was permanent, so I was immensely annoyed every time a 'flayer got hold of one of my guys.
'Course later I was to learn that it ain't permanent...but at least I gained a decent tactic out of the experience
I enjoyed reading your summary. I didn't catch what race & class your main dude was?
I played similarly too. I ran with a Priest of Lathander, Keldorn, Minsc & Boo, Jaheira, Aerie, & Yoshimo/Imoen. And I also did all of the quests in and out of Athkatla before going after Imoen, except killing both Dragons, the Guarded Compound, the Twisted Rune, the Pebblecrusher & Pooky gang, and the Temple Sewers gang. Doing most of the quests in Chapter 2 made the Underdark easier than I thought it'd be, but, as you mentioned, Imoen was a little behind in levels. No matter, her role in the story was worth it.
Aerie got alot of use from the Shield of Harmony, with it being so lightweight. Bladesinger Chain, too. If you try her, take Haer'Dalis along too. After I finished, I read alot of walkthroughs: it seems they have alot of banter when together, especially if you hit on Aerie.
I too never used wands and other limited charge items. I'd always save them for when the game got too hard, and then the game was over.
Did you do Throne of Bhall?
I played similarly too. I ran with a Priest of Lathander, Keldorn, Minsc & Boo, Jaheira, Aerie, & Yoshimo/Imoen. And I also did all of the quests in and out of Athkatla before going after Imoen, except killing both Dragons, the Guarded Compound, the Twisted Rune, the Pebblecrusher & Pooky gang, and the Temple Sewers gang. Doing most of the quests in Chapter 2 made the Underdark easier than I thought it'd be, but, as you mentioned, Imoen was a little behind in levels. No matter, her role in the story was worth it.
Aerie got alot of use from the Shield of Harmony, with it being so lightweight. Bladesinger Chain, too. If you try her, take Haer'Dalis along too. After I finished, I read alot of walkthroughs: it seems they have alot of banter when together, especially if you hit on Aerie.
I too never used wands and other limited charge items. I'd always save them for when the game got too hard, and then the game was over.
Did you do Throne of Bhall?
Why is it that whenever I finally get around to playing a new game for the first time,
I feel like playing Baldur's Gate for the second time...
I feel like playing Baldur's Gate for the second time...
- Philos
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Interesting thoughts
Great idea about Mordenkainen's Sword, have to try that.
I also took my first party through every single quest (including Kangaxx) before heading across the ocean for the Asylum. My PC was a Paladin and I had Minsc, Jaheira, Anomen, and Yoshimo (sigh that was a waste) for the entire journey up to the Asylum. I started with Aerie but dropped her (should have dropped Yoshi) when she got a point of needing 750k XP to level up in mage. I realized that she would not get very high level as a mage and Anomen was leveling so quickly as a cleric she was useless in that role. I replaced her fairly early with Nalia who was only about a level or two behind the rest of the party. SO, as a whole the group was pretty high level by the time we hit the Underdark. The rest of the game was a breeze.
I would add one other sword to the weapons listed. The Silver Blade Sword (2 handed IIRC) that you get the blade from Saemon and the handle from the Githyanki. It has a 25% chance of slaying ANYTHING it hits. I gave it Minsc and he was frequently taking down Golems (Iron and Adamantite included) with just a couple of hits, occasional just one. I know everyone has their own favorites, but that is still one impressive weapon!! I am also partial to Daystar even though it is "only" +2. Great Lich killer.
Oddly though, I found the most useful "weapon" for killing most undead was Anomen. I gave him the amulet that protects from level drain and would send him in against the packs of undead with "Turn Undead" enabled. Because he levels so quickly he is by the middle to later stages of the game a couple or three levels above everyone else. So he usually caused just about anything undead (except Bodhi for obvious reasons) to explode when he walked in. To quote Minsc "Great fun, he he, right Boo?" If you want be chessy about it, give him a ring of invisibility and cast invisiblility on him before he goes walking in. The undead stand there and blow up, never knowing what hit 'em.
Great idea about Mordenkainen's Sword, have to try that.
I also took my first party through every single quest (including Kangaxx) before heading across the ocean for the Asylum. My PC was a Paladin and I had Minsc, Jaheira, Anomen, and Yoshimo (sigh that was a waste) for the entire journey up to the Asylum. I started with Aerie but dropped her (should have dropped Yoshi) when she got a point of needing 750k XP to level up in mage. I realized that she would not get very high level as a mage and Anomen was leveling so quickly as a cleric she was useless in that role. I replaced her fairly early with Nalia who was only about a level or two behind the rest of the party. SO, as a whole the group was pretty high level by the time we hit the Underdark. The rest of the game was a breeze.
I would add one other sword to the weapons listed. The Silver Blade Sword (2 handed IIRC) that you get the blade from Saemon and the handle from the Githyanki. It has a 25% chance of slaying ANYTHING it hits. I gave it Minsc and he was frequently taking down Golems (Iron and Adamantite included) with just a couple of hits, occasional just one. I know everyone has their own favorites, but that is still one impressive weapon!! I am also partial to Daystar even though it is "only" +2. Great Lich killer.
Oddly though, I found the most useful "weapon" for killing most undead was Anomen. I gave him the amulet that protects from level drain and would send him in against the packs of undead with "Turn Undead" enabled. Because he levels so quickly he is by the middle to later stages of the game a couple or three levels above everyone else. So he usually caused just about anything undead (except Bodhi for obvious reasons) to explode when he walked in. To quote Minsc "Great fun, he he, right Boo?" If you want be chessy about it, give him a ring of invisibility and cast invisiblility on him before he goes walking in. The undead stand there and blow up, never knowing what hit 'em.
- Philos
- Posts: 781
- Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:07 pm
- Location: Near the house that Elvis built
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Interesting thoughts
I also took my first party through every single quest (including Kangaxx) before heading across the ocean for the Asylum. My PC was a Paladin and I had Minsc, Jaheira, Anomen, and Yoshimo (sigh that was a waste) for the entire journey up to the Asylum. I started with Aerie but dropped her (should have dropped Yoshi) when she got a point of needing 750k XP to level up in mage. I realized that she would not get very high level as a mage and Anomen was leveling so quickly as a cleric she was useless in that role. I replaced her fairly early with Nalia who was only about a level or two behind the rest of the party. SO, as a whole the group was pretty high level by the time we hit the Underdark. The rest of the game was a breeze.
I would add one other sword to the weapons listed. The Silver Blade Sword (2 handed IIRC) that you get the blade from Saemon and the handle from the Githyanki. It has a 25% chance of slaying ANYTHING it hits. I gave it Minsc and he was frequently taking down Golems (Iron and Adamantite included) with just a couple of hits, occasional just one. I know everyone has their own favorites, but that is still one impressive weapon!! I am also partial to Daystar even though it is "only" +2. Great Lich killer.
Oddly though, I found the most useful "weapon" for killing most undead was Anomen. I gave him the amulet that protects from level drain and would send him in against the packs of undead with "Turn Undead" enabled. Because he levels so quickly he is by the middle to later stages of the game a couple or three levels above everyone else. So he usually caused just about anything undead (except Bodhi for obvious reasons) to explode when he walked in. To quote Minsc "Great fun, he he, right Boo?" If you want be chessy about it, give him a ring of invisibility and cast invisiblility on him before he goes walking in. The undead stand there and blow up, never knowing what hit 'em.
I also took my first party through every single quest (including Kangaxx) before heading across the ocean for the Asylum. My PC was a Paladin and I had Minsc, Jaheira, Anomen, and Yoshimo (sigh that was a waste) for the entire journey up to the Asylum. I started with Aerie but dropped her (should have dropped Yoshi) when she got a point of needing 750k XP to level up in mage. I realized that she would not get very high level as a mage and Anomen was leveling so quickly as a cleric she was useless in that role. I replaced her fairly early with Nalia who was only about a level or two behind the rest of the party. SO, as a whole the group was pretty high level by the time we hit the Underdark. The rest of the game was a breeze.
I would add one other sword to the weapons listed. The Silver Blade Sword (2 handed IIRC) that you get the blade from Saemon and the handle from the Githyanki. It has a 25% chance of slaying ANYTHING it hits. I gave it Minsc and he was frequently taking down Golems (Iron and Adamantite included) with just a couple of hits, occasional just one. I know everyone has their own favorites, but that is still one impressive weapon!! I am also partial to Daystar even though it is "only" +2. Great Lich killer.
Oddly though, I found the most useful "weapon" for killing most undead was Anomen. I gave him the amulet that protects from level drain and would send him in against the packs of undead with "Turn Undead" enabled. Because he levels so quickly he is by the middle to later stages of the game a couple or three levels above everyone else. So he usually caused just about anything undead (except Bodhi for obvious reasons) to explode when he walked in. To quote Minsc "Great fun, he he, right Boo?" If you want be chessy about it, give him a ring of invisibility and cast invisiblility on him before he goes walking in. The undead stand there and blow up, never knowing what hit 'em.
[QUOTE=CFM]I enjoyed reading your summary. I didn't catch what race & class your main dude was?
Half-elf, Fighter/Thief, Neutral Good,
Usually had some hefty full plate on (Gorgon Plate +4 by the end), swapping for Night's Gift +5 when locks needed picking/traps disarming. Usually wielding a decent longsword or Katana + Shield Of Harmony (sometimes swapped for Sentinel +4). Helm of Balduran, Gauntlets Of Weapon Expertise later on, Boots Of Speed, Cloak Of Mirroring, and Ring Of Human Influence and Ring Of Danger Sense IIRC.
S 17
D 12
C 14
I 13
W 13
C 10
With hindsight it looks a bit of a strange choice of stats...god knows why I went with that. Ah well. It worked (surprisingly well).
EDIT: Just about to start ToB
Half-elf, Fighter/Thief, Neutral Good,
Usually had some hefty full plate on (Gorgon Plate +4 by the end), swapping for Night's Gift +5 when locks needed picking/traps disarming. Usually wielding a decent longsword or Katana + Shield Of Harmony (sometimes swapped for Sentinel +4). Helm of Balduran, Gauntlets Of Weapon Expertise later on, Boots Of Speed, Cloak Of Mirroring, and Ring Of Human Influence and Ring Of Danger Sense IIRC.
S 17
D 12
C 14
I 13
W 13
C 10
With hindsight it looks a bit of a strange choice of stats...god knows why I went with that. Ah well. It worked (surprisingly well).
EDIT: Just about to start ToB
[QUOTE=Philos] If you want be chessy about it, give him a ring of invisibility and cast invisiblility on him before he goes walking in. The undead stand there and blow up, never knowing what hit 'em.[/QUOTE]
You could also cast Sanctuary on him.
You could also cast Sanctuary on him.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a person does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses their intelligence.
[QUOTE=Philos]That is certainly a different approach Daemon.
"You could also cast Sanctuary on him."
Never dreamed you could do something like that while using Sanctuary.
So long as he doesn't do anything aggressive (e.g. attacking, casting an offensive spell, etc) then he will be ignored. The last time I checked, Turning Undead was not considered to be an aggressive action in regards to the Sanctuary spell.
"You could also cast Sanctuary on him."
Never dreamed you could do something like that while using Sanctuary.
So long as he doesn't do anything aggressive (e.g. attacking, casting an offensive spell, etc) then he will be ignored. The last time I checked, Turning Undead was not considered to be an aggressive action in regards to the Sanctuary spell.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a person does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses their intelligence.
[QUOTE=Philos]Oddly though, I found the most useful "weapon" for killing most undead was Anomen. I gave him the amulet that protects from level drain and would send him in against the packs of undead with "Turn Undead" enabled. Because he levels so quickly he is by the middle to later stages of the game a couple or three levels above everyone else. So he usually caused just about anything undead (except Bodhi for obvious reasons) to explode when he walked in. To quote Minsc "Great fun, he he, right Boo?"[/QUOTE]
That's right Minsc! My main dude was a Priest of Lathander, and I could chunky-death most undeads with the Turn Undead ability throughout most of SoA, and ToB too. I'd walk up, start my thing, Keldorn would walk up and stand behind me and cast Sunray via Daystar, and then the chunks would fly!
That's right Minsc! My main dude was a Priest of Lathander, and I could chunky-death most undeads with the Turn Undead ability throughout most of SoA, and ToB too. I'd walk up, start my thing, Keldorn would walk up and stand behind me and cast Sunray via Daystar, and then the chunks would fly!
Why is it that whenever I finally get around to playing a new game for the first time,
I feel like playing Baldur's Gate for the second time...
I feel like playing Baldur's Gate for the second time...
I wouldn't exactly say that Acid Arrows are useless - especially since you use them against most trolls throughout the game that you can't kill unless you have what? Fire Arrows! So - unless you plan on using a lot of 'Melf's Acid Arrow' stock up on those mah friend.
(btw, I'm back after a 6 month absence ^^)
(btw, I'm back after a 6 month absence ^^)
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
Hey people, I'm back from a 4 month absence(back then I was around for 4 days after a 6 month absence) !
I played the game similarly, but I had a specfic party order that went like this: 1 Thief, 1 Cleric, 2 Mages, 2 Tanks.
You should try Cernd to find out that he is a TANK while he is a greater werewolf. You should also try Viconia just to get the romantic experience which is priceless.
Generally, I found the same weapons as you usefull, but I absolutley LOVED using Blackrazor/The Answerer with my Assassin. Those were the good old days
. you should try those.
I played the game similarly, but I had a specfic party order that went like this: 1 Thief, 1 Cleric, 2 Mages, 2 Tanks.
You should try Cernd to find out that he is a TANK while he is a greater werewolf. You should also try Viconia just to get the romantic experience which is priceless.
Generally, I found the same weapons as you usefull, but I absolutley LOVED using Blackrazor/The Answerer with my Assassin. Those were the good old days
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
hmm. Intresting, but am I the only guy who's allways, and I mean ALLWAYS, playing evil?? I find it SOO much more fun. :mischief:
Kinda' played my first times very much NOT like you other guys. First of all evil, really evil. And my main character is more often then not less of a meele guy; thief, mage, cleric/thief, thief/mage and so on. And then, of course, Korgan, Viconia and Edwin.
But I too have allways done all the quests in Athkatla, that I could handle, before going to Spellhold. But doing them all have a tendency of getting your characters a bit to much "ahead of the game", especially when having a 4 man party.
And I have to admit, I don't think I've ever even cast the spell Mordenkainen's Sword, hehe, kinda missed something there.
But the Desintegrate spell should be used more then kill your charmed MS, that's my favorite spell. It's moooost satisfactory to watch your enemis be turned to dust before you. he he :laugh: :mischief:
And Acid arrows, doesn't those do more damage, elementary that is, then the fire arrows? I think the acid ones does 1d3 acid dmg, and the fire 1D2 dmg. Anyway, there's plenty more enemies that has fire resistance/immunity then acid res/immu.
And the only time the game becomes so difficult that you need wands and other charge items is when soloing, so I agree with you on that point,
Very small Spoiler
(the most usless wand must be the one you get in the Underdark as a reward for helping that mage. 1 charge of spell absorbation. (The only loot you get from the guy if you're good, na na.
Kinda' played my first times very much NOT like you other guys. First of all evil, really evil. And my main character is more often then not less of a meele guy; thief, mage, cleric/thief, thief/mage and so on. And then, of course, Korgan, Viconia and Edwin.
But I too have allways done all the quests in Athkatla, that I could handle, before going to Spellhold. But doing them all have a tendency of getting your characters a bit to much "ahead of the game", especially when having a 4 man party.
And I have to admit, I don't think I've ever even cast the spell Mordenkainen's Sword, hehe, kinda missed something there.
But the Desintegrate spell should be used more then kill your charmed MS, that's my favorite spell. It's moooost satisfactory to watch your enemis be turned to dust before you. he he :laugh: :mischief:
And Acid arrows, doesn't those do more damage, elementary that is, then the fire arrows? I think the acid ones does 1d3 acid dmg, and the fire 1D2 dmg. Anyway, there's plenty more enemies that has fire resistance/immunity then acid res/immu.
And the only time the game becomes so difficult that you need wands and other charge items is when soloing, so I agree with you on that point,
Very small Spoiler
(the most usless wand must be the one you get in the Underdark as a reward for helping that mage. 1 charge of spell absorbation. (The only loot you get from the guy if you're good, na na.
[QUOTE=Emnelion](the most usless wand must be the one you get in the Underdark as a reward for helping that mage. 1 charge of spell absorbation. (The only loot you get from the guy if you're good, na na.
LOL, that's true, but even a good character like me has to get a little 5-Finger discount once in a while. He HAD some good scrolls on him lol. That skull mask sucks though.
LOL, that's true, but even a good character like me has to get a little 5-Finger discount once in a while. He HAD some good scrolls on him lol. That skull mask sucks though.
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
[QUOTE=Emnelion](the most usless wand must be the one you get in the Underdark as a reward for helping that mage. 1 charge of spell absorbation. (The only loot you get from the guy if you're good, na na.
))[/QUOTE]I love that wand. I sell it, and tehnrebuy it, and it will have 10 charges. It is a good protection against a lot of things, but especially liches. One character puts spell absorption up each round, the rest beats him down.