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Hello - Game Help

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Hello - Game Help

Post by Enchantra »

Hello All,

I am new here and I would like some help. I have read the walkthrough, specifically the core class help, but I would like some advise. I chose to be a mage, so as far as I can work out, I join the mage guild, then chose a second tier option, such as sorcereer, then wizard? But do I also get to join another guild? and if so which one do you join? It says you cannot be some things at the same time, so I am a little confused. I dont want to bugger anything up and have to start over again.

I also want to say this game is brilliant!! I previously played the might and magic series and I am very happy to have found a suitable replacement!
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Post by George_K »

In game, the npc's restrict you to a certain group of classes, but by hex editing or by using Steve2d's editor, you can mix and match any classes and even change them. This is because DL has vertually no set of game rules when it comes to editing the save.

Welcome and have fun.
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Post by PyroDrew »

Like George said hex-editing can get around this restriction, but if you don't want to go down that route...

You can take 2 different class paths from any 2 different guilds. Thus if your 1st class was Mage & your 2nd class Rogue you can take your Mage line from Mage to Sorceror to Wizard. To complete your character you can take Rogue to Trickster. It doesn't matter whether you do Trickster or Sorceror first. From what I can tell your character cannot take 2 paths in the same class line (Mage, Adept, Rogue, Fighter lines). So you cannot be a Wizard/Battlemage/Fighter or a Wizard/Shugenja/Adept for example.

If you're still confused there is a character planner somewhere here (which the search engine should find), which is good to show you what is class combos are possible... but I found it's information regarding what skills associated with those builds to be outdated.
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Post by Enchantra »

Thank you!!!

Ohh I just spent like an hour killing that bad dude in the trial part! I am so happy now though just got to decide what to spend all those goodie points on. I am still deciding skills over stats or to keep them even like I am.

Think I will take both magical paths. and third tier the arcane. I think thats right.

Thanks again!
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