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Party advice for a rookie

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Party advice for a rookie

Post by Klorox »

I'm looking to start my first game. I have a decent amount of knowledge on D&D 3e, but I'd love some more help here.

1) Drow Male Rogue 3/Barb 3/ Fighter 4/ Wizard X. I actually got this idea from the powergaming guide at the top of this board. He's my scout/backup mage/backup tank.

2) Aasimar Fighter 4/Paladin X. Tanker here. A good talker here, but won't be collecting rewards (I'll leave that to #6).

3) Dwarf Cleric of Tempus X. Great spellcaster, really good tank. 'Nuff said (I hope!).

4) Human Monk 1/Druid X. I'm adding the single Monk level because I understand that the WIS bonus to AC still applies when shapeshifted. That's a great bonus for me!

5) Human Sorcerer X. I want this one to be the highest possible level, just like my Cleric. This is my behind-the-lines firepower.

6) Drow Bard. I don't know if I want to multiclass this character or not, but I like the stat bonuses a Drow gets as they apply to a Bard. Since this character will be primarily singing and shooting arrows, I don't know what I'll multiclass in here, after level 11 or 12. Maybe I'll just stay straight Bard. This character will collect party rewards, and I hope I won't miss out on many dialogues with a Drow talking!

Thanks for any and all advice. I haven't started yet, so I'm willing to switch things up.

I'm also not really interested in going for a second run through on the harder mode, so I don't feel like every character needs to be a spellchucker.
"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."
-- Jackie Robinson

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Post by Raven_Song »

Some thoughts ...
2) Aasimar Fighter 4/Paladin X. Tanker here. A good talker here, but won't be collecting rewards (I'll leave that to #6).
3) Dwarf Cleric of Tempus X. Great spellcaster, really good tank. 'Nuff said (I hope!).
4) Human Monk 1/Druid X. I'm adding the single Monk level because I understand that the WIS bonus to AC still applies when shapeshifted. That's a great bonus for me!
5) Human Sorcerer X. I want this one to be the highest possible level, just like my Cleric. This is my behind-the-lines firepower.
All standards should be fine.

6) Drow Bard. I don't know if I want to multiclass this character or not, but I like the stat bonuses a Drow gets as they apply to a Bard. Since this character will be primarily singing and shooting arrows, I don't know what I'll multiclass in here, after level 11 or 12. Maybe I'll just stay straight Bard. This character will collect party rewards, and I hope I won't miss out on many dialogues with a Drow talking!
You have some interesting options with a drow bard build. You could keep it pure, or if its male go bard/wizard (enchanter specialist works quite well) or if its female bard/cleric.

The male would work in that many of a bards spells are enchantment best and therefore you could really make the most of spell focus enchantment - although you might lose out on Chromatic Orb.

The female would give you more choice.
Cleric of Oghma is a natural choice for a bard.
Cleric of Lathander would be benefit from bards natural charisma/improved turning feat against undead.
If these were good aligned there is a bard only item that can only be played by a good aligned harp with 13 pr more wisdom.

If the bard were neutral evil you could play a bard/dreadmaster of bane
whose special abilities give them +1 on all talking skills and -2 on enemy will saves (i.e. vs. enchantment magics) which both a bard/dreadmaster have in abundance.

None of these are particularly power gaming builds but they are fun nevertheless.
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