I find myself unable to play at this great game T_T
I run a WinXP Pro sp2.
I install the game (tryed both 4cd full-install and 2cd version) and start a new Life ... ok.
I play the Mortuary fine.
Onece I get out into the Hive the game crashes to desktop almost every time I load a new area or enter a building!
It closes up instantly and presents me with an "Assertion Failed" error.
Google answers with:
- "Try a FULL install" ... done, not useful.
- "Try deleting the Cache folder" ... done, not useful.
- "Try running it in Win98 compatibility mode" ... done, not useful.
- "Try messing with the CD-Rom settings" ... tryed, it's impossible under XP.
I made several re-Installs, deleting any temp file or registry key ... I tryed the 4cd and 2cd versions ... with and without the 1.1FULL patch and with/without the extra FixPack.
I'm desperate!
here's a full error message...
Funny thing is...my D: drive is just a small partition of my HD where I store important files...there is NOTHING related to Torment here, and why should there be a "baldur" folder into a Torment install?!An Assertion failed in D:\Torment\Source\baldur\InfGame.cpp at line number 6303
Anyway the InfGame.cpp file is not the only one called for, as the line 6303 is not the only one mentined
After some tests I *think* the problem could come from the AutoSave.
If I delete the autosave before every area transition the game does NOT crash ... if instead I do nothing and the auto-save gets overwrited it crashed at the first transition (or second if I'm lucky).
so...how can I stop the Auto-Save feature?