Wizard Spells
- Chromatic Orb (against targets with low saves, perfect against mages)
- Find Familiar (only once a game preferably)
- Magic Missle (damaging and with the travel delay perfect for disrupting mages)
- Mirror Image (one of the best protective spells and all other spells have better alternatives in other spell levels)
- Dispel Magic (always handy just in case)
- Fireball (Level based damage is very good, fast to cast, nice area of effect and great to shoot at mobs around a fire immune npc)
- Lightning Bolt (better damage control then fireball and used against fire immunes)
- Skull Trap (in short a fireball that stays in place untill someone comes close)
- Fireshield Blue/Red (gives caster extra resistance to cold/fire and damages melee attackers)
- Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (cast on someone to take him/her/it temperary out the game, can also be used to protect party member from mobs and then fireball the mob)
- Remove Curse (sometimes handy)
- Stoneskin (great level based protection spell, read the description!)
- Animate Dead (after level 15 you get greater skeletons with incredible saves)
- Breach (Primary spell to remove protective spells from enemies)
- Cloudkill (one of the best area of effect spells as only magic immunity works against it)
- Lower Resistance (always use against dragons and such before using damage spells because they will resist)
- Chain Lightning (again level based damage and only hits enemies)
- Pierce Magic (higher version of Breach, see level 5)
- Tenser's Tranformation (temperary make the caster a equal level fighter, ideal for bards and fighting mages)
- Delayed Blast Fireball (combine the fireball and skulltrap spells from level 3)
- Limited Wish (just for the fun of it)
- Mantle (powerfull defensive spell but somewhat cheesy)
- Mordekainen's Sword (excellent summon with great saves and melee damage immunity)
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting (the ADHW everyone is talking about because it only hits enemy creatures)
- Incediary Cloud (more damage then ADHW but not party friendly)
- Simulacrum (summon your little brother with the same but lower abilities)
- Time Stop (all the time you need to cast your necessary spells)
- Higher Level Abilities :
- Dragon's Breath (party friendly area of effect fire damages which also knocks opponents back)
- Improved Alacrity (removes waiting or cooldown time between spells)
- Summon (Dark) Planetar (with (Fallen) Deva probarly the best summons available in ToB)
Priest Spells
- Armor of Faith (level based protection spell)
- Cure Light Wounds (heals 8 hit points)
- Protection from Evil (very handy with/against summoned demons)
- Aid (adds/heals 1-8 hit points and blesses target)
- Barkskin (magical temperary armor)
- Draw upon Holy Might (level based increment of strength, dexterity and constitution)
- Animate Dead (see the 5th level wizard spell Animate Dead)
- Cure Medium Wounds (heals 14 hit points)
- Dispel Magic (see the 3th level wizard spell Dispel Magic)
- Miscast Magic (ideal to prevent enemy mages to cast spells)
- Remove Curse (see the 4th level wizard spell Remove Curse)
- Summon Insects (ideal to prevent enemy mages to cast spells)
- Cure Serious Wounds (heals 17 hit points)
- Lesser Restoration (restore level or energy drained characters)
- Negative Plane Protection (prevent level or energy draining from vampires)
- Protection from Evil 10 inch radius (gives protection to all nearby)
- Cure Critical Wounds (heals 27 hit points)
- Flame Strike (single target level based fire damage)
- Insect Plague (even better then Summon Insects at disabling enemy mages)
- Iron Skins (level based melee protection spell)
- Mass Cure (level based healing spell for nearby party members)
- Raise Dead (restore a deceased character)
- Bolt of Glory (single target damage spell, ideal against undead and demons)
- False Dawn (area of effect damage against undead)
- Heal (restore a character to full health)
- Creeping Doom (best spell available to disable enemy mages)
- Sunray (best spell available to remove undead forces)
- Higher Level Abilities :
- Druid
- Greater Elemental Summoning (summon the powerfull elemental princes)
- Druid&Cleric
- Implosion (10 d10 fire and 10 d10 blunt damage with best save means half the damage)
- Summon (Fallen) Deva (the priest version of the HLA wizard spell Summon (Dark) Planetar)
- Druid
these lists are made up by me and me alone. This does not mean other spells are useless nor does this restrict you in selecting your spells. The choice of spells is your alone.