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G0-T0's backstory

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G0-T0's backstory

Post by Johnny »

On Wikipedia it says G0-T0 is actually that first droid intelligence that the Ithorians on Telos "lost", and that it abandoned its work because it felt it could do more good for the Republic by joining the Exchange and manipulating galactic commerce in the Republic's favor. No matter how much influence I got with G0-T0, I never got him to reveal this in dialogue, and taking him back to the Ithorians on Telos didn't trigger anything either. How do I get him to reveal his backstory?
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Post by DesR85 »

I don't think you can. Its part of the content cut from the game from what I deducted. I just wish that Lucasarts didn't rush the development of the game. Would have been much better had they (Lucasarts) have more patience.
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Post by Chanak »

Please use the forum search feature to locate threads where G0-T0 has been discussed. This has come up before, and you might find pertinent information in past discussions. This forum has quite an extensive database, so I highly recommend taking advantage of it. :)

In keeping with the site owner's wishes to avoid duplicative threads, I'm closing this one.
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