I serendipitously came across Planescape : Torment after I'd shelved it many years ago when moving. I'd love to play it but I have a strange problem...
In XP, If I alt-tab while playing the game, or after I exit the game, the screen is completely blank aside from my cursor. I have no icons, task bar or start menu... and if I CTRL-ALT-DELETE nothing happens... HOWEVER, I know that the task manager is there because if I hit ALT-U and enter a few times, the system will shut down. So it's a weird graphical problem... I also don't want to play in Windowed mode which may or may not work because it's wayyy too small.
Thanks, in advance, if anyone can help!
Blank screen if alt-tab or exiting...
I have no doubt your issues are arising from the age of the game, as old games on new hardware often can cause graphical issues. It is sometimes little more then luck deciding if old games run decent
I don't know if you run the game in compability mode, but that could be worth a try?
I don't know if you run the game in compability mode, but that could be worth a try?
Insert signature here.
This problem does sound vaguely similar to some of the games that I've played before. The solution to this is to tap your 'Windows' key and hit the 'L' key (Log off button). Hit the 'L' key again and you're logged out. When you log back in, everything will be back to normal. Hope this works.urbanriot wrote:I serendipitously came across Planescape : Torment after I'd shelved it many years ago when moving. I'd love to play it but I have a strange problem...
In XP, If I alt-tab while playing the game, or after I exit the game, the screen is completely blank aside from my cursor. I have no icons, task bar or start menu... and if I CTRL-ALT-DELETE nothing happens... HOWEVER, I know that the task manager is there because if I hit ALT-U and enter a few times, the system will shut down. So it's a weird graphical problem... I also don't want to play in Windowed mode which may or may not work because it's wayyy too small.
I suggest trying the solution Xandax mentioned as it might help to alleviate this problem. Other than that, it could probably be that this game does not support Alt-Tab so its best not to do so when playing certain games.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price