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Quest/Fatigue/Locations/Pit ?'s

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Quest/Fatigue/Locations/Pit ?'s

Post by joe05 »

Guys - have a few questions.

1) In Dernholm and started the Gladyus/ring quest ... then went to try and start the Captain Stout quest
I peeked at the GB-walkthrough after running into a brick wall :-)
I don't receive the responses to finish the ring quest nor do I get the response to start the Captain Stout quest ?
I'm guessing it has to do with my stats; but which one... my alignment is -100; my beauty is 4; my charisma is 5; my intelligence is 8.
I'd like to know if I should move on or up a stat = which stat(s) affects questing

2) It was memtioned I can cut the fatigue of spell casting in half ?
I'm getting close to some higher spells, so I'd like to know: who do I talk to.
So far, all the training choices are in the 4 skill categories ... no magikal training being offered

3) I've been running around and noticed locations are popping up.
So, how do I add more locations on the other side of the mountains(W and N) and the NE land mass = I get the "blocked" text
Also the land masses to the E and S ... are blocked by water/streams ?
I move as close as posible and look for passages, but after 10+ minutes, I seem to be going nowhere ... like an endless horizon; even though I stopped right next to the mountain/water(..etc) or what looks like an opening
Is there a trick to find the passages, or am I just not searching long enough = I'll eventually run into it ?
Does a game character have to put the locations on the map ?

4) Where is this stinking PIT :-)
The "B" in the walkthrough has me perplexed ... I see no tree ... I believe that's in the SW part of the map
I read a earlier post and it said NW; staircase; not in town ... if I remember correctly
Can someone give me a marker/object from which to find my bearings and which way to move(... NW; SW etc)
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Post by Twista »

i can answer just a few of your questions as i have not recently played the game and i don't want to missinform you in any way ...

2) from what your saying you are still quite early in the game but you will find the magic teachers very late in the game in the wizard city of tulla ... you can not skip some areas to get there

3) mountains can only be passed through 2 place that you will get later in the game .... streams can be passed where you see the sign of a bridge on the map ... just place your red dots so that the path between the runs over the bridge ...

1 & 4) there is a map and walkthrough that can help you out ... if you feel that you have done all you can do in town and don't want to lose these 2 things look over them ... may contain some info that will spoil the fun ... but sometimes it;s worth it ;)
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Post by joe05 »

Twista - ok; thanks for 2 & 3.
I'm still stuck on 1 & 4 ... I don't get the responses to finish the Gladyus quest or start the Captain Stout quest
As for the PIT ... I've been running all over by the "B" in the walkthrough/map ... no luck
Another earlier PIT question seemed to indicate the map was off, so I searched up near the PIT ... no luck

I like to do all the quests possible = so I'll keep leveling up and move points around and hopefully get the responses needed to do those quests
I'm only looking at those quests ... trying not to peak at the others in Denholm :-)
The responses just aren't showing up ... I get the: go away; leave me alone type options

Maybe I'm too evil; ugly; stupid or uncharismatic ... one heck of a combination :-)
I really don't want to spend points on beauty/charisma ... I will up intelligence ... not much I can do sbout my -100 alignment(... think it happened taking on/off the Dark Helmet ... at least my magic meter is 100)

Thanks for the help.
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Post by niveous »

#4: It's not you; the secret entrance to the Pit in Dernholm is a pain in the a** to find. I've spent quite some time looking for it, too! The "B" on the map isn't exactly where it is but only points to the general direction that it's in. If you don't hit on it exactly, don't just keep going; I suggest saving before you start searching and reload but try a different method.

IIRC you do start at Glady's house, then head SW (keep going towards the bottom left hand corner of your screen), and the entrance should be 5 or 6 screens away. There is in fact a tree. You also know you're near the entrance if you see an ape-like monster that's supposedly guarding the entrance.
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