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What's the deal with ENERGY DRAIN ?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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What's the deal with ENERGY DRAIN ?

Post by liorde »

Hi there,
As a new player to this game, I would like to know what is this thing that seems to always appear in my character's portraits..?
What can cause a character to become "Energy Drained" in the first place ?
How do I get rid of it?
In the RECORD screen, I can see my character's level but cannot see his experience points nor can I see the next level.
What's the deal here?

Thank-you for the help.
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Post by fable »

As the site owner doesn't want duplicative threads, please use our advanced search before asking a question like this. It's been covered repeatedly before--as for example, here. In the future, you'll be expected to search on your own. ;)

Thread closed.
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