Too bad you didn't have a "Sorry, but I wouldn't want to move" choice.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
fable wrote:Too bad you didn't have a "Sorry, but I wouldn't want to move" choice.
I was about to say that. I'm not familiar with all the civilizations you posted, Joku, but all the ones I was familiar with sound less than ideal. Battlestar Galactica involves living in minimal luxury with the constant fear of being killed by robots. Star Wars, Dune, and Firefly all portray normal people as living conditions considerably worse than the ones I live in now. Having space-ships flying around is only cool if there's running water.
edit: LotR doesn't sound too bad, I guess, but I'm assuming they don't have antibiotics or dentistry more advanced than "lets knock them teeth out", so I think I'll have to pass.
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person.~Chanak
My problem with 'em is that they're all cardboard cutouts, not realities. There's only one infinitely complex, fascinating reality I can think of, filled with more comedy and tragedy than we could create. Ironic thing is, some of its intelligent inhabitants believe that a glossy "elsewhere" is more real, and better.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I had a laugh with an elderly woman at work on saturday. She was babbling on and on and on about not being able to find a certain kind of pizza. I just pointed towards them on the shelves and said "They are right there ma'am" and she said "Oh dear, if it were any closer it would have taken my head off. Sometimes I think I live in my own little reality." To which I looked up at her and said "Oh, yeah. I've had one of those since I was little. It is so much more user-friendly than this place, don't you think?" She and her husband almost fell over laughing and agreed most heartily with me.
I don't need those pop culture worlds. I make my own, thanks. A number of people have asked to know my little secret. If I wanted to be filthy rich, I suppose I could market and sell mine...hmm...
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
Yeah but really, who WOULDN'T want to live in Rivendell or Lothlorien? I always wanted to live in Tom Bombadil's house... actually I sort of do, I decorated my li'l cottage just like the description of his... ::sheepish grin::
you know what they say about all work and no play...
It's totally not worth the monetary rewards!!!
fable wrote:My problem with 'em is that they're all cardboard cutouts, not realities. There's only one infinitely complex, fascinating reality I can think of, filled with more comedy and tragedy than we could create. Ironic thing is, some of its intelligent inhabitants believe that a glossy "elsewhere" is more real, and better.
If I were to substitute this reality with another one, you can sure as hell believe it wouldn't be because I want the other one to be any more real. Not that talking about something more real than reality makes any sense, mind you.
Beornica, as I said, being an average human in Middle-Earth doesn't strike me as being much different than being a peon in the middle-ages. Little opportunity for hygiene, sweat-inducing work for 16 hours a day, six days a week and death at the ripe old age of thirty doesn't sound that appealing. Sure you'd get to chill with the occasional dwarf, but if you're really into short-tempered people of low hight, I'm sure there's someone in the very world you inhibit that would match that description.
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person.~Chanak
Vicsun wrote:Beornica, as I said, being an average human in Middle-Earth doesn't strike me as being much different than being a peon in the middle-ages. Little opportunity for hygiene, sweat-inducing work for 16 hours a day, six days a week and death at the ripe old age of thirty doesn't sound that appealing. Sure you'd get to chill with the occasional dwarf, but if you're really into short-tempered people of low hight, I'm sure there's someone in the very world you inhibit that would match that description.
No no no, I didn't say BREE, I said RIVENDELL or LOTHLORIEN, or where Tom Bombadil lives, and he's not human. I would MUCH rather be an elf and live somewhere that beautiful than be a yucky boring greasy human. Blech.
I've ALWAYS wanted to live in Rivendell ever since I first read LOTR, Silmarillian, Tom Bombadil, etc when I was about 10! It WAS my dreamworld... ::gazes dreamily off into space::
you know what they say about all work and no play...
It's totally not worth the monetary rewards!!!
beornica wrote:No no no, I didn't say BREE, I said RIVENDELL or LOTHLORIEN, or where Tom Bombadil lives, and he's not human. I would MUCH rather be an elf and live somewhere that beautiful than be a yucky boring greasy human. Blech.
I've ALWAYS wanted to live in Rivendell ever since I first read LOTR, Silmarillian, Tom Bombadil, etc when I was about 10! It WAS my dreamworld... ::gazes dreamily off into space::
You will miss this forum.
Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.
-- Euripides
beornica wrote::laugh: True, true... it's good to be back, too... I've only absented myself from it for about a year and a half... :speech:
It's great to have you back
To the topic at hand, I suppose that if I *had* to select one of the above I'd go for LOTR as being the best of a bad bunch.
As Vicsun says.. I'd have no real interest in living in a world that lacked medical care, hygiene and human rights for the impoverished.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Spoiler
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
Well, actually all of them aren't that bad. Federation, Foundation and Culture all are as nice or better for Joe Average than the real world is for an average westerner.
I also like to live in the real world, which is why I phrased the question as "If you had to move to a scifi or a fantasy civilization.."
I will move into any virtual reality if George Bush stays in the White House longer that 865 days.
Come to think of it, it is too long to wait. I am moving now.
I will join cylons. At least they have a plan (whatever it is).
Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.
-- Euripides
If those were the only choices and I absolutely "had" to change to one, I would probably go with either Lothlorien or Rivendell on LotR. The choices seemed pretty stilted towards Scifi. I am not familiar with "The Culture" but of the others listed, 6 were scifi and only 2 were fantasy. Thinking of other fantasy worlds how about Piers Anthony's Xanth. That would be a interesting place to live. :laugh:
I'm sure there are a lot of other great fantasy worlds as well.
Philos wrote:If those were the only choices and I absolutely "had" to change to one, I would probably go with either Lothlorien or Rivendell on LotR. The choices seemed pretty stilted towards Scifi. I am not familiar with "The Culture" but of the others listed, 6 were scifi and only 2 were fantasy. Thinking of other fantasy worlds how about Piers Anthony's Xanth. That would be a interesting place to live. :laugh:
I'm sure there are a lot of other great fantasy worlds as well.
Here's some information about Culture and some other civilizations: