Your thoughts on the game
Your thoughts on the game
Well after a 14 straight hour blowout I finally forced my self to stop playing!
I love this game!!! I think a reason I got so into the game is because I've been playing waaaay too much WoW and it's been driving me insane. NWN2 is just the break I've been looking for.
This game is a must for D&D fans. There was much disappointment with NWN1, from what I remember I gave up fairly early in the game because of loss of interest. NWN2 seems to bring back that old familiar playstyle and storyline from Baldurs Gate 2, minus the 2D graphics.
People say the graphics aren't very good in NWN2? Please, I think they are fantastic and I am on low detail! The spell animations are amazing. If you are in a battle with 2 or more spell casters, spells are just flyin everywhere, explosions and death galore, its great!
There seems to be sooooo many classes to play. I bet I could play this game 20 times over and STILL be left with stuff to do. Could definitely keep you occupied for a long while.
Only downside is some of the bugs, but the game just came out so I'm not complaining, I'm sure they will be fixed soon, and there are work arounds for them until they are.
I have not yet touched MP, and I dont think I want to for awhile. I've been missing the single player environment. No kids running around yelling like idiots, no people telling you what to do, you are in control of yourself and your NPCs.
I will be watching to see how NWN2 MP plays out....if the SP is this good, I sure MP could be just as good if not better. I also still have some obligations to WoW, I really dont think my brain could handle playing 2 MMORPGs at once :speech:
I love this game!!! I think a reason I got so into the game is because I've been playing waaaay too much WoW and it's been driving me insane. NWN2 is just the break I've been looking for.
This game is a must for D&D fans. There was much disappointment with NWN1, from what I remember I gave up fairly early in the game because of loss of interest. NWN2 seems to bring back that old familiar playstyle and storyline from Baldurs Gate 2, minus the 2D graphics.
People say the graphics aren't very good in NWN2? Please, I think they are fantastic and I am on low detail! The spell animations are amazing. If you are in a battle with 2 or more spell casters, spells are just flyin everywhere, explosions and death galore, its great!
There seems to be sooooo many classes to play. I bet I could play this game 20 times over and STILL be left with stuff to do. Could definitely keep you occupied for a long while.
Only downside is some of the bugs, but the game just came out so I'm not complaining, I'm sure they will be fixed soon, and there are work arounds for them until they are.
I have not yet touched MP, and I dont think I want to for awhile. I've been missing the single player environment. No kids running around yelling like idiots, no people telling you what to do, you are in control of yourself and your NPCs.
I will be watching to see how NWN2 MP plays out....if the SP is this good, I sure MP could be just as good if not better. I also still have some obligations to WoW, I really dont think my brain could handle playing 2 MMORPGs at once :speech:
Yes, I can see how you might want a break from all the orcs, elves and gnomes.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. The game gets a bad rap and is worth its weight in gold, or.. chocolate at the very least. I've been on the lookout for a gripping CRPG since VtM: Bloodlines, and think this might finally keep me happy for a good while. The dice rolls do get a bit too fancy IMO, but I can just ignore them and focus on builds, skills and whatnot. I'm happy.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. The game gets a bad rap and is worth its weight in gold, or.. chocolate at the very least. I've been on the lookout for a gripping CRPG since VtM: Bloodlines, and think this might finally keep me happy for a good while. The dice rolls do get a bit too fancy IMO, but I can just ignore them and focus on builds, skills and whatnot. I'm happy.
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
- fable
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If we're going to have opinions on the game, theyr'e not going to be in the form of 150 separate "my thoughts on NWN2" threads.
So I've changed the name of this thread. Anyone can post their opinions in it, now, positive or negative. 
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I bought the game for its multiplayer features. I am playing the single player campaign now to bide my time before the persistent worlds get built. My first impressions of the single player campaign were not very positive. I skipped the tutorial and went right into the first missions centered around the characters home town. One thing that bugged me right off was the number of scripted cutscenes. It seemed like every five minutes I was watching a scripted conversation. Aside from that it took me a few days and some experimentation to get the game running smoothly on my system. I also had to work out camera angles, and get a feel for how to interact and direct the actions of my party members.
Now that I have a good feel for the mechanics of the game and I have progressed further into the main quest I am beginning to really enjoy it. They have the level progression right and my character is gaining power at a measured pace. As others have mentioned, the game reminds me of BG II. The story seems to be decent and there are plenty of options to roleplay. So far NWN2 single player is much better than the original NWN campaign and it is shaping up to be one the best roleplaying games since BGII.
I can barely contain my excitement and anticipation for the multiplayer possibilities.
Now that I have a good feel for the mechanics of the game and I have progressed further into the main quest I am beginning to really enjoy it. They have the level progression right and my character is gaining power at a measured pace. As others have mentioned, the game reminds me of BG II. The story seems to be decent and there are plenty of options to roleplay. So far NWN2 single player is much better than the original NWN campaign and it is shaping up to be one the best roleplaying games since BGII.
I can barely contain my excitement and anticipation for the multiplayer possibilities.
Check out Mirrors Online a premier NWN2 roleplaying persistent world and D20 campaign world publishing project.
Many of my thoughts can be found in this thread ... post902296
But to summarize:
Pros: Story is decent enough so far, although got some cliché (but most RPGs have). I like the NPCs complexity and personality differences, which I feel is a step up from the original NwN + KOTOR series. More freedom of choice, although I have yet to see many consequences of said choices.
Cons: Poor, very poor manual (yes, I count that as "game" because it is so abysmal
), poor interface (inventory, accuracy of clicking when moving et al.) and bad pathfinding.
So far though - I'm enjoying the game well enough and rate it significantly higher then the original NwN.
But to summarize:
Pros: Story is decent enough so far, although got some cliché (but most RPGs have). I like the NPCs complexity and personality differences, which I feel is a step up from the original NwN + KOTOR series. More freedom of choice, although I have yet to see many consequences of said choices.
Cons: Poor, very poor manual (yes, I count that as "game" because it is so abysmal
So far though - I'm enjoying the game well enough and rate it significantly higher then the original NwN.
Insert signature here.
I really like the game too, but I'm not too happy with the AI of my companions. I wish they'd provide more detailed settings for customizing the companion behavior. Some companions run into the fray needlessly instead of standing by and throwing spells. Others forget to switch to a melee weapon when an enemy gets into melee range.
Beyond this, I am enjoying this game very much.
Beyond this, I am enjoying this game very much.
-darkpark Brap on!
- De_Priester
- Posts: 326
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My review
After BDG2 SOA and TOB I feared there would never be a game that could give me the same feeling of adventure and story. NWN was a beautiful game and it looked good for about 1 day, after which it became linear and dull. NWN2 looks and feels entirely different and I think they made a winner.
I enjoy exploring the world in my own way, finding my own route if possible and having friends to join me. With NWN there was you and a completely moronic npc henchmen which got me into trouble more often than he got me out of trouble. There was hardly any interaction besides the forced dialogue in order to get the quests for more experience and items.
NWN2 I finally have a party of people to play with again, they interact with each other and make snappy comments like treehugger and short n stinky. The only thing I don't like is the part they took with them from NWN where you need to gain influence in order to get their quests. I want to receive quests after being in a party with them for a long time, not because I knew what to say when they wanted to hear it. I can guess what they want to hear from their personalities but I am a roleplayer, sometimes I don't want to say things because it doesn't fit my character. As such I lose influence with some and gain influence with others. Now this is actually not bad seeing you want to be roleplaying BUT I dislike the fact quests won't be available because of that.
The party interaction is nice, it's nice being able to play with a balanced party again and seeing them talk to each other and during quests. This completely negates the sense of being lonely in a world like NWN, morrowind, oblivion and other games did. Icewinddale had parties but no interaction, here your party is alive and it makes things a lot more fun. You can even level them like you want to and this makes things a lot more challenging and entertaining.
The gamegraphics are stunning, and for me they look awesome, the only problem I have is with the camera you need to switch in order to help plot your way through dungeons. Spells and surroundings look awesome and the game is beautiful to see. I have a nice computer nothing special but can run everything set to max without trouble so I'm good with the game.
When I started the game I was confused by all the classes and new ruleset, I had to think about what kind of class I would pick and why. But thanks to the fact you have a complete party to play with I don't get stuck with one character leaving me bored as hell after a few hours of playtime. I started this time with a fighter, simply because I didn't know yet what to expect and a wizard can sometimes be a lit fragile when not experienced with the game.
Anyway I like the game, the quests are nice without being as linear like NWN (seriously that first chapter was sooooo frustrating especially doing it a second or third time). I don't get the same fetch this feeling I had with NWN, it's much more about choices and about what directions you want to take.
Graphics 8/10 (camera bugs me and some graphics aren't needed to make the game more appealing)
Sound 10/10 (love the voices, the music and sound effects)
Gameplay 8/10 (I have a party again, the interface is a bit restricting but everything works nicely)
It's a real D&D game, with a good story and a great atmosphere. I can really get sucked into the game and lose myself there for a lot of hours (I think 12 hours yesterday). I have full control of everything and strategy once again negates the power of to many fireballs.
Messy inventory system
Camera bugs me
Party influence system is restricting
Classes can be confusing especially for first timers.
After BDG2 SOA and TOB I feared there would never be a game that could give me the same feeling of adventure and story. NWN was a beautiful game and it looked good for about 1 day, after which it became linear and dull. NWN2 looks and feels entirely different and I think they made a winner.
I enjoy exploring the world in my own way, finding my own route if possible and having friends to join me. With NWN there was you and a completely moronic npc henchmen which got me into trouble more often than he got me out of trouble. There was hardly any interaction besides the forced dialogue in order to get the quests for more experience and items.
NWN2 I finally have a party of people to play with again, they interact with each other and make snappy comments like treehugger and short n stinky. The only thing I don't like is the part they took with them from NWN where you need to gain influence in order to get their quests. I want to receive quests after being in a party with them for a long time, not because I knew what to say when they wanted to hear it. I can guess what they want to hear from their personalities but I am a roleplayer, sometimes I don't want to say things because it doesn't fit my character. As such I lose influence with some and gain influence with others. Now this is actually not bad seeing you want to be roleplaying BUT I dislike the fact quests won't be available because of that.
The party interaction is nice, it's nice being able to play with a balanced party again and seeing them talk to each other and during quests. This completely negates the sense of being lonely in a world like NWN, morrowind, oblivion and other games did. Icewinddale had parties but no interaction, here your party is alive and it makes things a lot more fun. You can even level them like you want to and this makes things a lot more challenging and entertaining.
The gamegraphics are stunning, and for me they look awesome, the only problem I have is with the camera you need to switch in order to help plot your way through dungeons. Spells and surroundings look awesome and the game is beautiful to see. I have a nice computer nothing special but can run everything set to max without trouble so I'm good with the game.
When I started the game I was confused by all the classes and new ruleset, I had to think about what kind of class I would pick and why. But thanks to the fact you have a complete party to play with I don't get stuck with one character leaving me bored as hell after a few hours of playtime. I started this time with a fighter, simply because I didn't know yet what to expect and a wizard can sometimes be a lit fragile when not experienced with the game.
Anyway I like the game, the quests are nice without being as linear like NWN (seriously that first chapter was sooooo frustrating especially doing it a second or third time). I don't get the same fetch this feeling I had with NWN, it's much more about choices and about what directions you want to take.
Graphics 8/10 (camera bugs me and some graphics aren't needed to make the game more appealing)
Sound 10/10 (love the voices, the music and sound effects)
Gameplay 8/10 (I have a party again, the interface is a bit restricting but everything works nicely)
It's a real D&D game, with a good story and a great atmosphere. I can really get sucked into the game and lose myself there for a lot of hours (I think 12 hours yesterday). I have full control of everything and strategy once again negates the power of to many fireballs.
Messy inventory system
Camera bugs me
Party influence system is restricting
Classes can be confusing especially for first timers.
- De_Priester
- Posts: 326
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The thing I would like with this game is a conversation system like BDG2 where you could talk to a partymember to get to know them and triggering their quests. in NWN2 you need to say the right things in order to get influence IN ORDER to get the conversation with them where you can get the quest. I like it better in BDG2 where you would get the quests when playing with characters for a while and having them talk to each other triggered by time spent together not triggered by a specific situation or forced response.
- murphyeast
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It’s nice to see a lot of complements about the game, over at Bioware’s site there’s a lot of people complaining about multi-player and it has too much of a BG feel to it.
Personally I’ve been having a blast in SP. The camera controls took a while to get used to, the graphics are a little taxing, and I have to use a lower resolution than I prefer, but I have everything maxed, so I don’t mind too much. But I have no complaints with the inventory, NWN was pretty much the same, I like the drop down lists uses for selecting things, as I hated the radial menu. Also I like the cut-scenes, I know there is a lot, but I like a lot of story, so I’m glad Obsidian didn’t slack on this.
All-in-all it’s just a fun game, I expect a lot of updates (they’ve already had two patches), like Bioware did, and its just going to make the game better and better. I have a feeling this game will have a long shelf life with me.
Personally I’ve been having a blast in SP. The camera controls took a while to get used to, the graphics are a little taxing, and I have to use a lower resolution than I prefer, but I have everything maxed, so I don’t mind too much. But I have no complaints with the inventory, NWN was pretty much the same, I like the drop down lists uses for selecting things, as I hated the radial menu. Also I like the cut-scenes, I know there is a lot, but I like a lot of story, so I’m glad Obsidian didn’t slack on this.
All-in-all it’s just a fun game, I expect a lot of updates (they’ve already had two patches), like Bioware did, and its just going to make the game better and better. I have a feeling this game will have a long shelf life with me.
My problems with the inventory is that it is (very) difficult to see what things are, and I thus need to hover the mouse over the items to find out what they are/do.Ellester wrote:It’s nice to see a lot of complements about the game, over at Bioware’s site there’s a lot of people complaining about multi-player and it has too much of a BG feel to it.
Personally I’ve been having a blast in SP. The camera controls took a while to get used to, the graphics are a little taxing, and I have to use a lower resolution than I prefer, but I have everything maxed, so I don’t mind too much. But I have no complaints with the inventory, NWN was pretty much the same, I like the drop down lists uses for selecting things, as I hated the radial menu. Also I like the cut-scenes, I know there is a lot, but I like a lot of story, so I’m glad Obsidian didn’t slack on this.
All-in-all it’s just a fun game, I expect a lot of updates (they’ve already had two patches), like Bioware did, and its just going to make the game better and better. I have a feeling this game will have a long shelf life with me.![]()
That annoys me greatly, because there is no need for this.
For instance some weapons look like nothing more then a "line" in the graphics in inventory. Scrolls have wierd icons and so on.
The reason I prefere the radial menu over this one, is that in the radial you had access to all the actions a player/character could take. You could place any action in the game on the quickmenu by navigating the menu, and so on.
This NwN2 menu means I have to look many different places to find the things I want, one menu for spellbook, one for feats/attacks, another for skills, talk, commands and so on.
It does to me feel as if they've taken a step back interface-wise.
And as for patches, then I'd be happy if they just placed that critical patch online, so I could patch my game from version 1.00, because my patching sequence crashes constantly at either around 50ish percent or 95ish percent. Annoying. But no - just a webpage telling me to check back "soon"
But the game is fun and I enjoy it quite a lot. I just wish the details - such as AI, Inventory and the things surrounding the game (manual, websites), were on place for release of the product. Attention is in the details.
Insert signature here.
its been a pleasant surprise, i was expecting to be dissapointed in it but am thoroughly addicted instead. Like many I have a big gripe with the companion AI, considering its pretty much the same very succesful system theyve used in a couple of their other games theyve messed it up a treat.
The plot i am really enjoying, there have only been a few of the convo's ive speed read through and none of them have been the long ones. companion verbal interaction is great fun and i've enjoyed the dialogue choices so far.
the D&D system, i never played 3.5 and was pleasantly suprised to find it wasnt stupidly overcomplicated. Action, hard to get to grips with but now I have im enjoying it greatly. much prefer the menus to the radial system though dislike the targeting somewhat.
oh and finally, loving some of the visuals for the spells!
The plot i am really enjoying, there have only been a few of the convo's ive speed read through and none of them have been the long ones. companion verbal interaction is great fun and i've enjoyed the dialogue choices so far.
the D&D system, i never played 3.5 and was pleasantly suprised to find it wasnt stupidly overcomplicated. Action, hard to get to grips with but now I have im enjoying it greatly. much prefer the menus to the radial system though dislike the targeting somewhat.
oh and finally, loving some of the visuals for the spells!
- masteralef
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I agree with most of the posts above, though I still miss the nested button menus (a la BG2).
The only real disappointment that I'm having is that many compared it to BG2, and I don't find it to be anything of the that NPCs don't banter randomly. Most everything they say relates to the game and interactions, and there's no feeling that you're wandering with a bunch of people who have their own personalities.
That said, it's leaps and bounds ahead of NWN.
The only real disappointment that I'm having is that many compared it to BG2, and I don't find it to be anything of the that NPCs don't banter randomly. Most everything they say relates to the game and interactions, and there's no feeling that you're wandering with a bunch of people who have their own personalities.
That said, it's leaps and bounds ahead of NWN.
- De_Priester
- Posts: 326
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Totally agree with masterlafDe_Priester wrote:The thing I would like with this game is a conversation system like BDG2 where you could talk to a partymember to get to know them and triggering their quests. in NWN2 you need to say the right things in order to get influence IN ORDER to get the conversation with them where you can get the quest. I like it better in BDG2 where you would get the quests when playing with characters for a while and having them talk to each other triggered by time spent together not triggered by a specific situation or forced response.
I did a lousy research of this forum, so my thoughts again here:
For beginning, let me explain that right now I am still in the first chapter, so some opinion can change later in the game. But that's also why I'd like to hear some of your opinions. And, I am a she, sun elf, rogue, emphasized on pick-pocketing, trap detection/removals, trying also to set traps, and tumbling. Additionally, I am a troublemaker.
My dislikes' and dontknows:
1) some bugs (like Captain Tann and Slaan bug - see thread how to form a party member), and game just stopping when in dialog mode (probably can't handle the combat play/pause changes interrupted with dialogs).
2) moving the characters with keyboard. Whooosh, that is just awful. It works partly when viewing the map, but then the enemies surprised me - not that it mattered that much, but still.
3) The differences between puppet mode on or off. Particularly shapeshifters that do shapeshift automatically when puppet mode on. Why would I want to have a vermin in my party? Or, if they already fight as vermins (or anything similar), how can I retrieve their human shape? Maybe it's just me who's to stupid. On the other hand, having the puppet mode off just kills the story. I liked the principle in BG2: I tell what you should do (cast a spell and similar) and then you attack this target. Could be that same settings can be tuned also in NW2, this thought occurred to me right now.
4) Influencing the party members. Where can I see the level (or stage?) of my influence on another party members? Can I know what it is, or when will I really (*put a bad word here*) them off so that he/she will leave me?
5) Really a lot of items/features/skills that I will not ever use. Don't care about items, but so many features (talking about character) and skills, that just make me hard to decide (I'm certain there exists a better English word, but I can't find it right now). Especially since I do not have enough time to simple try them all.
6) Some actions just don't have any influence. Like, pickpocketing the citizens, and being spotted. Or succeeding. Actions like this are used (obviously) only for quest triggering. Pathetic. And, furthermore, I have a "big" fight on the street, wizards, druids, fighters, backstabbing and a lot of blood, and at the same time the citizens just pass by. Damn it, I leave in a city (well, for most of the "civilized" world this is only a bigger establishment), and if two parties start to fight I certainly would pass the street so indifferently.
Pro's or *what-do-I-like*
1) The Sword Coast is alive. I've travelled there several times already, in BG2, NW1, Icewind Dale and again now. Some legends life through, fascinating.
2) Names. Well, where did they think about Khelgar the Ironfist. Or, Neesha (in my language exists almost the same name, but I can't type it since it contains non-english letter). And the one in Neverwinter, Moira, the goddess of death. I think, don't hold me for the word.
3) Constant dwarf-tiefling teasing. And this stacks up also...
There are some more things I like, but I will post them later. Let me hear your words.
For beginning, let me explain that right now I am still in the first chapter, so some opinion can change later in the game. But that's also why I'd like to hear some of your opinions. And, I am a she, sun elf, rogue, emphasized on pick-pocketing, trap detection/removals, trying also to set traps, and tumbling. Additionally, I am a troublemaker.
My dislikes' and dontknows:
1) some bugs (like Captain Tann and Slaan bug - see thread how to form a party member), and game just stopping when in dialog mode (probably can't handle the combat play/pause changes interrupted with dialogs).
2) moving the characters with keyboard. Whooosh, that is just awful. It works partly when viewing the map, but then the enemies surprised me - not that it mattered that much, but still.
3) The differences between puppet mode on or off. Particularly shapeshifters that do shapeshift automatically when puppet mode on. Why would I want to have a vermin in my party? Or, if they already fight as vermins (or anything similar), how can I retrieve their human shape? Maybe it's just me who's to stupid. On the other hand, having the puppet mode off just kills the story. I liked the principle in BG2: I tell what you should do (cast a spell and similar) and then you attack this target. Could be that same settings can be tuned also in NW2, this thought occurred to me right now.
4) Influencing the party members. Where can I see the level (or stage?) of my influence on another party members? Can I know what it is, or when will I really (*put a bad word here*) them off so that he/she will leave me?
5) Really a lot of items/features/skills that I will not ever use. Don't care about items, but so many features (talking about character) and skills, that just make me hard to decide (I'm certain there exists a better English word, but I can't find it right now). Especially since I do not have enough time to simple try them all.
6) Some actions just don't have any influence. Like, pickpocketing the citizens, and being spotted. Or succeeding. Actions like this are used (obviously) only for quest triggering. Pathetic. And, furthermore, I have a "big" fight on the street, wizards, druids, fighters, backstabbing and a lot of blood, and at the same time the citizens just pass by. Damn it, I leave in a city (well, for most of the "civilized" world this is only a bigger establishment), and if two parties start to fight I certainly would pass the street so indifferently.
Pro's or *what-do-I-like*
1) The Sword Coast is alive. I've travelled there several times already, in BG2, NW1, Icewind Dale and again now. Some legends life through, fascinating.
2) Names. Well, where did they think about Khelgar the Ironfist. Or, Neesha (in my language exists almost the same name, but I can't type it since it contains non-english letter). And the one in Neverwinter, Moira, the goddess of death. I think, don't hold me for the word.
3) Constant dwarf-tiefling teasing. And this stacks up also...
There are some more things I like, but I will post them later. Let me hear your words.
Jump on my sword while you can, Evil.
I wont be as gentle.
I wont be as gentle.
Minsc - BG2 SoA
2. Sounds like it might be a camera issue. You can zoom out your camera pretty far. You can also move by left-clicking with the mouse. You don't need to use WASD if you don't want to.Padawan wrote: 2) moving the characters with keyboard. Whooosh, that is just awful. It works partly when viewing the map, but then the enemies surprised me - not that it mattered that much, but still.
3) The differences between puppet mode on or off. Particularly shapeshifters that do shapeshift automatically when puppet mode on. Why would I want to have a vermin in my party? Or, if they already fight as vermins (or anything similar), how can I retrieve their human shape? Maybe it's just me who's to stupid. On the other hand, having the puppet mode off just kills the story. I liked the principle in BG2: I tell what you should do (cast a spell and similar) and then you attack this target. Could be that same settings can be tuned also in NW2, this thought occurred to me right now.
3. In terms of shape-shifting, you don't need to turn puppet-mode on to stop it. Just scroll down on the behavior tab and click off Use Abilities. They will no longer shapeshift, but will still cast spells and fight.
Hope this helps.
No you can't see (without using editors or other such things) influence levels.Padawan wrote:<snip>
4) Influencing the party members. Where can I see the level (or stage?) of my influence on another party members? Can I know what it is, or when will I really (*put a bad word here*) them off so that he/she will leave me?<snip>
You'll have to figure out from how they react to your actions and questions, and quite frankly - but what would have been the idea behind an influence approch, if you could simply see before hand how they'd react - and how much you'd influenced them when you wanted to? This adds some choice/consequence to the game which is sorely missed in most games.
I have not heard of anybody leaving the party if you loose enough influence either.
Well, that's part of role playing games. Choices. The more choices open to the user the better.Padawan wrote:<snip>
5) Really a lot of items/features/skills that I will not ever use. Don't care about items, but so many features (talking about character) and skills, that just make me hard to decide (I'm certain there exists a better English word, but I can't find it right now). Especially since I do not have enough time to simple try them all.
Insert signature here.
No, I didn't mean to know in advance, just to know right now: do they admire me, follow me out of habit, would they like to backstab me, something like that. If they disagree with me completely, but they're not willing to leave the party, what is then the point in this influence points? Will they oppose me, or will this trigger new side quests, or only conversations.Xandax wrote:No you can't see (without using editors or other such things) influence levels.
You'll have to figure out from how they react to your actions and questions, and quite frankly - but what would have been the idea behind an influence approch, if you could simply see before hand how they'd react - and how much you'd influenced them when you wanted to? This adds some choice/consequence to the game which is sorely missed in most games.
I have not heard of anybody leaving the party if you loose enough influence either.
I didn't deviate from the chaotic neutral alignment too much, so I don't know - for now - if the alignment can cause someone to leave (I think something similar was already in BG2).
--> One more point to try out for me.
Thanks. Well, regarding movement, I know the mouse/keyboard stuff, thanks. What bothers me with keyboard is the speed of turning - it's just too fast. I'll get used to it, it's just these first impressions I got.wneill wrote:2. Sounds like it might be a camera issue. You can zoom out your camera pretty far. You can also move by left-clicking with the mouse. You don't need to use WASD if you don't want to.
3. In terms of shape-shifting, you don't need to turn puppet-mode on to stop it. Just scroll down on the behavior tab and click off Use Abilities. They will no longer shapeshift, but will still cast spells and fight.
Hope this helps.
Point 3 taken. OK, that's the ability I have to turn off. Will be easier from now on, yes. Or, at least, more according to my likes.
And the topic about the amount of items/feats/skills...I found the word: frustrating. So many options, so little time.
My poor eyes, my poor social life
Jump on my sword while you can, Evil.
I wont be as gentle.
I wont be as gentle.
Minsc - BG2 SoA