I think this gets at the core of something important to the topic..Malta Soron wrote:On burka's: is there reason to assume that the women who wear burka's in Holland feel being oppressed? Except for the hystirical who called herself Hirsi Ali I never hear of muslim women complaining that they have to wear a headscarf or burka.
Is it right to judge another culture by our own standards?
I wrestle with this sometimes, especially where issues involving the rights of women are concerned.
However, I also feel we need to think carefully about whether or not women wearing a burka would, in fact, object to the practice. Undoubtedly, some who are strong and outspoken would do so. But how many?
In a similar vein, one could ask how many women who are ostensibly Christian fundamentalists would champion abortion rights. What would happen to such women within their respective communities?
As I suggested in my earlier post, and as others here have stated, this entire proposed legislation screams political opportunism and latent Nazism. So, while I'm personally uncomfortable with all a burka signifies, I'm not attempting to defend the proposal, basically I'm playing "devil's advocate" for a moment.