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Best "story" party

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Best "story" party

Post by RafBelgium »


First of all let me please apologize for my subject title, but as a non-native english speaker I had some trouble thinking about something more appealing. Furthermore, I am also apologizing if my question was already asked, but I didn't find it in the archives.

So let me explain my question. I played BG2 when it came out, and finished it. Now, I bought for very little money the collector pack with both games and their add-ons.

What I would like to know is a suggestion for a good party. But I don't care about efficiency, my main criteria is having a lot of sidequests, fun interaction, that kind of things.

As I have already beaten the game once, I could be tempted to cheat if my "interesting game-wise" party had trouble with it's fights. So, it hasn't to be efficient, just showing most of the game, having lots and fun sidequests...

Thank you very much for your answers, and I hope you understood everything, don't hesitate to ask me to clarify my question if it's a little bit difficult to understand :)

PS: I am willing to play any class for my main character.
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Post by Crenshinibon »

Well, in my opinion, Jan Jansen, the gnomish Illusionist/Thief has the most personality out of all non player characters. So, I'd recommend him in your party. For Story purposes you should have Imoen and, if you feel like romancing someone, depending on your gender pick from Aeirie, Jahiera or Viconia (if male) and Anomen (if male). When you reach the expansion, I suggest having Sarevok, also for story purposes. Haer' Dalis, although one of my favorite characters, will conflict with a certain romance, but if you're fine with that, it does prove to be nice for an epic battle over a maiden's love. Questwise I enjoyed Edwin's so you could try him out as well. The outcome is pretty funny.

Whatever you choose, Jan is a must have. He has by far the most dialog and has the most interesting personality.
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Post by fable »

Definitely Jansen. Korgan offers a lot of playability, what with his personal quest. I also suggest Minsc, who in addition to his fun character, has one wonderful moment in the sewers that I'd love to go into detail about--but that would spoil it. Still, if you want to know, highlight to read:
You're asked 3 riddles as part of a task of entry by a guardian. Minsc actually takes control of your party at this point for a second, and gives an answer--a wrong one--leaving you getting electrically zapped as a result. Made me laugh hard when it happened.
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Post by Pellinore »

I really like Jan, Minsc and Korgan. I do miss a certain f-f-fighter f-f-from the f-f-first game. Sadly none of the female npcs are as fun as Minsc, Jan and Korgan. Oh well.
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Post by Coot »

Valygar and Cernd are not my favorites, because IMHO they don't come with interesting personalities and dialogs, but all other npc's would be great choices.
Yoshimo, Viconia, Anomen, Jaheira and Jan are my favorites because they have great personalities, dialogs and personal quests.
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Post by Raven_Song »

Sadly none of the female npcs are as fun as Minsc, Jan and Korgan. Oh well.
Well that depends entirely on your perspective as tastes in fun/humour are highly individual. Personally I find Minsc about as fun as toothache, and would happily take almost any of the female NPC's over him. ;)

Anyhoo when thinking about NPC's you really want to consider character combinations, they can have a real impact upon how an NPC is perceived. Mazzy for example is, IMHO, a lot more entertaining if she is teamed with Korgan and Jan, than say Keldorn and Anomen. Mazzy/Korgan/Jan also have some of the longest banters in the game.

You might benefit from the NPC Interaction Guide from over at Sorcerers Place. While I don't recommend that you read it exhaustively (it lists most banters word for word) it does prove useful in seeing who interacts with who the most.
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Post by CFM »


Your question (what is the best "story" party) maybe pertains to both BG1 & BG2? (Your english is fine, btw.) Assuming it does:

I've heard Khalid & Jaheira, Minsc & Dynaheir, and Imoen often referred to as the "official" BG1 party, mainly because of how the story in BG2 begins. And if you level & dual Imoen in BG1 to match how she starts in BG2, then you'd have a couple tanks, a couple wizard spellcasters, a divine spellcaster, and someone to handle locks & traps. This would allow your main dude to be whatever you wanted, and still have nice party balance.

In BG2, most of the NPC's have a dedicated side quest (i.e. a quest that can only start & complete if the character is in the party for a stretch of time), and/or a corresponding quest (i.e. a quest that pertains to the character, with the character adding relevant banter, but otherwise can be started & completed without the character).

With this being said, my main BG2 party was Keldorn, Minsc, Jaheira, Aerie, and Yoshimo/Imoen. But, for small stretched of time I would rotate each one with another NPC to complete their dedicated and/or corresponding quest. Now, some NPC quests don't pop up until they've been in the party for several game-days, and you can't see everything in one playthrough, but this helps maximize what you do see.
Raven_Song wrote:You might benefit from the NPC Interaction Guide from over at Sorcerers Place. While I don't recommend that you read it exhaustively (it lists most banters word for word) it does prove useful in seeing who interacts with who the most.
I second this recommendation, except it's such a good read, it's hard not to be spoiled. But knowing what I know now, certain pairs of NPC's have alot to say when together in the same party. Some examples:

- Aerie & Haer'Dalis (especially if you romance Aerie)
- Anomen & Keldorn
- Mazzy & Korgan
- Jan & Anyone

When determining your main BG2 party: if you're gonna have one, you'll get alot more outta them if you've got the other, too.

Other thoughts:

Imoen relates to your main story the most of any NPC (as does this one guy that you meet in Throne of Bhaal).

Jaheira has one of the most intricate & rewarding (& buggy) side quests of any NPC. And she seemed to me to have the most to say about different events throughout the game.

If you like character dramas, take Yoshimo with you from Chapter 3 on.
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Post by BlueSky »

If you can find the mod, "Chloe" and have as your main character a female, you'll have another good story line plot.
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Post by Raven_Song »

If you can find the mod, "Chloe" and have as your main character a female, you'll have another good story line plot.
Chloe is available from Spellhold Studios.

However I'd advise that you check out the relavent forum, for some background on the character/story, first.

Chloe is an NPC that tends to provoke strong reaction, both good and bad.
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Post by dragon wench »

Having Jan, Korgan and Mazzy all in the same party is great!!! :laugh:
Some of the best BG2 conversations I have ever seen come from that particular trio :laugh:

While a lot of people dislike him, Haer Dalis can also be quite entertaining... in an odd, morose, foppish sort of way :D

And I'd definitely second the suggestion of Chloe, she's a very well developed NPC mod, easily one of my favourites. Equally, the bard Keto (another mod) offers some excellent dialogue!

You can find a lot of great NPC mods [url=""]here[/url]
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Post by QuenGalad »

Well, while everybody says Korgan is amazingly funny, he does constantly insult the PC and others as well. I don't know if you would find that to your liking. Mazzy is a nicely made personality, but I found her sidequest quite trivial (does this word exist in english? :o ). IMO, all the characters are well thought out, with a possible exception of Edwin (that is, without the romance mod installed - but that's for females ) :cool: Check them out from your personal roleplaying point of view, that's my adwice.

But, well, I'm a noob to the forum... :o
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Post by Aqua-chan »

I totally second Keto, though I find that unless that mod is the last to be installed, she undergoes some heavy buggage. Regardless, she's awesome. :)

If one isn't aware of his quest I'd also give a nod to Yoshimo. Agreeable, tactful guy and a darn good theif. His quest was one of my favorites simply because it blindsighted me. ;)
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Post by Klorox »

Jan is the funniest NPC. Minsc comes a close second.

Yoshimo, Jaheira, Imoen, and Minsc are all great for the storyline.

Korgan and Mazzy are both very interesting, and even better when in the same party.
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Post by RafBelgium »

Thank you for all your precious advices! I think I will at least have Jan in my party, as he often appears in your suggestions!

I will give you a little feedback later, when I've decided which party I'll form :)

And thumbs up to the community of this forum, so much reactivity on such an """old""" game in such a short laps of time is valuable and rare!
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Post by dragon wench »

RafBelgium wrote: And thumbs up to the community of this forum, so much reactivity on such an """old""" game in such a short laps of time is valuable and rare!
BG2 is dear to many of us who frequent these forums, it was the game (or one of them) that got Game Banshee started actually.
Oh, and btw, welcome to the forums, may your stay be a long and happy one :)
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Post by wise grimwald »

I actually prefer not to stay with one party throughout. I would keep Cernd until he is re-united with his son, but no longer as I would prefer Jaheira as my Druid. The same with others, each has a unique sidequest and that is what makes the game more interesting. The problem is knowing whether or not there is more sidequest to come. Some seem to keep on going after you thought it was all over. Nalia is an obvious case. Maybe Cernd's sidequest does as well, i would be interested to know if I have been missing out on something.
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Post by dragon wench »

I have a similar question to the one proposed by this thread, hence the bump.

I just started a game with a focus on banter. My group is made up of:

Main Char (stalker)

Now I know that Minsc, Korgan and Jan together can be a real blast, but has anyone had experience with Viconia and/or Keto in that situation?
As I said, what I'm really looking for is heavy dialogue, so don't tell me I need more mage power or something ;)
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Post by Klorox »

wise grimwald wrote:I actually prefer not to stay with one party throughout. I would keep Cernd until he is re-united with his son, but no longer as I would prefer Jaheira as my Druid. The same with others, each has a unique sidequest and that is what makes the game more interesting. The problem is knowing whether or not there is more sidequest to come. Some seem to keep on going after you thought it was all over. Nalia is an obvious case. Maybe Cernd's sidequest does as well, i would be interested to know if I have been missing out on something.
Your best bet in a situation like this is to create a set 5-man party, and pick up all of the NPCs for their personal quests along the way.
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Post by anarchistica »

Jan and Anomen make a sport out of making fun of Anomen, i've had to stuff a pillow in my mouth a couple of times to prevent laughing out loud at 3 a.m.. Toss in Mazzy and Korgan and you've got banter heaven, and a pretty decent party as well.
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Post by windchime »

best story party / best banters party

this assumes you're playing an unmodded game,with Keto for example.

Best Story:

Best banters:
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