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Trouble In Goto's Yacht

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Trouble In Goto's Yacht

Post by Razackar »

Hi, I have a problem in Goto's Yacht.
When I get to Goto's Yacht, I go to the Audieance Chamber, get my main character back, use the console in the room to get the acsess codes for the power supply, run to the Bridge, use the Bridge Console, choose to run the Shutdown program on the power supply, but it says that the power supply cannot be shut down!!! :confused:
If anyone has experienced anything like this, or knows any sollutions, please tell me!
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Post by Tovec »

First of all, nice Carnage pic.

Well the problem is that you have still to set up proper power. I do remember having this exact problem the first few times I worked on the game. If I remember correctly, there are two switches on the bridge. One is power supply and the other is to trigger the shutdown. One minor thing,
Highlight:After you trigger the shutdown the twins you fought earlier (with Atton) will be in your way as you go back to your ship. You have to fight them, and some gun sensors.
Because I played the entire game virtually without leveling, I suggest (that if you want to not fight them) you post someone at the door to the Hawk (by going through single mode and running them back) then hitting the shutdown. Then the person at the Hawk just hits the door and you are out. However if you do this you don't get the experience for defeating the spoiler.
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.

Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?

Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
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Post by Razackar »


Sorry, this may sound like a nooby question, but how exactly do you set up the main power supply?
(1000 Sorrys for wasting your time :( )
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