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Boy oh Boy!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Boy oh Boy!

Post by Starion »

Man, I just found a really weak slip-up by the devs.!

After perusing Gamebanshee's database on the weapons in the game, I realize that you can buy an un-augmented Master Greatsword, augment it yourself, and end up with a weapon that's much more powerful than just about ALL the "Legendary" ones! :p

I don't know about you guys, but I feel that the least powerful of the
"Legendary" weapons should equal (or at least be very close to) the most powerful of the standard ones. With a gradual increase in power according to either the age of the weapon and/or the backstory on it! (ie- forged and/or used by a lengendary npc or a god!)

Anyone agree with my opinion?
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Post by DesR85 »

I slightly agree here. The legendary weapons in the game are powerful, I agree, but they're given augmentations which are not really useful. And if you're one who like to add in your own augmentations, it is best to buy a new weapon and slap in the augmentation of your choice.

What I would much prefer if the game allows you to add/remove augmentations as freely as possible. Not once you put an augmentation in, it cannot be removed. Speaking of augmentations, this system reminds me a lot of the materia system used in Final Fantasy VII (probably that's where Peter Molyneux got the idea of augmentations from?)
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Starion »

DesR85 wrote:I slightly agree here. The legendary weapons in the game are powerful, I agree, but they're given augmentations which are not really useful. And if you're one who like to add in your own augmentations, it is best to buy a new weapon and slap in the augmentation of your choice.

What I would much prefer if the game allows you to add/remove augmentations as freely as possible. Not once you put an augmentation in, it cannot be removed. Speaking of augmentations, this system reminds me a lot of the materia system used in Final Fantasy VII (probably that's where Peter Molyneux got the idea of augmentations from?)
Yah, a much better aug set-up was done in "Sacred"! You could have up to (4,5,6?) and swap them out for better ones! :cool:

BUT- you could only save one of them, the devs explained that by "breaking the chain" (by removing one of the augs) the ones left in the weapon are destroyed. Makes a lot of sense in a scientific manner does'nt it! (like 'backfeed', or 'cascade failure/overload')

So I always had the smith put the best in first and that way I would just have him remove that one when I had upgrades to replace the other ones!
(kept my weapon improving throughout the entire freakin game!!!):mischief:

btw- "F.F." was one of the VERY FEW rpgs that I have stayed far away from!! I found the entire control scheme for melee/magic to be WAY too complicated and utterly counter-intuitive!(sorry agent Fisher- you gots the same prob.!)
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