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GAME ENDING *bigtime spoilers*

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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GAME ENDING *bigtime spoilers*

Post by showoffjp »

I just finished completely pwning the king of shadow, and with all the adrenaline and endorphins coursing through my body while I threw up 'the horns', I was ready for the most kickass ending of all time. Seconds later, I wanted to hunt down Mr. Feargus Urquhart and beat him to a bloody pulp. slowly.(with all due respect, Mr. Urquhart)

Instead of feeling that satisfied warm feeling you get after beating such games as Baldur's Gate 1/2, Diablo 2, KOTOR, Halo, etc, I got that feeling that I was going to vomit, a feeling which made me sick to my stomach and irked my very soul. I felt as if I had worked for years to become the very best athlete, only to get in a car accident on the way to the Olympics and become a quadriplegic. The emotional attachments I had formed with such characters such as Sand and the windersnuevin(sp?) were shattered; we got no chance to see a conclusion of their lives and events proceeding the events in the game other than *BAM* everyone dies.

It is very obvious that Neverwinter Nights 2, along with KOTOR 2(the other Obsidian game) was rushed out the door at the last minute, and many things were left unfinished(such as the battle with Nashar, MASSIVE amounts of dialogue, and especially the ending). It just seemed that once again, the game was very rushed at the end, and there was not enough time to think of anything other than saying "Hey guys! I have this great idea! instead of having a complex, satisfying ending, lets just kill everyone off so we don't have to worry about them in any of the expansions LOL!!1111" I realize that alot of the rush was because of the publishers, and Atari and Obsidian need to start making more realistic goals for their games. Either that, or hire alot more people.

In the end, I think I am not alone on this; I believe that alot of hardcore gamers will be pretty pissed about the ending, especially after they would have put as much time as they did into the game(Hygiene is overrated). I know I am ranting, and maybe I am just pissed that the ending didn't match the epicness of the rest of the game, but man, by the time the credits rolled I felt as if I had been shot.

Tell me what you guys think...

PS: any alternative endings? This is what I got:

Betrayed by Bishop and Quara, but only had to fight Quara(Bishop backed down and left). Everyone else died at the end, and people like Deugun and your friend from West Harbor were left depressed, questing in search of your corpse, hoping that you are alive. ouch.

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Post by m0rb1d »

I too was extremely disappointed with the ending. You are correct though, the actual makers of the game have little say in when it's ready to go. I imagine they set an initial time it will be finished, and if they aren't ready, too bad, the games going out anyway. So, it's still technically their fault.

If this is the case, I guess it's not so bad for a rush ending. Still really crappy to see everyone pwn'd. Really, now that I think back on it, the storyline didn't seem to be rushed throughout the game, sort of odd that the ending was.

I was also disappointed to see the side quests for your henchment didn't have a bigger impact on the game. Atleast in NWN you got a ring or something out of it. It is feasible to assume you could not even do their quests, and still have their support in the end battle.
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Post by swcarter »

I had a slightly different take on the ending. They don't say that your party died, but that the temple collapsed, and nobody knows what happened to your party. I figured this was to set up an expansion pack. They can't really say "Grobnar was killed by an annoyed pub mob one night, after trying to sing for them" if he's going to be back for a sequel.

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Post by m0rb1d »

Expansion or not, I still felt that the ending could have been better. Atleast get another kickass cinematic like the beginning. If they'd have done that, I would have been completely content with the whole game world blowing up.
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Post by wneill »

I just finished the game for the first time and am extremely dissapointed with the ending. I'm not thrilled with the "and you all die as the ruins collapse" because it seems like a cop-out, but more dissapointing to me was that there was no fancy end-game cinematic or animation, but just static pictures with text and a voice-over that sounded like it was from a 23 year old programmer.

I enjoyed the game and actually liked all the cut-scenes because I enjoyed the story, but the quality of the end was just garbage in terms of production values compared to the rest of the game. But, yeah, just was a real poor quality ending. There were many cool cut-scenes throughout the game and to not have one for the end is outrageous and pisses me off a bit.

Off-topic facts:
I was a human 6 fighter/ 2 frenzied berserker/ 10 divine champion/ 2 neverwinter nine. Kind of dissapointing that all my weapon feats were wasted on the silver sword since its type was "universal sword" :(

Hardest fight for me was the red dragon... used the giants to help on that one :cool:
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Post by Solusek »

Let me tell you one thing. The evil ending is a whole lot cooler by far ;)
I won't spoil it for you, just do it the evil way and you'll see.

So long,
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Post by Tricky »

I'm furious. My game keeps crashing during the final battlescene (just after defeating everyone). Nothing I can do. I resorted to an earlier save, took a day to get back there again, same thing happens. Great, just.. great. After all this time..

*clicks yes to uninstall. :(
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Post by Lunaida »

I just finished the game just now and I am very pissed off too!!! :mad:

But I agree with SWC in that they didn't exactly say that you or your companions died, and in fact it made me rather happy cause there remains the possibility of seeing these characters again in the expansions.

But the most annoying thing for me was the voice of the guy who was narrating the ending story! I mean what the..... that was horrible! It was like watching a news reporting student showing the slides of his research and telling their story while even he is not interested himself... grrrrrrrrr....
Now when you think of the voice who narrated the story of NWN 1 ... wow, that was magnificent!
Solusek wrote:Let me tell you one thing. The evil ending is a whole lot cooler by far ;)
I won't spoil it for you, just do it the evil way and you'll see.

So long,
Do you mean the ending that you'll get if you side with Axle? Well, if that is it, then I got that ending and I can't imagine how horrible the "other" ending must have been because still this one was terrible :mad:
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Post by Solusek »

Lunaida wrote:I just finished the game just now and I am very pissed off too!!! :mad:

But I agree with SWC in that they didn't exactly say that you or your companions died, and in fact it made me rather happy cause there remains the possibility of seeing these characters again in the expansions.

But the most annoying thing for me was the voice of the guy who was narrating the ending story! I mean what the..... that was horrible! It was like watching a news reporting student showing the slides of his research and telling their story while even he is not interested himself... grrrrrrrrr....
Now when you think of the voice who narrated the story of NWN 1 ... wow, that was magnificent!

Do you mean the ending that you'll get if you side with Axle? Well, if that is it, then I got that ending and I can't imagine how horrible the "other" ending must have been because still this one was terrible :mad:
No, I wasn't referring to that. Did you play an evil char on your last run through the game? If so, the King of Shadows should have offered you something... and that's what I was referring to ;)

So long,
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Post by Sianne »

I finished the game last night...and it was like a punch in the stomach!
I sincerely hope they are using that as a hook for their next expansion, otherwise it was probably the most depressing thing I've seen in a long while..I don't know if it was written in haste or just written by someone that thinks its fun to bring you down hard from a huge adrenaline rush. I mean c'mon - your poor dad and childhood friend spend the rest of their lives not knowing what happened to you, your keep that you spent at least a third of the game putting a lot of effort into building goes to waste, Shandra's farm is reclaimed by wilderness, as well as erasing from existence all the henchmen that you've put so much into their opinions and lives....what the heck were they thinking!!!
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Post by GoldDragon »

A similar ending was done in Shadows of Undrentide.
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Post by Snjolfur »

I just finished the game, two minutes ago, and I'm speechless. I just can't believe this, this sucks.

The voice sucked, I think it should have been an elder man who sounded wise and intelligent. The ending it self also sucked and the fact that it was only a slideshow sucked.

But it's like people said here above, they never say that your party died, they were trapped in the vale and no one knows what happened to them. I imagine that there will be an expansion which continues from that point, at least I hope so.
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Post by Neverborn »

Evil Ending

While i agree that the "Good" ending sucked, the Evil ending rules!
Totally different, VERY satisfying!

I can recommend playing through as an evil char to everyone!
As much as you hate the good ending, you'll love the evil version!

Edit: Of course, based on the evil ending, any expansion would be VERY different then one based on the good ending... Would be pretty interesting though! :)
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Post by xchagger »

I finished it last night. Dissapointed with the 'good' ending as well, as well as the narrators voice in the end.

My main problem with the ending is that I think it is impossible to actually loose... I had no problems in the 1st phase, but in the second phase, most of my party died, with only khelgar remaining. Khlegar single handedly defeated all of the remaining mini kings (about 10) without even dropping a quarter of his health. Then in the 3rd phase, most of the party died again, so I put Khelgar to tanking while my main char and Ammon destroys statues. The King did not damage Khelgar even once... I left the game running for a while just to see if the situation will change, but nothing happened. So basically, it is impossible to not kill the King. Where is the challenge in that? Is this just a random bug that happened to me or did other people experience this as well? Or is this intended? :eek: And then after that dissapointment, the crappy ending and the stupid narrator.
A shame really, because the rest of the game (even with all its other problems) was bloody awesome!
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Post by jorr1013 »

Terrible ending

I also thought the ending applied large amounts of vaccuum (i.e., sucked). I was playing a chaotic good character, as I normally do. I may play the game again as an evil character, but I am a little concerned about the message that portrays - "to get the 'cool stuff' you have to be evil". Maybe I'm a 'goodie-two-shoes' but I play a chaotic good character because that is an extension of my real personality. An evil character is just not "me".

Good game. Sucky ending. Perhaps they are setting it up for an expansion pack, but it could still have been a little more... satisfying.
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Post by kyle »

Maybe I need to watch the ending again - I'm on my second full playthrough - but I totally got the feeling that you don't die in the ruins. If anything I see their collapse and all the mystic energy that would have been released/affected as a perfect way to introduce the party to the Planes.

Hoping the expansion is for Planescape. Knowing Avellone's affinity for that game world, it might just be what's coming.
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Post by Drunkside »

I havent even beaten the game, i got bored in act1 to a bug in which my max dice roll is 4! Those rogues are just too hard that way :D
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Post by Master Htiek »

Game Ending (Spoilers)

Long time reader, not so many replies. But, I just have to put my 2 cents in on this subject. Yes, the "Good" ending was disappointing. I just finished the game for the 2nd time through and this time really listened to what the narrator had to say. Your characters did not die, he states, to some extent, that the welder of the silver sword has more adventures. Cannot remember exactly. This led me to believe that the sword could have transported you to a different plain. Say, the Githyanki plain. An ending similar to the plot in Hordes of the Underdark, when you are sent to the freezing hell plain. Just my thoughts. 3rd time through is the charm. Evil this time.
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Post by Fierce »

Man, too bad I can't never force myself to play evil......cause the good ending SUCKED....I just finished the game second time now, as good again. The narrator said that the team was *sealed* in the ruins, but he also said that the very rocks fell on them, so it is unclear if they survived or not. And the last sentance - "That is a tale for another time" - there is bound to be another part\add-on. Goddamnit, some bugs in the game can spoil the fun completly. Plus, there should be a way to convince Bishop to join you again and an ending *cinematic*, some better way for Daeghun and Bevil to end up....uh, there are many signs of rush in the production
For the game itself - it's great and long enough (rare thing nowadays), but it is a one, big KotOR rip-off. I understand that if an ideas is good, you may use it, but for Christ's sake, don't *copy* it and just change the color of text, make it at leat a little diffrent (I mean the companion influence system). Furthermore, the game engine SUCKS. It requires a monster, not a computer and graphic is not SO great. Nevertheless, I can live with these...errors, for there aren't many *really* good RPG these days, since Black Isle fell and Oblivion's storyline sucked as well. *sigh*
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Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
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Post by Drunkside »

Obsidian is reformed black isle.
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