The difference is that adventurers are supposed to be above average people, so while an 18 CHA may be rather above average for the average person in Faerun, it's probably not all that uncommon among paladins, since paladins represent such a smaller proportion of the larger population.kmonster wrote:A roll of 16 is as likely as a roll of 5, a tiefling with 3 cha is therefore as alien as an aasimar with 18 cha. You'd have the perfect counterpart for your heroine.
K, I take IMMENSE OFFENSE to this statement.A human with 6 cha isn't uncommon imho, I'd give this to a shy person for exampl since shyness yields severe penalties in the social skills.
"Social skills" is just extrovert code language for being an extrovert!!!
"Severe penalties" is nothing more than the expression of extrovert oppression of those who are not extroverts! Would you force a black person to paint themselves white before appearing in public? THEN WHY ARE YOU SO INSULTING TO INTROVERTS!!!!
And yet you powergamers try...But I don't want to force my opinion on you,
A fair statment. But as I pointed out in a previous post, what sort of character is this fighter really going to be? If the fighter's just going to be a plate wearing heavy tank, an 18 DEX is a lot of stat points expended that might be better used elsewhere. OTOH, if the character is going to be some sort of leather wearing, light fighter, there's plenty of reason for a higher DEX.What are your roleplaying reasons for 14 wisdom ? 4 extra dex would make this character a lot stronger while 4 wisdom only yields a little saving throw bonus.